Rating:  Summary: Bowling for Comlumbine! Review: After watching this film I felt the need to really probe my beliefs, and to ask questions not only of myself but of our society as well. "Why do we as Americans commit so much violent crime?" is the question the film poses. And I feel that it is definately a valid one, if not the most valid question one could ask about the state of the American world. I completely agree with the stance that the film takes regarding the answer to this question, and that answer is "fear." We have been taught to fear, (not only that which we don't understand) but any situation that we can not control. And many would use this fear as a tool to control us. I'm not a Marilyn Manson fan, but the guy is extremely intelligent, and what he has to say in the film pretty much sums everything up. It is our fear that causes us to be led around, and it is our fear that ultimately will cause our demise and keep us lashing out at others. Frankly, we are not living in a time where danger lurks at every turn, it is in fact quite the opposite. Think on this for a second: (I don't care if you're a leftist or a staunch conservative) how would you feel if you went to a party or gathering and when you got there everyone was a different race than you were, and they are all the same race? Wouldn't you feel a bit uncomfortable? And why is that? It is that we are afraid, maybe not of getting shot, but certainly of being a catalyst for violence. It really sucks that this is the case, but there are people out there that want to hurt you, simply because they are scared of you. For presenting this question and really making people own up to reality I feel that this movie is excellent, and in it's exploration of the subject it is worthy of five stars. However,... The film is a bit hypocritical. Where Moore basically sums up that guns are not the reason why people readily kill each other, and that it is a cultural/societal thing (his Canadian argument), he does a complete tailspin at the very end of the movie and almost directly places the blame on Charlton Heston's shoulders and the NRA's agenda. I really disliked this because so much of the film before that point was extremely valid, and thought provoking. But the Heston interview was basically just Michael Moore berrating Charlton Heston for heading up the NRA, like it was his fault that these children kill each other (that was in extremely poor taste). This is not the case, by any means, in fact Moore points out this earlier in the film. Moore also brings up the fact several times that Germany committed the attrocities in World War 2, but he doesn't mention that the first thing that Hitler did when coming to power was seize all of the registered weaponry. The fact is, that people do kill people. If this movie could make everyone change the way that they view fear in our society, then we wouldn't have anything to be afraid of, but, just because you haven't been attacked by a psychopathic killer in your home yet, doesn't mean you won't be. Anyone who's ever been in a fight for no reason that they can ascertain knows this: that human beings are a violent species and are more than ready to dispense violence. This film is not about "gun control," and I felt that the jab at the end was on a misguided note, and wasn't congruent with the rest of the film which was really great in-and-of itself. Like I said earlier, I would have given this movie five stars simply because it is probably the most thought provoking film that I have ever seen, however, it putters out in power a bit at the end. On a side-note, I loved the interview with the producer behind COPS, I thought that this segment was great and the guy had some real truthfulness behind what he said. Matt Stone also had some very good things to say, especially about high school and how it shapes children. By the way-side, for those of you that hate Marilyn Manson and think he's evil... he was beaten up and harrassed just like those two kids at Columbine, obviously this kind of hazing is the most anti-socially encouraging thing you could do to another person, and if you hate yourself you might start hating others. So don't raise your kids to be jerks and perpetuate the cycle. -- Review by a Southern Californian 19-year old, so what do I know, right? Peace!
Rating:  Summary: Everyone Should See This Film Review: This is a must see for everyone and we should all try to answer the question "Why"?? Once you see this some disturbing questions arise. Not only will you not be able to answer some of these questions but the ones you can answer you will not like the answers.
Rating:  Summary: A total waste of time Review: this (ahem) film was a waste of my time and Michael Moore is a perfect example of a waste of a good set of organs ,as far as being as film maker. No talent shown in this one, in my opinion. Boring and cliche type style. Ive seen better documentarys and more intriguing displays of style and talent at the local community college film class ( freshman level). ( no offense to any freshmans in CC) DONT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS ONE ! disclaimer > this is my opinion/review, yours may differ
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't stand the 'tude Review: This movie just made me so annoyed with its method of conveying a confused message. I disliked it more than any movie in recent memory for the attitude it held towards people. Skip it and see ADAPTATION, IDENTITY, INSOMNIA, or an older one USUAL SUSPECTS.
