Rating:  Summary: A fictitious movie from a fictitious filmmaker. Review: If this is a documentary, then so is "Forrest Gump". Both took bits and pieces of actual events and manipulated them to suit their own fictional dramatic purposes. Basically, Michael Moore is exploiting a couple of tragedies for his own profit under the guise of having a mission to "educate" people. Immoral, unethical, offensive and disgusting. He is arrogant enough to think we will all just fall for it. Sadly, many people will (and obviously have) without taking the time to seek out the truth and form their own well-founded opinions instead of blindly accepting the position of some slimy (and all too successful) con artist.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry Review: I am very sorry that the state in which I was born is also the state in which this knee-jerk liberal was also born. Thank God Ted Nugent was also born here! If you want to read or see the truth about guns, please see any of Mr. Nugent's material for a truthful and very pro-gun - (read: NOT pro murder) - stance. Moore has done absloutely NO research on his so called documentary. Just like other liberals (Barbra Streisand comes to mind), he's full of nothing but his own opinions, and can't even truthfully back THOSE up - he has to fabricate most of his points - (read: LIE). Please stay in California, Moore, as we don't want you back here. God Bless America and the FREEDOMS we have!
Rating:  Summary: Fair is Fair : slapping the right hand who slaps the left Review: Michael Moore, in his dark humor commedic fashion shows a possible theory on America's romance with the gun, and the issues of gun violence. Comedy is blended with images of violence and tragedy that makes for an excellent montage of truth and speculation involving the state of the NRA and gun issues. Although, imagery in this film is used more so as "visual puns" on reality, and does not always portray dates and facts with an accuracy the film does use such a barrage of images as a point of reference to the ugliness that can be inheirent in the gun industry and the NRA. A couple of interviews really stand out in this film, and show a side of our popular film and music heroes that will haunt you if you have feelings to haunt. It shows the old concept of don't judge a book by it's cover, and they are in it for the money ... no doubt about it. Bottom line if you a moderate or a liberal you will like the film ... perhaps even love it. If you are rightwing you will hate the film, because it displays sides of truth that are best left in the closet were they can do you no harm. Wanting the right to watch this film will serve no purpose. It would be an empty experience for them.
Rating:  Summary: the La Brea tar pit of politically correct propaganda Review: Watching this film was quite painful. Not because of any deep fissures in the American psyche it bravely managed to illuminate, (it didn't), but because it quickly became quite BORING. As significantly, I have a major issue with a film being presented as a documentary when large sections of it are dramatically, (and deliberately), misleading or incorrect. My initial enthusiasm for what I hoped would be a witty and entertaining flick was quickly bogged down in a mire of relentless cut and paste antiestablishment ranting. This film is the La Brea tar pit of Politically Correct propaganda. I sat and watched the truth slowly disappear beneath a wave of tar, with its final disappearance marked only by a particularly loud and odorous eruption of methane.
Rating:  Summary: THOUGHT PROVOKING Review: i was surprised at myself fo r going to pay money to see a documentary film. i was very surprised that i really enjoyed watching this movie. i think that it is a very valid statement about our country today. the amount of gun violence in america as compared to every where else in the world utterly shocked me. this movie really makes you think about the type of world you live in and then see if you fall into the categories michael moore is exploring. i really enjoyed listening to marilyn manson in the film and give him a lot of credit for being brave enough to talk about such a sensitive subject. i also loved seein charlton heston look utterly ridiculous and dumbfounded in his interview. one of the points made in the movie is the way in which the media, tv especially, progress the fear americans have of each other. all people ever see on tv is the bad and horrible, there is rarely anything good and uplifting shown. i think michael moore is a very good filmmaker and i hope that he continues toput out good work and other documentaries that i would like to see...
