Rating:  Summary: The DVD all horror fans should have Review: Boogeymen-The Killer Compilation is a fun DVD to watch over and over again.17 of the scariest boogeymen all on one DVD,even though there was afew characters that didn't belong on the list.For example,Ghostface from Scream,Fisherman from IKWYDLS and The Dentist.There are alot of treats on the DVD,like an animated trivia that shows up on the bottom of the screen,detailed character backstories,a name that frame game,original trailers and audio commentary by Robert Englund who we all know as Freddy Krueger,the commentary makes the DVD so much fun to watch because Robert Englund is also talking about how much fun he had watching these movies or making them.Out of all the Boogeymen on the list,the one that surprised me the most was the fact the Norman Bates was on the list,which pleased me alot because he's my favourite horror film character.Really awsome DVD that should be on any horror movie fans list
Rating:  Summary: Oh, Man! Just Rent it... Review: I love horror movies, particularly ones that put you in the place of a victim who is being chased by a [insert weapon of choice here]wielding madman. It claims to a sort of "Best Of" horror compilation, but nothing could be further from the truth. While it does have some pretty impressive villains -- Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, etc. -- it also has some characters I'd never heard of before -- Simon from "The Ugly," for example. Unfortunately, all the "special scenes" they've picked for the Giants of Horror lack any real terror to them at all. I was particularly disappointed by the scene taken from "Nightmare On Elm Street." They could've done much better! It also includes original horror movie trailers (nice), a biography of each Boogeyman (nice), and an special game you can play on the DVD (lame). Overall, it might be worth renting if you're bored, but it lacks any real gore, blood, and horror, so you're bound to be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Only for rent once - In Halloween Review: Everybody knows what this video is about so I won't get into the explanation of it all. For starters we have the super killers: Pinhead, Freddy, Leatherface, Tall Man, Norman Bates, Jason, Candyman and Michael Myers. With the exception of Jason, they all have great scenes (was it really necesary to show the beginning of Friday IX? I mean theres much better stuff in the sequels). Then we get the ones I consider "middleweights". This consists of Chucky, Simon, Wishmaster, Camilla and Blade. Their scenes are all great, and I'm especially glad to see such a great film as The Ugly covered in this video. Then there's my complain of the video: the addition of Ghostface, Leprechaun, the Fisherman and The Dentist. These guys are the losers of the bunch. I would have rather seen some zombies (there's many to choose from), the Evil Dead, and the REAL boogeyman of horror films, Pumpkinhead. It shocks me he wasn't added. How bout Henry? Can't get realer than that. And for the European flavor, why not put the many gloved killers of Dario Argento? Or how bout the owl-masked butcher in Stagefright? Oh well, I guess they added the Scream element to sell the tape. Thank god they didn't put the one from Urban Legend. Rent it to watch it with your friends on Halloween, but other than that, it's not worth buying
Rating:  Summary: CAUTION: Slick With Gore Review: It claims to be a sort of "Horror's Greatest Hits" compilation, but I think that claim is a bit of a stretch considering it features some top names in gorey movies (ex. Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers, Leatherface) with some relatively unknown film slashers like Simon (from The Ugly) and Camilla (from Guardian), the latter which I don't think deseveres to be in this DVD at all as she wasn't that much of a killer. However, the DVD does deliver the goods as far as blood and gore are concerned. In fact, the "Puppetmaster" scene in particular made my stomach flip a good number of times. Not for the squeamish. Overall, it's decent but not as great as it claims to be.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst of Horror...What is this [stuff]? Review: As a fan of horror movies -- particularly the 80s slasher films -- I bought this DVD with high expectations. Let me get straight to the point: I was VERY disappointed. While the DVD features such legends as Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees, the scenes picked for them were awful, weak, and BORING. I couldn't believe how little attention was given to these guys. Overall, I was disgusted -- the real stomach turners are the Hellraiser/Puppetmaster scenes which prompted me to trash the Taco Bell I brought home for lunch. Some unknowns and "unimportants" (as I'll refer to them) are also featured, but as their scenes [stink] and I haven't seen the films they star in, they matter little to this [poor] compilation. Save your money. Go rent a comedy instead. That way, you can eat later.
