Rating:  Summary: Alone? Review: This book by Von Daniken is certainly fascinating to read.This book is mainly about the existence of other creatures besides human beings. I can say that the author was able to present certain ideas that will certainly make you think and say: "Oh yeah! Why didn't I think of that?" The pictures inlcuded in the book also helped prove his theories. One part that really made me think was about the Great Pyramids of Egypt. He questioned how the people from way back were able to build those pyramids and stack them one by one in a perfectly shaped triangle when they have no tools or whatsoever that they can use to build those great structures. On the last part of the "novel," Von Daniken began doubting the existence of God. This made me react a little because I believe that no person can or should doubt the existence of the Lord. This was the main reason why some people from about a decade ago began talking about the book. This is the reason why I only rated this book 3 stars. On the other hand, this book was really entertaining and will surely make your minds work.
Rating:  Summary: Chariots of the gods is absurd Review: An absurd so-called documentary of far-fetched facts that are more fantasy than fact.Using the logic of this film,the Statue of Liberty could have been called an alien artifact with her "space helmet" and the "computer" in her hands.No,save your money,this is a con.
Rating:  Summary: Here we go really to heaven! Review: If humanity believed in this book then man's life on earth may better many times. This book is really spiritual in a great sense. It throws the old and traditional idea within the human mind framework of the so called high values of religion and its practices, to dust. I admire that because those values are really faulty and that religion is prejudiced today, be it Chritianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism or any other religions (I myself am Hindu)! If you want to know why, then read this book. It came out of a Swiss man, if i am right! That is interesting for me to know too and i would try not to forget this book when i die.
Rating:  Summary: Darwin...aye! Review: Let me start by saying Darwin didn't have formal training, and the ones that do...lie. Daniken shows us that there is more out there than we know. He shows us guys with formal training can and are wrong at times. But people with no formal training have to,of course be wrong, Only educated people can form our collected minds. Most EXPERTS have been taught to think 2+2=5, and don't question it! Well sombody does and what do we do, all but stone him to death in front of the city gates. Boy you can take what the mostly under educated darwin wrote to heart, maybe even recite some paragraphs strait from memory, but when it comes from a guy who has had more experience with the material he writes about you mock him.The video is an excellent source of material on the subject and fits nicley with my video collection.
Rating:  Summary: Chariots of the Gods Review: Ten years ago I found this video to be almost invalid with no supporting documents. Being a scientist, supporting documents are important. However, years later having read the book of Enoch, the lost books of the bible, and The Gospel of Thomas, this video gives new meaning. The Chariots of the Gods'video with other documents have triggered me to further explore the truth of man as defined by God.
Rating:  Summary: Don't get too scared now Review: Daniken has taken heat from every angle out there, New agers hate him and so do scientists.Why you ask? because this guy saw somthing others didn't he had a theory, one that shook the world at the foundations.Aliens starting civilization may sound odd at first but we have myth.Myth is a strong link to our past,we can learn more about real history.Daniken states that we should revaluate our written history and what could it contain.I looked to discredit his book as new age garbage but as I read through it I saw no mention of mana or Karmatic laws just maybe this could mean....!Daniken turned me on to learning more about history and theology, subject I thought I had a grasp on.He tackles histories odd balls, like the pri reis map or the Assyrian lens.And to say that there is any validity to his idea is academic suicide and labels you an nut who has no grasp on history.I get that every so often but he gets it everyday labed a fraud heretic among other things. I loved the book it was easy to understand and he didn't come off as the know all-be all, just a guy with an idea,an idea that scares people shakes there beleifs to the core.The evidence against his book uses conventual thinking, often proven wrong by common sense, if you know where to look.Daniken is right and others in the scientific commuinty know it, they are just scared of what could happen to there Dogma.
Rating:  Summary: Dogma? Review: When Aliens are mentioned people look around for the crazy guy who mentioned the "A" word. That subject gives people discomfort and a sense of skepticism. Daniken presents, in laymans terms his theory of Paleo-Seti. There is enough evidence to state that there is some validity in the book. From almost every culture have gods that decend from the sky and give Knowledge to the masses. There are buildings all over the world that couldn't have been built by such a primitive cultures Giza for one or almost every Maya Building ever created. Scientist hold on to there Dogma of how the world should be of course because we know everything about the past. We know that MAN is the greatest thing ever to exist. MAN is master of his domain nohing out anywhere is better than MAN. But to open minded people who can't find very much wrong with his book fall upon ridicule from the very people who should be interested in finding facts...Scientists. I know this book is hard to swallow what it says to me is we aren't alone, and we never where. Dogma is hard to overcome by any means No matter what you clucth when your faith is tested a cross or an beaker, There is more in heaven and Earth than we will ever know.
Rating:  Summary: DLL in San Diego Review: Unfortuantely, this was probably one of the first "UFO-related" books I read so I got off on a bad start on the subject material. Actually, since it was so ridiculous, I only was only able to read about the first half. If you have any scientific inclination or backgroud at all, this book is not for you. The writing constructs a house of cards by taking a few facts, building a few wild presumptions based on them, then making this all fact for the next chapter on which to build more conclusions. If there is anything here to be catorgized at all as "research", its a stretch. In the historical research vein, you're better off with the authors Zecharia Sitchin and Graham Hancock.
Rating:  Summary: Cargo Cult!!! Review: This book, no matter what some might say has a grain of truth to it. Man in all his wisdom could not have placed the Stones of Carnac where they lay right now. Man in all of his stories states that a god(s) came FROM the sky and imparted wisdom,law,math,and the promise to return.Man in all of his imitates what he doesn't understand,during World War II when we used the Pacific islands for Mini airports we frightened the Native people!! They thought us to be gods or Great holy men,Now imagine what they Saw, They saw great metal birds, Big metal boxes that spoke to the Angels. That incident deamed the term Cargo Cult because they couldn't with there stone-age equivilent minds understanded What a Radio is, or a big piece of metal that can fly. They made Bamboo aeroplanes to imitate,to bring back the Great holy men to there island.Now why Can't this be in our ancient history? Because we as a race have a narsasistic view over the rest of the galaxy, We need to be important and for some strange reason we are willing to throw away anything that doesn't support our Grand Life here( and only here). Most see this book as an fiction that some sly Swiss Wrote to gain money and to upset religous Orthidox. This book I would recommend as an STARTER on the field of Paleo-Seti( The search or extraterrestrial intellect in history) This book helps you understand what ancient people thought, belived, and loved. And if you ask him he says "This is what I belive, YOU have to decide for your self". Don't let Religous or Scentific Exeges Tell you what to think, read it with an open mind and let your self Imagine what the ancient Mayans Saw when they Gazed up at the stars. Oh I almost Forgot, We also left through the sky,and Promised to return!
Rating:  Summary: Response to a viewer from LA Review: A viewer from Los Angeles suggests that the public needs the kind of film represented by "Chariots of the Gods." What kind of benefit does the public receive from misinformation passed off as documentary and science but unsupported by any acceptable, scientific evidence? No wonder the United States ranks last in the educational systems of industrial countries. We choose to believe von Daniken's lies over documented theories. The public at large would do better to watch NOVA, especially the program debunking "Chariots of the Gods" than "Chariots of the Gods" the movie. Maybe then, more people would know who to spell BELIEVE.