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Review: Supports leftwing views and shows those conservative fools who's boss.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the best film of the decade Review: Moore, a brilliant writer, proves once again that he is also a wonderful filmmaker. While the subject matter of the film is extremely serious, Moore manages to deal with it in a humoristic way, which does not derogates from the significance and importance of the movie.I have seen most of Moore's previous films, and while they were all excellent, this is his best work to date. I can only congratulate myself for living in the same period with such a bright, honest and patriotic person. If only we had more Moores around, the world would be a much safer place. Please buy the DVD, even if it's the only movie you're not renting this year - it's that important.
Rating:  Summary: Not a chance Review: This is the most disgusting thing I have seen. How dare Mr. Moore capitalize on the deaths of men, women, and children of CO. It is a disgrace that he uses the tragedy of Columbine to gain fame and fortune. It disgusts me to see someone who cares so little for the people of this great country. I did not find this movie funny. I would not recommend anyone to waste his or her time.
Rating:  Summary: Mike got a strike... Review: I want to congradulate Mike on winning the Oscar for BEST DOCUMENTARY 2003!; and on his stunningly courageous Oscar speech where he and his fellow nominees stood up for what they believed in and told it like it is! Bravo. Bowling for Columbine is a devasting film-funny, poignant, chilling. I cannot wait for its DVD release when I can impose it on all my loved ones. And Mike, WE ARE WAITING WITH GREAT ANTICIPATION FOR "FAHRENHEIT 9/11," hopefully the ultimate in George Bush bashing. Mike was quoted as saying "most people time their film releases for Oscar time...I time mine for election time." MIKE-don't let us down! BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE SHOULD BE REQUIRED VIEWING IN ALL SCHOOLS! PEACE!
Rating:  Summary: Sign of the Times Review: Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine, winner of this year's Academy Award for best documentary film, is the greatest documentary ever made. Like his other stellar film, Roger & Me, Moore has the uncanny ability to combine tragedy and humor in what is a film for the ages. Because of the recent situation in Iraq, this film will stimulate discussion as it connects so many relevant issues together, particularly violence and cultural values. Visually, the film is stunning. The editing is fabulous, and I can think of no other documentarian, save Errol Morris, who can so skillfully combine the varied interviews, film clips, cartoons and dialogues in a coherent manner. Unlike some documentaries that lay out a linear narrative, Moore's look at violence in the United States leaves the viewer questioning the ultimate outcome of the weaving that the director undertakes through the various threads of the film. The skillful editing allows this open-endedness of Bowling for Columbine to emerge. If you watch this film with friends, you will enjoy how it will stimulate so much varied discussion of the topic. I viewed Bowling for Columbine as part of a film series at our local college and I did not meet one person who saw the film who was not moved by it. I believe that anyone who views this film will think differently about violence and the unfortunate role that it plays in all of our lives. Like Moore's other films, BFC utilizes effective interviews that represent people from all walks of life. Though the film's title suggests it is a documentary about the Columbine tragedy, Columbine is itself but one case study in a complex picture of violence-from violence on television (COPS), to school violence, to excessive reporting of fear on the news (killer bees), to the proliferation of guns, to the work of defense manufactures and the role of the U.S. government in overthrowing other governments and killing its citizens. Bowling for Columbine teaches us the important message that violence is a part of our every existence and that the culture of the United States may be unique in the fact that its citizens are victims of gun violence more than any other country. "Why do we kill so many people with our guns?," this the question Moore sets out to answer in his documentary, but ultimately leaves to his viewers to answer. This is an incredibly intelligent film! No doubt Bowling for Columbine will interest educators. I plan to incorporate it in a number of my classes. This would also be a great film to show at your local community center film series-it WILL get people talking. Particularly in times of war, this film may get people to think twice about supporting state-level violence. Hopefully, viewers of this film will come away with a more critical understanding of culture in the United States, and work to change that culture both in political senses and in striving to eliminate violence in their own lives. Viewers may also come to better appreciate the documentary film form. As Michael Moore alluded to in his Academy Award acceptance speech, more people should be watching documentaries. They teach us important things about our lives that feature films cannot. If there is one film that you purchase this year make it Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. You will not be the same after watching it.