Rating:  Summary: Not worth owning Review: A rent perhaps, is all this is worth. This is essentially Horror's Greatest Hits----Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface), John Carpenter's Halloween (Michael Myers), Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (Norman Bates), Clive Barker's Hellraiser (Pinhead), Friday the 13th or rather Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (Jason Voorhees), A Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Krueger), Child's Play or rather Child's Play 2 (Chucky), The Puppetmaster (Blade), and some unpopular movies that I haven't even heard of (The Ugly, The Guardian, Wishmaster, Leprechaun). It basically combines clips from all the films, in full-screen format for some (Halloween, The Guardian, Jason Goes To Hell), and 2.35.1 anamorphic widescreen format for others (Texas Chainsaw Massacre for example). The extras, including a game which is rather boring and repeats questions, interesting Boogeymen Profiles, cool theatrical trailers (it doesn't even have one for all of them), and an interesting commentary track by Robert Englund, who played Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare films. All in all, worth a rent.
Rating:  Summary: no no no Review: are u kidding me? this compilation wasn't that great.i'm 16 years old and i've seen just about every single horror movie there is...i'l admit it there were some good scenes on this compilation but what in the world was camilla(the gaurdian)all about???i have never scene that movie before and i don't want to.she was possed by a tree...now how dumb is that?? plus i thought this was calle "boogymen" not "boogywomen"...she was awful...and another thing who does the tall man think he is???making an army of dead folks...thats rediculous...i watched that movie a thousand times just to see if it was just me or if the movie was terrible...and i was right it was terrible...my little brother was cracking up...so anyways that was the only thing i had to say about the compilation.everything else was fine...don't any of you be mad at my views...its my opinoin...but i hope i get some responses...thanks...bye
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE IT!!!! Review: This compilation is awesome!!! There is no other way to say it. If your a big fan of horror you have to own this DVD. It has seventeen different movie scenes from some of the greatest horror movies ever made. This DVD actually prompted me to put together a huge horror collection. This was the start of it. Imagine having Jason, Michael Myers, Pinhead, Chucky, Freddy, etc. all together on one DVD. The DVD has limited extras but who needs extras when you have the most legendary names in horror. There is no boring in between scenes. It's just the good stuff. You know, the stuff horror movies are made of. THE BLOOD AND GORE. This DVD actually contained some horror movies that I hadn't seen like Wishmaster(Which was awesome) and The Ugly which I still have yet to see. I am hoping they make another DVD like this. I thought maybe we could see scenes from movies like The Exorcist, From Beyond, Carrie, Jeepers Creepers and Jaws to name a few. Until then, make sure you see this compilation. It's a DVD no horror collection should be without
Rating:  Summary: boogeymen is a great compilation Review: ive heard alot of people say boogeymen is [not good] becasue its all stuff weve seen before, well ya know what, its supposed to be, it gives your killer stats and robert englund commentary, its just cool,... this is a must for any real horror fan
Rating:  Summary: Ssen worst..!! -Not badest Killer Compilation on Earth Review: This DVD.. -The Boogeyman -The Killer Compilation. -Is the best experience two watch as a horror fan my self.? -I was a all time Horror fans during the late; -80's. -The Nightmare on Elm Street; -Movies. -Where my life.? -I grew up watching Horror ever since I was kid.. -I was scared of them when I was little.? Friday the 13th. -1980. -Scared the living hell out of me.. -I thought the ending where Jason pops from the Lake.? -Was terrifying the least..! -Never mind; -I Love; -Horror movies and I'm a Horror Junkie. -I hope they make more; -of these Killer Compilation; -series. -With more features. -They shooed of done more. -With this. -I hope you agree with me.? I am a fan of this Killer Compilation..! -Robert Englund; -He is a highlight. -I hope he returns two more features soon.. Yes; -this is a not so good Killer Compilation. -I also love the Trivia game; -and; -remarks from; -Robert Englund; -him self. -They shooed of add more.. I wish I can put more on this; -I want a do this kind of thing Any way. -Sit back; -relax; -have fright full fun with your with your favorite; -Boogeymen on the planet..!! This one shooed work four you.? =If you are a fan or not.