Rating:  Summary: Two Men from Michigan Review: This is the fascinating story of two men from Michigan, both of whom began as hunters, and both of whom became members of the National Rifle Association. From that point, however, their paths sharply diverged and this fascinating Academy Award-winning documentary delineates the divergent paths, leading to a dramatic meeting at the film's culmination.Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore began as an avid hunter from Michigan who joined the NRA, the same organization of which the Oscar-winning film actor Charlton Heston became president. Moore at the film's beginning shows a determined Heston stating his solid conviction concerning the possession of guns with the words, "from these cold dead hands." Moore jumps straight into the controversy in showing Heston presiding over an NRA convention the same weekend as the Columbine Disaster in Colorado, despite strong opposition from Denver's mayor and large numbers of citizens from the affected community, including parents of victims. Moore later tackles another controversy in his home town of Flint, Michigan, when Heston and the NRA met despite strong local opposition following the death of a young local child at the hands of a young boy who brought a gun to class. Once more, the NRA and Heston went through with their plans. An analysis of the tragedy resulted in Moore presenting some tragic but fascinating facts concerning situations which should be rectified. The young boy's African American mother was compelled to make ends meet to catch a bus at the crack of dawn and work two jobs in another town. One of them was at a yuppie desert parlor owned by Dick Clark, for which he received tax benefits for hiring employees who were previously on the welfare rolls. The necessity of working two jobs in an effort to make ends meet resulted in the mother getting home late and being unable to properly supervise her child. Moore sought to discuss the situation, who was plainly not interested and asked his driver to drive off. The fascinating film concludes with Moore receiving an interview opportunity at Heston's Coldwater Canyon mansion. The confrontation was indeed a memorable one. This film once more solidified Moore's reputation as a daring and humanitarian filmmaker. He is a true patriot who looks after the interests of those without the financial clout to hire lobbyists and influence presidents, governors and legislators.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Crap Review: This hack is the reason their's birth control and Lions eat their young. The Guy has no Idea what the American way is but loves to bash it. Moore is so far out in left field he's not even in the ball park. The Crap in this scab sheet some call a Book is right out of the Liberal/Socialist play book and is so wet with miss information it would not burn if you sprayed it first with Gas. Gun control is the reason crime in England and all other countries that have used it is up a 100%. If you want to read a book of FACTS read John Lotts: More Guns Less Crime or Wayne LaPierre's Guns, Crime and Freedom. It's all FACT and will stand up to any and all tests from anyone. If you want to Believe in Socialism and anti American and anti Constitution Bull then More is the hack for you. If you want the Truth based on facts that no one can dispute, read the books listed above.
Rating:  Summary: Bowling For Columbine Review: Without a doubt, go see or rent this DVD. Then take some time to find the truth! Trust me, it won't take long. This is NOT a documentary! Docs are real life and fact filled accounts of a particular subject matter. This film, 90% of it, is nothing but inaccurate story telling from someone lost in the fog of the unknown. The fiction starts as soon as he goes in the bank! Michael Moore is a disgrace to the film industry. I was shocked when he was given the Academy Award. I was taught that the Academy has rules that a documentary has to be truthful and not have any fiction. Maybe they lowered the standards for Mr. Moore. See this DVD and then study the facts to learn the truth!
Rating:  Summary: Thank God for Michael Moore Review: My daughter and I cheered when he won the Oscar for this film. It makes "the fear factor" so clear. We loved this film, and I am pre-ordering my own copy.
Rating:  Summary: MM: Self Described "Entertainer" and not a "Documentarian" Review: While this piece of work may make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, somehow helping to justify your emotions towards violence and firearms and their place in American culture and politics... Make sure you realize this is a "Movie" meant to manipulate those that cannot think for themselves and specifically not a "Documentary" meant to inform or educate those capable of coming to their own conclusions based upon the facts. Michael Moore has stated this is a movie meant for entertainment in numerous interviews when challenged on the "facts" of what is presented in his work. Don't believe the hype, no matter who is delivering it.
Rating:  Summary: Required Viewing Review: In a word. Awesome. I found myself both laughing and crying during this movie. Very poingant, even disturbing at times. An amazing film, really makes you think, forces the viewer to question the American experience. Since seeing the film, I haven't watched television news the same way. "Bowling" should be required viewing for all politicians, maybe even the American public in general.
