Rating:  Summary: Moore - a real American Hero! Review: Bowling for columbine is the single most influential film of 2002. It is poignant, satirical, hilarious and most importantly very true. Although Moore has a clear agenda he compellingly portrays the gun culture that has become deeply entrenched in American society. Moore has developed as a brilliant filmmaker. He has built on the success of "Roger and Me" and created a highly entertaining oscar hit. His heart is truly in this film. It is a film of many emotions and an eye opener for those who think America has clean hands. Buy it now you won't regret it!...
Rating:  Summary: Very distasteful!! Don't waste your money. Review: This movie starts out with an exaggeration and goes downhill from there. Moore is capitalizing on the death of the Columbine children and the child in Michigan. He remixes speeches and adds words to what was said, he makes up timelines to fit his agenda. The movie is NOT a documentary, but a work of fiction, based on fact (TV movie style). It is appalling that it was allowed to be shown as a true storyline. Don't waste your money on this pack of mistruths and self-serving editing.
Rating:  Summary: Full of Half-Truths and Publicity Stunts Review: At the very least, a documentary should be factual. Any amout of research will uncover Moore's distortion of events to promote his far left agenda. This is true of his movies and his fantasy book "Stupid White Men."
Rating:  Summary: Bowling for Life Review: Michael Moore's film Bowling for Columbine was awarded the Academy Award for Best Documentary Film in 2003. An important victory not only for Moore, but for the nation and the world at large. It is a documentary film that truly grapples with gun control issues in America without espousing the simplistic arguments that typically pitches one side against the other. Moore takes you on a cathartic journey that focuses on whether a pro-gun culture has a positive or negative impact on the individual and society at large. At its very core, Moore presents a compelling view on the importance of respecting and valuing human life in a society where guns are so pervasive and considered the "norm".
Rating:  Summary: Made to make you think Review: No matter what side of the road you are on in terms of the truth in this movie, it will make you think, which in my humble opinion, is the most important thing. If you laughed, if you cried, even if you did both, this movie is not one that you can watch and then forget the next day, like if it were the latest 'Star Wars' episode. There is so much here that it would take days, and countless discussions to simply scratch that surface of what the underlying themes are. There are no two ways about it, Moore is preaching to us, but since it is done so well, it is okay.After reading other opinions about how Moore is using this movie to capitalize on the deaths of countless americans, and the school shootings, and so on... I am compelled to say that people that write reviews like those are obviously missing the point, and (excuse my candid nature) are too daft to watch these types of movies in the first place. They should stick to their boy bands, and their 'Star Wars' movies. Not that 'Star Wars' is a bad movie, it is just not a thinking movie. Just to reiterate, whether you are pro-gun, anti-gun, or undecided, this film should start you thinking by giving you more knowledge to work with. And as we all know, knowledge is half the battle.
Rating:  Summary: Shoot first, ask questions later. Review: A great look at the nature of fear and violence in America. Funny. Sad. Disturbing. I saw this film 4 times in the theater. Each time bringing a new set of friends. All walking away enlightened and a little ashamed.
Rating:  Summary: Moore again effectively challenges perceived American truths Review: Bowling For Columbine is by far the best film this year. Moore once again uses straightfoward interviews, news and popular media footage, and his own creative cartoons to challenge fortress America. The history of guns and gun violence in America is a long and sordid one, being a graduate student in American History, I know. Moore pleased me immensely with his recognition of this violent history and his willingness to confront the long-standing myths about guns and gun control in the U.S. While some of the film is difficult to watch and accept as an American raised on American myths, Mr. Moore supports his arguments with plenty of evidence, and any questions viewers have about the film are addressed on Mr. Moore's website. An excellent and powerful documentary that is a must-see for gun enthusiasts and opponents alike.
Rating:  Summary: A Scattershot Review Review: Moore is an American original. No one else in this country is standing up and shoving a "wait a minute, that's not quite right" up the rear-ends of some of the most powerful people like he does. Although his gorilla-style tactics turn off many people (see the Oscars), even his enemies have to admit that he has the balls the size of Wisconsin hanging between those fat thighs. I have no doubt in my mind that if Gore was now in office, and he sent the troops into Iraq using the same political and propaganda-like tactics the Bush administration is using, Moore would've called him out in front of millions, too. In some ways I agree with Moore's critics when they accuse him of being a manipulator of the facts in order to further his own agenda. But here's the thing: Michael Moore is Michael Moore. Everyone knows of his past work. It is there like a bullet lodged in the throat. Everyone knew he was going to cause a fuss at the Oscars. Everyone knew that "Bolwing for Columbine" would be slanted in a way that would [upset] ... about 60 percent of America. Moore's last movie, "The Big One," felt a little forced in this way(I still loved it). It was just an extension of his stint on television, and never moved the emotions quite like "Bowling for Columbine." It's a great expose and a fun romp, and you should see it. And that's why the argument of manipulation doesn't matter when it comes to "Bowling for Columbine." No matter how you look at the facts, they hold water. A dead person is a dead person. So what if Moore leaves things out -- he only has about two hours here. Any good spin doctor -- Moore included -- can weave straw into gold, but the facts are the facts here and they will bring you to tears. There's no denying that if you take what Moore presents to heart, you will come away from the movie simply moved. "Bowling for Columbine" is a movie for true patriots, the ones who want to see this country move forward instead of stagnate in a ceasepool of violence. Sure, to some extent, "guns don't kill people. People kill people." But Moore tries to answer the question why. In some ways, he comes up empty, but this is a start. Oh, by the way, I'm pro-gun ownership. Some people will be turned off by Moore's sarcasm and satirical treatment of his subjects. He basically ambushes a near-senile Charles Heston, but the man deserves it for his insensitivety to victims of murders by guns. The cartoon that breaks up the live-action is hilariously -- and historically -- scary. The footage from the Columbine masacre is horrifying and poingant. The man in the missle factory is blistfully unaware, and Moore whacks him for it. Is that Moore's fault? Any good writer would do the same thing and call him out. Moore is a cinematic Johnathan Swift. I'm out of steam. See this movie. It will simply break you heart.
Rating:  Summary: Good content, bad presentation Review: The thing with Michael Moore is that he has valid points, but goes about making them the wrong way. The movie is self serving and manipulative, despite making good points about the media in America feeding the public fear to get viewers, and the availability of guns in the country. Not a must see. Overhyped and overrated, and definately not the best documentary of all time (I'd give that honour to Wiseman's "High School" personally, but maybe that's just because I don't have fond members of the faculty at my old high school)
Rating:  Summary: Bad documentary made by a "Mooron" Review: If you are a flaming liberal and are convinced that anyone with thought and reasoning skills is out to get you, you will still think this documentary sucks. It's amazing how closely someone's art mirrors themselves. Moore's little outburst at the Oscars is what prompted me to write this review. Don't support this idiot or his films. Amazon.com is the best site on the web, but buy a different movie. Moore should go live in some kniving country like France and make movies about backstabbing your allies. YOU AND YOUR DOCUMENTARY SUCK MOORE!!!