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Without Limits -  NASA Test Projects

Without Limits - NASA Test Projects

List Price: $24.99
Your Price: $22.49
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Stupendous movie, uninspired DVD
Review: "Without Limits" does indeed go beyond a typical sports movie by being both an inspirational story and a character study. All of the acting is superb, especially Crudup and Sutherland. The scene in which Pre blatantly ignores Bowerman's mandate to sit back during most of the race and let the front runner wear himself out is especially good. It's funny, revealing of both characters, and just has that right level of inspiration (you can ignore the rules and win out of sheer guts) without being sappy.

I've seen "Prefontaine," the other movie about Pre's life, and I can't say that I was impressed. Some reviewers claim that it is more factual. Perhaps that is the case, but "Prefontaine" is not a well made movie. It also takes on extra baggage that distracts from the story. For example, in one scene they show Pre making snide comments about anti-war protesters. Was Pre a hawk? Did he ever express an opinion about war? I have no idea. But as a college athlete it would have been exceptionally hypocritical to have such an opinion when his status as an athlete allowed him to stay out of the military.

"Without LImits" doesn't get bogged down in these unimportant side issues. Instead, it focuses on Pre's fight against the AAU, the governing track and field organization which was so obviously taking advantage of athletes at the time.

Prefontaine once said, "Most people run a race to see who is fastest. I run a race to see who has the most guts." That about sums up the spirit of this movie.

While the movie is great, the DVD is nothing special. I can't figure out why movie studios make great movies like this and then slap them on a DVD with "extras" that include sub-titles at that's it. If there was ever a DVD that should have had extras this one was it - short documentaries on the real Prefontaine, how the movie was filmed, interviews with people who knew Pre, those who were fans at the time, archival footage. This could have been a stupendous DVD with lots of entertaining, educational and inspirational extras. Maybe they'll release an updated version - because this movie deserves it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I wished this had better Box Office

It's a shame this movie didn't have wider exposure. It didn't even come to a theatre close to us...I think it played in Dallas, but that's 120 miles one way.

I am a fan of middle distance running...and I'm from the 60's so I remember the impact Steve Prefontaine had on the sport...and I mourned his passing like many others.

This movie is worth watching even if you're not really into track and field...it's a story about a man with a gift. He was talented, difficult, and most of all, true to himself at all times. I wish I had know Pre...I know I would have liked him a lot!

Hat off to Tom Cruise, who produced this tribute to the elusive "Pre."

I am going to purchase this movie and put it up there with my copy of "Running Brave." It's that good. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great movie and must for anyone who has ever run
Review: First let me say that I am tired of the entire "Without Limits" vs. "Prefontaine" debate. In my book, these are both complimentary verses of the same song. I personally enjoyed Without Limits much more; when I need to feel inspired, it is the movie that I put in the VCR. "Prefontaine" covers his life in a little more detail and is more factually accurate. For example, "Prefontaine" does a better job with the 1972 Olympics by showing what happened to Lasse Viren in the 10,000 before his race (the 5,000) with Pre, showing what the play by play analysts had to say before the race, etc. Prefontaine is a good movie.

But Without Limits is a great movie. The performances in the movie flat out kick; not only Crudup (as Pre) and Sutherland (as Bill Bowerman), but even some of the more minor parts like Coach Bill Dellinger's ("everyone is offering this kid to make the move" from a phone booth in the rain) are done to perfection. The running sequences are outstanding.

Rent it...buy it...find it on cable, but see this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Three excellent NASA programs - plus bonus features
Review: This DVD contains three separate 40+ minute programs about test pilots, aircraft, and technology (SR-71 Blackbird, and X-15 segments are particularly good). It uses computer animation, test flight footage, and interviews to create a fascinating show. The DVD is 143 minutes long, and contains several bonus features. The length and quality of this DVD helps to justify its slightly high price. There were no reviews available when I bought this DVD, but I'm glad I bought it. If this type of documentary interests you, then this is a very good buy.

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