Rating:  Summary: Great documentary!!! Review: Bowling for Comunbine is a funny yet deep exposition by self-proclaimed champion of democracy Michael Moore. It is very entertaining yet instructive film about how America really functions.Make no mistake, this film is a very good documentary! It documents real events, investigates many issue, and offers deep yet funny analysis regarding the Columbine tragedy. It's a collection of wit, depth, and much much more!!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Review: Micheal Moore hits the spot with this documentary. He uses his astute film making abilities to produce a documentary that is both humorous and entertaining whilst seriously addressing the issue of violet gun crime in America. Being from the UK, i found it greatly refreashing to watch a documentry by an American who has the guts to stand up and tell the American people that America is not the great country that it is percieved to be. 'Bowling For Columbine' raises question and presents opinions that will have you thinking for days after you watch this movie. It is an absolute must see.
Rating:  Summary: The Documentary that Wasn't Review: Folks, please DO NOT accept this film as anything but a farce. Those who gush over this piece of fiction are not digging deeply enough. Drop "truth about bowling" into any search engine to see what really lies under the surface.
Rating:  Summary: The Culture of Fear . . . . Review: While there are no words, nor is there any film that can alleviate the hurt and the sorrow that the people of Littleton, Colorado carry with them every day, talking about "why" is imperative to the healing process. Having asked this question to himself, Michael Moore began looking into the culture that could birth such a violent incident. This film travels through Moore's own thought process into what he believes is the root cause of much of the violence in society today: Fear. Mr. Moore believes that the United States was born of fear, and that the culture of fear is a catalyst in the American propensity towards violence. The murder rate in the United States is ten times that of our neighbors to the north, and a rate several times that of many other western nations. Many of these countries have far fewer guns as the citizenry is not allowed to possess firearms. Canada, on the other hand, is much like America in that a person can own a wide assortment of guns. Moore's previous works were more concise and collected; more to the point. Bowling for Columbine was Moore coming to his own conclusions, not having them completely formed in his own mind. This made for a somewhat scattered film at times, but it also made for a film that was very human; very real. Problems came in the fact that Moore often asked questions of people who really could not answer. Some inquiries could not be answered for business reasons and some for the fact that the questions themselves were simply unanswerable. While many of the concepts, people, and organizations that were brought into question in the film, were brought up for valid reasons, the attack on K-Mart was simply out of line and sensational. Moore was guilty of his own criticism and used media tactics to corner the retailer into submission. Aside from the few minor contradictory issues that came up through the film, it was spectacular. Bowling for Columbine brought into question the systemic reasons for the violence in America. He brought light onto the idea that the culture of fear is perpetuated by the media and by the government. Some of the most insightful moments of the film actually came from shock-rocker Marilyn Manson. As one of the primary targets of the religious right during the aftermath of the Columbine tragedy, Manson was amazingly understanding of the people, and expressed his feelings over why violence continues. One of the most memorable concepts that resonated throughout the film was that of the NRA's tendency to arrive in areas in the wake of terrible events. The NRA came to Denver within a month of the Columbine tragedy, and then within a week of the shooting death of Kayla Rolland in a Flint Michigan elementary school, even after pleas for them to stay away. Charlton Heston and the NRA showed an amazing amount of insensitivity in their presence in these places. While they have the right to be there, it showed how far they are willing to go, and how much they really do not care who they hurt in their wake. They refused to give a grief-stricken community time to heal. The film did have its problems, but it was amazingly powerful. It was very emotional. Though it was apparent that this film was a "work in progress," while Moore himself sorted out why he thought there was such excessive violence in America, it came to rather concise points. This is a film, no matter what a persons political beliefs are, that should be seen. It will provoke thought, one way or another. epc
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time Review: This is no documentery, and certainly should not be labled as such. It's listed as a documentary so it must be scored against that basis. If it were labled as a mocumentary, then I would have given it higher scores, but it's not labled that way. There is not much truth in this film at all. Basically the point is that American's are evil, and we should all move to Canada. Please do Mr. Moore. We won't miss you! And to label the US as one of the most unsafe places to live in the world is truly mind blowing. As of last count, the UK had surpassed the US in violent crimes with a gun. Besides guns are not the only way humans can impose violence on one another. Why not include other means of violence. Because that would clearly show that the US is a very safe place to live, and wouldn't let him blast away about how horrible American's are. Heck I live in an area where we never lock our doors, because there's no need to. I'm just waiting for him to do a piece on how big companies like GM, Ford and Chrystler are to blame for the thousands of deaths caused by automobiles a year (far more then guns). In any case, check your facts before you watch this film. Not only that, but disregard any reference to this being a documentary, which it clearly is not. It's nothing more then a movie in which the director is trying to shove his own views down the throats of the audience. Neither intertaining or interesting. I'm getting tired of the whole, average American middle aged white men are to blame for everything wrong with the world.
