Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE Review: I think people in the United States have been brainwashed since they were little to believe they are superior to everyone else in the world. They refuse to realize how messed up this country really is. Michael Moore does a great job of depicting primitiveness of such people with irony and sarcasm. He describes how United States has manipulated and bullied the whole world for its own personal gains and still continues to do so.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting point of view Review: This is typical Michael Moore material (whatever that means to you), and Moore is to be applauded for tackling this obviously very touchy subject.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth really IS out there Review: Another reviewer here says that France, Germany and Japan have higher violent crime rates than America, but the Interpol numbers simply do not bear that out. The per capita violent crime rate in all of those countries is far, far lower than America's. France alone would need another 1100 murders every year just to catch up with America on the per capita murder rate. Japan would need another 37,000 rapes just to keep up with our per capita rape rate. Germans would have to commit over 124,000 additional serious assaults on each other every year. No, we're not a violent society, at all. Germany and France are fairly equitable with us on theft, overall, but Mr. Moore wasn't investigating theft. He was investigating why we like to hurt each other, especially with guns.Thank you, Mr. Moore for providing a rare, candid and thought-provoking analysis of why we do that. I cannot wait for the DVD to arrive. Seeing it once, twice or 100 times is not enough to remember the message this film conveys.
Rating:  Summary: A stunning work of fiction! Review: In this work of genius, Moore perpetuates myths of gun control by staging phony scenes, distorting fact, splicing together video to alter meaning and context, and basically panders to the mindless sheep who cannot deal with real-world facts. These are not the accusations of gun nuts, but are provable realities (see site mentioned below). Since real documentaries are based on actual facts, sites such as revoketheosscar are not only detailing his many deliberate misrepresentations here, but are also calling for Moore's award to be recalled. Is Moore's point of view right? It's of course possible, but having to resort to portraying fiction as fact - such as his staged bank account gun acquisition and WalMart ammo purchase - seriously weakens his credibility.
Rating:  Summary: Is America the most violent country? Review: After seeing this movie im thinking Micheal Moore and every other american should move to Canada. He thinks that canada is much safer and a more generous country than america which he depicts as a violent and generally depraved nation. He puts much of the blame on the news media for brainwashing people into a right wing mentality of violence fear materialism and heartlessness. He also blames the national rifle association for its outrageous insensitivity in the wake of the columbine massacre. I do mean it partly as a joke when i say that micheal moore should move to Canada. But while i do think that micheal moore's depiction of dysfucntional aspects of american society are on target, too often mr moore himself comes across as angry and individualistic, traits that he criticzes as being part of american tradition. This is the ironic aspect of a very compelling film. As an addendum to this review dated 7-19-03 i have observed that only one person out of 13 finds this review helpful. Apparently they can not understand why i would mock and then praise mr,moore in the same review. yet since mr moore mocks all the time i see no problem in mocking. the issue i guess is that people are taken aback since i give a generally favorable response to the movie. the point is that i felt the movie was both very interesting yet i could not help but be aware of the ironies that i pointed out in the review.
Rating:  Summary: NOT a Documentary Review: Despite the categorization of this film as a documentary, Moore himself has admitted that this is a "mockumentary": a fictional piece done in the style of a documentary. And fictional is the word to bear in mind while Moore spins a web of half-truths, quarter-truths, and outright misinformation. Interviews are "creatively edited" within an inch of their lives (including Moore's attempts to paint NRA chief Charlton Heston as a racist and the NRA as an "extension" of the KKK), and Moore's misstatements of fact range from his description of a Lockheed-Martin plant as a source of weapons of mass destruction (when in fact the plant exclusively produces rockets used to put satellites in space), to his faked purchase of ammunitions in Canada, to his complete fabrication of international gun fatality statistics. If you want to watch this movie and appreciate Moore's skill as a filmmaker, by all means do so. Just make sure you do not mistake any of the information contained within for actual facts.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! Review: I am going to refrain from writing a long review and get to the point. This movie is a great look into the US and our violent background. I know a movie is good if I am still thinking about it the next day and that's just what happend. Michael Moore enlightens with humor, but doesn't take away from the serious nature of the subject. If you don't like documentaries, you still would probably like this due to the information he includes. You also get a great look at Dick Clark and Charleton Heston in an unfavorable light, which you don't get to see often.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal Left Wing Garbage Review: What Moore forgets to explain in his Docudrama is that we are truly the only free nation on Earth. Yes we all agree there are unnecessary deaths due to gun crimes; however, the underlying reason for owning guns in the United States is to maintain the freedom from tyrants and foreign invaders. With the lessons of 9-11, we should all be aware that at any moment, the United State could be embroiled in turmoil so great, you and I may not be able to fathom all the implecations. Yes I may be talking about things that hopefully will never happen, but our Founding Fathers were on the right track. They learned from History and were determined not to repeat it. They understood that weapons in the hands of the citizenry (yes some citizens are irresponsible) was a means to keeping our freedom.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth is Out There Review: On the continuum between news and fiction lies documentaries. Anything real, filmed as it happens, is "news"; it is rare on TV. Fiction must appear plausible to be believed by the audience. Documentaries are "recreations of authenticated facts" like the nature films on TV. They are created and edited to portray a point of view. Their success depends on the number of consumers who pay. Success is measured in dollars, not academic truths. The use of films for propaganda follows the use of newspapers, pamphlets, and books. Some are better than others, and age gracefully. Will this film be soon forgotten, like WW II propaganda? Not by students of propaganda, or those who defend the Second Amendment. Searching the Internet will locate a site that analyzes the Truth About Bowling for Columbine. Did Moore create scenes by splicing together separate events? Are speeches taken out of context? Are events portrayed without their background? Its all part of Show Business, the art of getting people's money in return for telling a story. One Big Lie is that America has more gun violence than other countries. That is as true as saying America has more automobile deaths than other countries. America's rate of violent death falls behind France, Switzerland, etc., and Japan, but just ahead of Canada. Canada's crime rate was lower before 1977, when they banned handguns; now it approaches American rates. There is no mention of Mexico, Brazil, or Argentina, who have similar colonial and revolutionary pasts. Any research will reveal these facts, which are censored and suppressed in the Corporate Media. If America was such a violent hell on earth there wouldn't be 3,000 immigrants a day! They flee "gun free zones" like Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Do some Canadians leave their doors unlocked in the daytime? You can find this in many small towns in America. Does exploiting the Columbine massacre show poor taste by Michael Moore? You decide.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: This was definetly the greatest movie I have ever seen. Everyone should see it even if you dissagree with what it says. This movie atleast in my opinion is Jackass with a purpose.