Rating:  Summary: America's blackest white man makes a big screen movie... Review: ...and what is the result? Nothing entertaining. Bowling for Columbine is a movie directed towards only the most gullible and paranoid of liberals as they all nod their heads in response to Moore's comments. Celebrate as Moore points fingers at all the obvious scapegoats for many of the negative aspects of our society television, video games, government, "whitey", etc.. This movie is just political propaganda masquerading as a documentary. Moore's careful editing and scripted prior to the meetings "interviews" make his victims seem like the most disgusting human beings one can imagine. Moore will not deliver you from society's hardships, but just fuel the fire which is misdirected anger. It is popular to point fingers elsewhere rather then accept personal responsibility for your social station. Moore makes you feel alright for doing so.
Rating:  Summary: Best Documentary In Years Review: "Bowling for Columbine" is an important movie. It dones't amtter if you are a liberal or a conservitive, this is a movie that, very simply, needs to be seen and discussed.Michael Moore, hero to all liberals, probes the issue of gun control, but he never makes a view of it clear. This movie isn't so much whether Americans need guns--if anything, the movie seems to be saying that its okay to have them--but rather why we seem to feel the need to shoot each other. Now, many conservtives will say that Michael Moore is only showing us what we think we need to know to see his point of view. THis is, for the most part, true. But that is what every journalist is going to do. This movie wont change your opinion on the issue, but rather spark a conversation with you and your signifigant other, friend and whoever is watching the movie with you. That's a lofty ambition for a movie also: to want people to converse, to talk about issues and form opinions on them. I don't care who does this, Michael Moore or Bill O'Reilly, its important to have people talking about things again, and thats the point of this film. Does Michael Moore go a little to far sometimes? Yeah. THe interview with Charlton Heston is a little too much, Moore pushing him for a litte too long. But minor grievances aside, "Bowling for Columbine" is a great film, entertaining and thought provoking, and well worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most influential films I've ever seen. Review: Once in awhile, I will see or read something that just changes my whole prespective on the world. This summer it happened twice. The first was reading Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. The Second was Bowling for Columbine. I fully believe that anyone who gave this movie a poor review, never actualy saw it, and just reviewed it solely on Michael Moore's acceptance speech. If you actually sit down and WATCH the MOVIE, you'll see that it is the central theme of the entire movie. In addition, I found that not only was it a film you walk away from at the end thinkin "Wow..." at all the questionsbrought forth, but it' als just an entertaining movie. You feel all range of emotions from laughter at the hilarious animated segment "A History of America" to complete sorrow at the death of a first grader in her classroom to the pure shock of seeing the video from the Columbine. Now, I would lik to take this time to point out that I am a bit bias towards this movie, as I tend to lean to the left on most all issues, and I'm sure some people that know me would say I'm just a bit to the right of Karl Marx (not true...)however, I would like to point out to all you people that said it was a left-wing crazy film that it is NOT. This film is nt Michael Moore getting up on his soapbox and yelling "Guns should be taken away!". I must admit, I was rather hoping that's what it would be. However, I was surprised to learn that Mr. Moore is, in fact, a lifelone member of the NRA. I don't even believe that the word "gun control" ever appeared in this movie. I actually finished the movie a little bit closer to the middle of the pollitical spectrum. A Michael Moore film actually caused me, a self-proclaimed Socialist And I figure I'm in good company, with the likes of George Orwell and FDR in that same camp). Even Clinton takes about as much fire (no pun intended) if not more than George W. Bush in this film. Before I end this review, you may notice that I only gave it 4 stars, in spite of the act that, so far, I have had only good things to say about it. That one star was taken away because I think that a few of the facts in he movie were distorted. But hey, at least his distorions of the truth don't cost he lives of American soldiers. And he never stole the Presidency. Okay, Ican't get over it! So I enjoy the Constitution! That's not a crime yet is it? *Is dragged away by Rumsfeld's Thought Police* Okay, so maybe it is...