Rating:  Summary: great movie!!!!!! Review: This movie was very good, it showed other events besides the school shooting. It showed some footage of 9/11, I am glad Mike Moore made this great movie. It does make you cry when it shows what happened at Columbine. Well the DVD had good features. He was inter viewed by Charlie Rose I suggest you watch it. They have good subjects to talk about. Buy or rent this, has a great message!
Rating:  Summary: absolutly perfect! Review: This is a hard-core, wonderful documentary I recommend to radicals and extreme left wingers...everyone should see it, and for those republicans and gun owners watch with an open mind and maybe you'll get the point.
Rating:  Summary: RAISES ALL THE CORRECT QUESTIONS! Review: Don't look for answers here. This movie is about questions. Moore is looking for the answers as to why America is so violent when other countries have just as many guns, violent movies and video games, and poverty. He will move you from laughters to tears to shock and amazement, esp when he and 2 Columbine survivors convince KMart to stop selling bullets. This movie deservedly won the Oscar because it raises the questions most people are afraid to ask in this day and age of people like John Ashcroft and his so-called "Patriot Act." If anything, things have become scarier since this movie's release.
Rating:  Summary: CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE LIKE U EXIST! (west wing garbage??? ) Review: Please excuse me, I usually respect others opinion, but this is ridiculous! are the United states the ONLY TRULY FREE NATION? please, use your brain for a change. Does that means that because you have the constitutional right to own guns you are TRULY free? ohh please!. This documentary (because IT IS a documentary despise what other people say) shows a REAL problem in the States, violence and death is the result of a law that had a lot of sense 200 years ago, when countries like yours or mine were barely begining, fighting against the european invaders. But 200 years later in the 21 century that law is ridiculous! Are you right now in your front yard waiting for the Al quaeda with a Colt 45 in your hands ??? please sir, get a grip! And talking about tyrants, I agree, Saddam Hussein has one, but he isnt the only one, right now one very dangerous is driving your country to war against everybody, because that's the thing with tyrants, for them everybody besides them is the enemy! Right now your country is far from being a free nation. p.d: the movie is great, just like everything Michael Moore does!
Rating:  Summary: Fear and Distrust or Love and Trust? Review: This documentary will make you think! It will make you think long and hard about where American culture is taking us. There are a lot of bogus reviews here. Michael Moore didn't stage stuff or present false facts. Do your own homework and you will find facts that agree and support him. (extract from KarlTyler review) Gun related deaths per year. Germany........381 France...........255 Canada..........165 UK.................68 Australia..........65 Japan..............39 USA........11,127 But these statistics are not misleading, unless you think that the countries concerned have the same populations as the USA. Does anyone here believe that Japan, UK, Australia, etc. have the same population as the USA? Numbers adjusted to reflect comparable populations with the USA. Canada.......1,320 Germany.....1,143 France........1,020 Australia........780 UK...............272 Japan..............78 USA........11,127 As you can see the closest contender is Canada with almost 12% of the deaths that USA has. Total these inflated numbers and all the other countries listed only equal 4613 deaths per year. This is 41% of the total deaths per year that the USA suffers from. Micheal Moore doesn't attack the NRA. He doesn't ambush anyone. He asks fair questions. He balances the issues. I thought I was going to see 2 hours of extreme left wing propoganda. I was very happy that this documentary didn't meet my expectations.