Rating:  Summary: For anyone with any political opinion!! Review: This documentary is for anyone with any type of political opinion - Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. Bowling for Columbine explores the subject of gun control in the US. Michael Moore DOES NOT make any sort of political opinion in the documentary; he presents FACTS and lets the viewer decide. I was at the very first screening of Bowling for Columbine in Denver, and I went and saw Michael when he came back to Denver 6 months later. No matter what political agenda you belong to, you have to admit this man makes you THINK. EVERYONE IN AMERICA NEEDS TO SEE THIS! Maybe then we will actually start to question our laws and together head in the right direction on the subject of gun control, whichever direction that is...
Rating:  Summary: About as bad as it gets... Review: Pure leftist propaganda. Don't waste your money or time.
Rating:  Summary: This is a documentary? Review: I watched it with alot of anticipation, but what I got from this was a poorly done homemovie, edited to slant his argument directly to one side, I was looking ofr an objective debate, but I got a man who took delight in harrassing a person suffering from Alzheimers.I feel a little unclean after watching this movie, and would hope to save you from the same feeling.
Rating:  Summary: Somebody please stop him Review: Had to see this for a class, I just couldn't stomach it. Based on lies and half truths, even the title. (It refers to, as Moore says, that the shooters at Columbine went bowling before they shot up their high school, they didn't) This is almost but not quite as stilted as Roger & Me.
Rating:  Summary: superb Review: Ive read a lot of negative critcism of this documentary. most of it is unfounded though. the only thing moore is guilty of here is taking a central issue and wrapping jokes around it. What you get is a look at the problems with american society and the ignorance americans show towards the reasons for its decline. It also looks at the impact the US has on the rest of the world, albeit a very one sided look. It doesnt take much to work out which bits of the movie are unbalanced though. Anyone giving this movie 1 star has to be either a) american B) gun nut c) NRA member d) charlton heston e) all of the above This film addresses why america's children are dying on a daily basis and how the media and government look for easy scapegoats rather than accept the responsibility themselves for the damage they do whether you agree with the stance taken by moore or not this is a great movie. entertaining and shocking and one of the only americans in the media spotlight with the guts to say what he thinks.. remember this is the guy who had no choice but to make his TV shows in the UK. EVERYONE should see this and as you can see from the reviews here - it has definitely had a strong impact on everyone who has seen it.
Rating:  Summary: Utter Tripe Review: The movies is a collection of lies, falsities, and half truths. This is not a documentary, a Documentary shows facts, provokes thought, and allows viewers to formulate their own opinions with all present facts. This contains no facts, just a large amount of biased anti-gun rhetoric spliced with fancy video editing. Watch and be amazed as peoples ties, hair styles, and clothing changes during supposedly continuous speeches. Listen in awe as both dates, and locations are blatantly lied about. This isn't a documentary, heck, it isn't even good television.
Rating:  Summary: Arrogance unleased... Review: This man is perhaps the most arrogant individual I have seen in quite sometime. Took the time he should have spent being thankful for recieving an an Academy Award (wrongly bestowed uopn him for this piece of left-wing [junk]) to bash the president on national television! Wrong time, wrong place to excersize the right of free speech protected by the military that he so ashmedly wronged by bashing their commander and chief. Shame on him. "Bowling for Columbine" is another example of wrong-mindeness passing for art and individuals profiting by it. Profiting, that is, if you buy it.
Rating:  Summary: A Movie for the Sheeple Review: This is a great movie if you are a mindless sheep. Moore uses lies to present his radical leftist agenda in the film. Him and his fanatical friends wish to abolish the 2nd Ammendment of the Constitution and he uses lies and propaganda to persuade the morons watching. The Nazis used similar tactics in controlling opinions. Hitler wouldn't have needed Josef Goebells had he had Michael Moore at his disposal.
Rating:  Summary: Torturous Review: I feel Roger & Me was one of the most important films made about the crime that corporate America committed and is still committing against the working class. Now Moore is becoming a caricature of himself. The blue-collar look that worked well for Roger & Me is clearly phony facade. Moore's cynicism and just plan meanness at times has no home in working class America. It is liberal Hollywood all the way.
Rating:  Summary: Boring for Columbine Review: This is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Moore tries to be insightful but fails. Save your money.