Rating:  Summary: Get's His Point Across, But Highly Disingenuously Review: How long is Michael Moore going to be able to do this type of documentary? My guess is, that at some stage, people are going to be onto him. The segment with Charlton Heston is the most glaring case-in-point. He hounds Heston's people for an interview, finally gets some camera time with him and then totally submarines the man. I guess he's counting on Heston's having joined the Ronald Reagan Lost Recall Brigade. How else could Heston not have known going into the interview of Moore's muckraking past? Might it have had something to do with Moore's positioning himself as a longtime NRA, card carrying member, an undying gun enthusiast? Is that not at least a middling form of dissembling and misinformation (which Moore accuses his opponents of doing?). I'm not by any means a fan of the NRA. The fact that Heston went ahead with those rallies in Denver and Michigan is despicable. I'm just not into filmmakers' engaging in dishonest subterfuges in hopes of getting someone to look bad on camera. I'd also have to add that the guy can at least think on his feet. When his big crusade against K-Mart towards the end of the film entirely fizzles, when big, bad, corporate K-Mart shows it has a human heart, Moore parades about and lauds himself in one of the most self-aggrandizing displays I've ever seen on film . Sorry, much as I agree with many of the points he's trying to get across, this film and his Oscar acceptance speech marks him as a not-so-much-as-rent in the future. BEK
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore is a True American Review: Blindly waving a flag without questioning the policies of our government has become politically correct behavior in the post-911 era. Michael Moor's film dares to be different and challenges the establishment. A true American is one who critically looks at the policies of our government and holds them accountable against the ideals set forth in our own Constitution. Moore, in his own way, does just that. Besides, he's one funny guy. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Conservatives can be open-minded too Review: When I first purchased this DVD, all I knew was what I had seen of Michael Moore at the Oscars, which at the time made me furious for questioning the war in Iraq. I felt and still believe that we needed to get rid of a madman who was slaughtering his own people and was a threat to the world. What I found when I began watching Bowling for Columbine was not some demon left-wing commie, but someone who loves America, is part of the NRA, and who genuinely wants to find out why Americans seem to be so violent. And then I watched as Moore tore down the typical reasons given: less guns in other countries, less ethincity, less bloody histories. I have always had my own opinion of why it happens, as I'm sure everyone has, and this movie reinforced my own beliefs as I'm sure it enforces others in different ways. I am the last one to point fingers, but I see it every day. Americans seem to be obsessed with death. Whether it's rubbernecking at an accident, watching the evening news reports, we seem to be fascinated with the misery of others. I am guilty of this, and I do not blame anyone else. That is one major problem I see and what I believe is a primary reason here. We in this country love to blame others for our woes, both personally and collectively. We armed Usama bin Laden against the Soviets, Iraq against Iran, and watched them turn our own weapons on us as well as their own people. But it is not that simple. It's easy to blame the media, but they are simply giving the public what they want to see. Are video games and violent TN shows the culprit? Tell that to Ed Gein or Albert Fish. I don't remember Hitler owning a Playstation. Marilyn Manson? Simply theatrics, did Mozart inspire the Nazis? We have a bloodthirst and a detachment from others that transcends all this. I was here during the horrible riots in downtown Cincinnati. We still suffer repurcusions of that. I volunteered with fear in my heart to be a tutor and a mentor in the Washington Park area downtown, right in the heart of where the riots took place. And dammit, it still makes me nervous to go there. Have I ever been threatened? Not even close. The children are wonderful, people are helpful, and once I get over the jitters I see that it is not what it has been made out to be. But violence is a commodity that sells in the United States, and as long as we keep buying the hype it will not cease. I do disagree with Michael Moore's politics at times, as I do many others, but I can see that his heart is in the right place. If we had more caring people trying to make a difference instead of living in fear, perhaps we could bridge these gaps. I know that despite these deep-seeded premonitions that I may always carry due to conditioning, I'm not giving up on those kids in Washington Park. I still love my president, and support him as a patriotic American, but healthy debate is what makes us the democracy that others in repressed societies admire. Don't ever stop going after the truth Mr. Moore, though we may not vote for the same person, we do have a common goal to make our country better for everyone. And to the conservatives out there, if you pass over this documentary as I almost did, you are only hurting yourselves and possibly your country that you love so much. And to all the victims of our countries imperfections, you will not be forgotten.