Rating:  Summary: Because I'm An American. Review: From the opening scene in the bank all the way to the credits at the end, Bowling for Columbine is a moving, passionate, entirely American documentary. Moore does not stop at a topical, hows-the-weather-hey-what-about-that-recent-sporting-event level, instead allowing himself, and the viewer with him, to delve into the how and why of the tragedy at Columbine. Punctuated with just enough humor to keep from being depressing, while not so much as to be crude, BfC is a wonderful movie. It asks the questions everyone thinks, but doesn't ask. One is reminded of the post-Oscar interview: Reporter: "Why did you do that?" (Call for peace- Moore didn't 'dis' the troops, but called for their safe return.) Moore: "Because I'm an American." Reporter: "That's all?" Moore: "Oh, that's a lot to me."
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Amazing!!!!! Review: I have been an ongoing fan of Moore's work and was in no doubt that this movie would be as good as it is. In fact, its better than I thought it could have been. He has attacked the important questioning, that all Americans should ask themselves, as to why are Americans so ruthless with killing people!? I may not be using the right words as I am not a journalist or writer, but he touches on some very important subjects, and tries to get to the heart of the problem of why there are so many gun murders in America. His research as always is invaluable! I believe that not just every American should watch this movie, but people from all over the world. There is a lot to learn from it, and a lot to question, as to how our lives are being controlled by the people who make things the way "they" want them. From the NRA and gun laws, the media, poverty, racism, and mutlimillion dollar coroporations, and most importantly the people with power, he covers it all to help us see the contributing factors to the reasons American people arm themselves and kill other people. Other than just enjoying the movie I hope this will help educate people, and make everybody more aware! I look forward to seeing more of his work in the future!
Rating:  Summary: The movie to watch Review: My highest recommendations. Despite a very transparent campaign to discredit the integrity of the movie, this film still holds up as a very honest and sincere exploration of first the problem of rising gun deaths and then the culture of fear in america. The film's engaging, certainly entertaining and informative. But hopefully people don't stop at the movie. In my case the movie gave me a lot of food for thought, was the cause of much pondering and debate and it really affected me. As far as the accusations of the movie, this just shows how groundbreaking and challenging this movie is. If not for the accusations of the director being biased, falsifying information and staging certain scenes in the movie I probably would have never researched things for myself and found out how strong this movie is. As for being biased, this movie isn't any more biased than the network news channels, white house, politicians from all parties, other documenatarians out there. If anything this director's biased towards integrity, self accountabality and speaking for the little guy/gal (the average american). Still, whether you think this movie's a brilliant expose on the nature of guns and fear in america or a sorry train wreck, you still won't be able to keep your eyes off it once you get in the theaters. Any movie that causes this much of a reaction in people can't be all bad. ....
Rating:  Summary: You absolutely, positively must see this Review: Having seen this at the cinema twice, and being a proud owner of my own copy on DVD (I live in the UK, it's been out here for a few weeks) I can understand why this documentary won it's award at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002. The focus is primarily about gun ownership, fear culture, and some history of gun laws, in the USA. Columbine High School is used as one of the illustrative examples of how and why the current legislation is not a good thing. Some coverage is provided about the culture surrounding gun ownership, and the culture of fear that seems prevelant in american media over recent years. As a regular viewer of american news services (thank-you digital tv :-), I can attest to the accuracy of this coverage in comparison to that provided in europe. Michael Moore provides his own comparison - to media coverage of events in Canada. Also, some interesting insights from Marilyn Manson (who rose considerably in my estimation), which seemed especially relevant as we sat on the cusp of Gulf War 2. Something which was clear to me from Moore's attempts to speak to someone senior in K-Mart, was that without making a fuss, and turning up without an attending media circus, no-one seemed particularly interested in listening to him and the students he was with. It seemed that only when revenue was potentially affected by bad press, was anyone prepared to take any form of action at all. The closing interview with Charlton Heston, and indeed some of his actions as president of the NRA, leaves one wondering how people of this ilk can sleep at night. Perhaps it's the loaded weapon under the pillow that does it for them, which I find as disturbing as some of the other images presented liberally throughout the documentary. I speculate that there are those in the USA who will not take well to this. However, I felt that the documentary was well thought through, and presented a good case for attempting to remove guns from the population at large. It may also help a few people consider how some of us in europe view the USA. There's a lot more I could say about this, but you really are better seeing this for yourself. There's plenty in there to make you laugh, but there's even more that you'll watch from behind your hands in disbelief. You can be laughing one minute, and very misty eyed the next. You absolutely, positively must see this. As a minor aside - interesting to see Disney preventing Miramax from releasing his new movie this month (May 04). So much for freedom of speech.