Rating:  Summary: Thanks for the info... Review: After reading the negative reviews I had to go to bowlingfortruth.com and see the "truth". The site is filled with petty arguements that make me feel more inclined to believe Moore and his rendition of the story, than whoever it is was who spent, obviously, a lot of time to attack the film. Most people who watch documentaries understand that the filmmaker's bias will influence his or her work. The themes brought up in the movie, no matter if the cartoon is humorously inaccurrate or the Lockheed Martin plant's missles aren't used only for military purposes, ect., are thought provoking and possibly valid. The amount of gun violence in this country is definately out of propotion with the rest of the western world. Why? Moore might not have the definitive answer, but at least he had the guts (and the money) to ask question and attempt to answer them.
Rating:  Summary: Great thought-provoking film!!! Review: I would recommend this DVD to everyone. It has won awards all over the world - not just an Oscar. The film poses some questions about the fascination with guns in the US. It does not try to answer those questions. You have to come up with your own conclusions.
Rating:  Summary: lies lies...and.....MORE LIES Review: wHEN I saw this movie I thought. MOORE IS A MASTER AT MAKING DOCUMENTRYS AND THIS FILM IS INGENIOUSE! I WAS WRONG.......damn wrong. Michal moor is a fibber! Thats right he lied just to make his point. I am EXTREAMLY dissapointed in moore. He knows better than(well acctualy not)what he should do. This film was EDITID TO THE MAX! I acctually baught his DVD and showed it to all my friends....Boy was I a fool to get it. When my friend told me how the film was a big fat lie I thought he was just trying to piss me off but when he told me to go on Bowlingforthetrueth.com I was dead wrong. How could michal moore do this. I have to admit he is one clever dog. He made almost half the people into tricking them into thinking this is all true. PLUS THAT PART WERE HE MADE HESTON LOOK LIKE THE BIGGEST JERK ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH WAS TOTALY EDITID. GO ON THE SITE AND YOU'LL KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Documentrys are suppose to show the trueth of what go's on NOT a big fat lie like what moore did. A perfect documentry is to watch one of Robert Evans's films(No joke. My name is really Robert Evans and Im not saying to watch his films just cause I have the same name as him at all. His documentry is really good). This movie is just full of it. I am truly dissapointed at what moore did to make his point clear. But if you are interested in watching a film bout LIES LIES LIES than this is the perfect film to watch. Later..........
Rating:  Summary: This film is a total farce Review: I am just amazed what a big, fat liar like Michael Moore can seem to get away with. And then be rewarded for. This movie was a total lie from the get go. He edited the hell out of this thing to make it sound just how he wanted it. Why is it so hard for these people to stick with the facts. Don't just assume what this moron has produced is factual. Don't just take my word for it. Read up on it for yourself. This movie should have never even made it to any screen or video rental. I'm not sure who's backing this guy financially, but they must be very desperate and pathetic. This movie is not and never will be a documentary. Its pure fiction from a very warped mind.
Rating:  Summary: against negative reviews. Review: How do you propagate someone into believing this movie is full of crap? Ask anyone that wrote a negative review of this film.First off, the Lockheed Martin factory DOES make weapons of mass destruction. Want proof? http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms/findPage.do?dsp=fnec&ti=124&cpi=13&rsbci=13 There's a list of all the weapons they make, straight from their official website. I have no idea if anything else anyone posted was false, but I know that claiming that the Lockheed Martic factory only makes rockets is a lie.
Rating:  Summary: Here¿s a working class hero revealing the truth hidden in Am Review: Although 'Bowling for Columbine' is a nutch better than his series on television, it still is a piece of junk as far as I can tell. How to manipulate the crowd without too much effort? Ask Michael Moore about that. How to propagate an anti-George-Bush-agenda and not worrying too much about facts or contexts, even honesty, ask Moore and he will contribute over a cup of coffee. Here's a working class hero revealing the truth hidden in America - I don't think so. This is a documentary that might impress the viewer for a WHILE, apparantely enough for an Oscar, but if you check his story it will be transformed to a huge dissapointment. Moore was asked on CNN why there were so many irregularities - 'how can there be any irregularities in a comedy?' That was Moore's only answer. Is he really serious as a critic? The poor quality in his books pretty much shatters his credibility if nothing else. Why can't he make a decent movie about his own easy multi-million-dollar life on Manhattan? To tell the truth for once.
Rating:  Summary: So sad but very true Review: This is a really incredible documentary that sheds light onto the issue of America's obsession with guns, firearms, and it's obsession with violent material like what we've seen in video games and movies in the past decade. Some of the facts that this documentary explains are really quite sad but are very true as well. Such a fact was the incident in Flint, Michigan where a 6 year old kid actually shot another 6 year old classmate to death with a firearm that he had acquire from an uncle days before then. I was very heartbroken at the news of that and this documentary goes a lot deeper into the possible cause which is obvious, poverty and guns! Even worse is that the mother of the kid actually worked at a fancy Dick Clark restaurant and also at another place to try to make ends meet and was still in danger of losing her home. Dick Clark is just a greedy egotist who cares nothing for the poorer workers who work for his business! Pretty sick! There's more on here that should be watched as well such as where it focuses on the Columbine shootings but I felt compelled to write on the Flint, Michigan shooting thing as I lived in Flint around the time the shooting happened. Michael Moore is a true hero in our society and nothing is more valuable than the truth and Moore aims to expose the truth!
Rating:  Summary: The truth starts here Review: It's funny to me that some of the reviewers decided to give it 1 star based on their disagreement with him. More importantly however, they blindly bashed him for his opinions and depictions of such without ever debating. And in fact, this is what the movie partially is about - the ignorance and stupidity of the mainstream American population. Now I know that you conservatives from the small town USA love your guns and SUV's and like to blindly point to the "The Right to bear Arms" amendment in the Constitution, but this same amendment would also imply the possesions of such arms as nuclear weapons, as Michael Moore wisely pointed it out in his movie. But I guess the conservative logic doesn't extend this far... I also saw someone point out that Michael Moore gave statistics of the number of gun deaths in America in comparison to other countries, like Canada, France and England and that it's wrong because it's not per population. Well, you know what, a simple calculation in your tiny brains would suggest that even per population or per capita, America still has by far the highest crime rate by guns of all nations. Look on your atlases, see the population of those countries and then do a simple proportion... instead of distorting the truth! It's true that Micheal Moore is a left winger, like Bush is a right winger, but that doesn't diminish the level of objectivity nor truth employed in this documentary. The numbers were real, the people were real and statistics were accurate and even more importantly it had an important and thought provoking thesis supported by solid facts and reality. And stop saying "I am a proud member of NRA", because it's just a stupid and meaningless thing to say. Anyone can join NRA, it doesn't take skills, nor talent to do that. So stop invoking "pride" into it, because remarks like those only further support the stereotype that Americans are an ignorant people. All in all, it's a great movie that must be seen by all.
Rating:  Summary: At least Mike has a job. Review: Not a documentary. It is not to be taken serously. Which is easy because his quote, "documentaries" are presented as characatures, trite with sterotypes. Remember (or ever see) those old conservative moralist movies from the fifties? This is the modern, leftist equivalent. Every film maker will approach the project from their own point of view. Ready youself for Micheal's... or not. I wouldn't waste my money or time on this. At least Mike has a job, but one should ask oneself, "just because something can be done, does that mean it should be done?" Micheal Moore is nothing but a great, fat, swollen barnicle attached to the system he claims to fight. This sort of hype puts bread on his table. He has a vested interest in finding wrongs, conspiracy, etc... Remember that if you see it.
Rating:  Summary: A Divisive Film: No Opinion is not an Option Review: Documentary film makers necessarily bring a certain point of view with them: it is there in the material they have selected, in what they show and do not show, in how they work their bits of film together to make a cohesive statement. But while the vast majority of documentary film makers prefer to hide themselves behind the camera--and thus give the illusion of impartiality--Michael Moore does not. Not only director but also narrator, interviewer, and visible front man, he has no qualm in letting you know right out of the gate that the point of view is his own from start to finish. Most people will probably agree that it is a gutsy thing to do, but that is probably ALL they are likely to agree upon about BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE. Ask ten people what the film is about and you are likely to get ten different answers. Ask the same ten whether they liked it or not and you will probably get two extremes: they either loved it or they hated it. Those who love it tend to champion it as a powerful statement in favor of gun control. Those who hate it tend to consider it an inaccurate attack on gun owners in general and the NRA in particular. But I think it is a mistake to see the film from either stance. It is true that Moore has a lot to say about easy access to and irresponsible handling of firearms; it is also true that the NRA (not to mention then-president Charleton Heston) come in for a major beating at his hands. But when all is said and done, BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE is no more "about" gun control or the NRA than it is about the infamous Columbine High School incident. When you get right down to the marrow, Moore seems to be making a comment on how both politicians and corporations work to take advantage of the paranoia created in the citizenry by a mass media focused on what is sensational rather than upon what is actually important. There has been a lot of complaint that Moore has fiddled the facts to suit his agenda and that BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE is riddled with inaccuracies. Indeed, there are entire websites (most of them little more than badly researched hysterical rants) devoted to the exposure of these flaws. But whether or not you buy into all or even most of Moore's data, it does seem to me that he has a valid overall point. To throw it out on the basis of surface errors--or still worse, the bizarre idea that documentaries should reside in some rarefied atmosphere of absolute impartiality--is an even greater error than any inaccuracy or bias that exists in the film itself. Whether you actually agree with the film or not, BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE is truly one film that will hold your attention to the bitter end: often laugh-out-loud funny, wildly satirical, bitterly ironic, opinionated, thought-provoking, and extremely disquieting, it makes a powerful statement. But I do have one complaint, and it is a significant one. Moore doesn't seem to communicate any consistent idea re what he thinks we should do about any of it. How do we dispense with the media-fueled paranoia that leaves us vulnerable to corporate and political hucksters? Obviously by critical rather than reactionary thinking, but this isn't really something that Moore specifically states in the course of the film. Very well, but how do we break the cycle that encourages reactionary rather than critical thinking? And to that question Moore has no answer at all. When this open ended quality combines with the film's often brilliant but frequently scattered approach ... well, it just might leave you feeling none the wiser than you were when you came in. The DVD comes with several extras, some of them very interesting--most particularly the "Return to Denver/Littleton Featurette," an interview with Joe Lockart, and an interview with Charlie Rose. Final thought: more than worth seeing, but one way or another your reaction is likely to extreme. GFT, Amazon Reviewer