Rating:  Summary: its ok Review: I think some of the messages in this movie are good but some arent. I like how he understands the struggle black people been goin thru but sum people need guns. I grew up in the hood in harlem and my daddy had a gun to protect my family from the gangs. But he locked up the gun and told me never to touch it and I never did. I think you should be able to have a gun if you want to but you should teach your kids to stay away from it. And anyway whyd you need a gun a gun if you live in the burbs. Im pissed tho cuz 1 guy said canada has less crime cuz theres less black people if I see that guy Ill kick his racist a**. Black people aint all violent and anyone who says we are can rot in hell. At least the black people who kill do it for money or drugs instead of the white people who kill for fun.
Rating:  Summary: Filmmaking for Dummies Review: Michael Moore would do all of us a great service and quit making dogmatic documentary films that serve his selfish self-interests. Bowling for Columbine raises a lot of questions, but answers none. It takes bitter and unnecessary swipes at the current Administration that has nothing to do with guns or gun control. The film is subversive in it's own way. The story line is very scattered and muddled. There is no through line and there are no thought provoking points being made. There is no arc in the story and little thought was made into the interview questions. The camera work is shoddily atrocious and the sound is equally bad. You would think Moore might have learned something from his second venture into filmmaking (Roger and Me, his first film, was his first film shot in 1989). Furthermore, we see the obese and blubbering Michael Moore trying desperately to steal too many scenes that depict him as a, "working class Joe". After watching this amateurish, poorly made, and tasteless effort you can't help but think this film is a vehicle for Moore's bloated ego. Also, Moore must be vilified for insensitive and crudely racism overtones of his little animated piece in the film One more final note: Moore's new film has won the coveted and most prized (bigger than the Oscar statue) international film award, "The Palme D'Or". Somewhere, Sergei Eisenstein must be rolling over in his grave. I haven't seen the film nor will I (this must be boycotted by all of us and censored). This film is a disgrace and an insult to the American Public and any person who has served in combat. I served two tours of duty in Viet Nam and I'm very, very proud of it. It was a just and righteous war and the people who protest it don't see that our country, if not for the efforts of our Government, might be living in a Communist society today if we never intervened. Furthermore, somebody needs to tell Michael Moore that Pat Tillman died for our freedom and President George W. Bush lives to make us free for our future. Michael Moore Move to Canada, Please.
Rating:  Summary: Very Poor Movie Review: I was raised in a Democratic, gun-ownerless home. So why now do I own four firearms, have a license to carry and love the 2nd Amendment? Well, if anyone on here is a victim of a violent crime then you know why. If you have ever had your life threatened by a stranger and property taken from you then you know why. If you have ever been stripped of your rights to life, liberty or property then you know why. See, what Michael Moore indirectly says is that guns are the problem. Ok, so pass comprehensive gun legislation and see if that prevents the thugs who car jacked me from attaining the gun they shoved in my face. Wake up people. This isn't Canada with a mostly white population of 30 million, but rather an extremely diverse nation of almost 300 million. Total regulation of guns is almost as stupid as the war on drugs; you can't win it. In order to preserve your rights and freedoms in a diverse country like ours you have to arm yourself. Michael Moore should have looked at the real cause of all the violence in this county, the rise in single parent homes and the absence of fathers in children's lives. Instead of regulating firearms we should be regulating childbirth. And yes, I think we could learn a lot from China.
Rating:  Summary: Blatent Manipulation Review: I will not try to deny Michael Moore's skill as a film maker: he displays great talent in finding quotes and passages from the various media to support his personal point-of-view. However, herein lies the problem: he is only concerned with his point-of-view. Michael Moore represents everything that is wrong with the current, holier-than-thou, liberal attitudes prevalent in Hollywood. I applaud the person who presents a balanced, objective argument, whether it supports my personal beliefs or not. I welcome earnest, intellectual debate on topics and, if the facts are on the other side, I can be swayed. But Michael Moore does none of this. Instead, he seems content to smugly run around, proclaiming he knows better than everyone else what is wrong in the world of today. He will then edit anything he needs to suport his views, sometimes altering the intent and tone of the material he is supposedly quoting. This is simply the example of an angry man who found he could get his name in the papers and make a lot of money by being a professional agitator; using just enough research and information to sway people not already aware of the facts. The fact that he believes other people will come over to his way of thinking simply because he wants them to is insulting and degrading to people everywhere. Everyone should do themselves a favor and research the issues at hand for themselves. Form an educated opinion, don't simply take the word of a petulant man who believes he knows what is best for all of you. Oh, and no, I'm not a member of the NRA nor have I ever been. To write off critics as being "crazy, NRA-members" is inaccurate and unjust. (..)
Rating:  Summary: zombie concepts Review: "There is absolutely no connection between having a gun and shooting someone with it....and NOT having a gun and NOT shooting someone with it. There have been studies made so this is absoulute proof. You'd be a fool and a communist to think otherwise." -- any NRA member To the reviewer whose profoundly educated opinion of Michael Moore and his movie is that "he's ugly, and not much to look at either" I say this - well done. You come off like some hysterical fear/hate tourette's case. You're an author?? Back up those clearly heart-felt words with some facts next time dude.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Documentary Review: I didn't know who Micheal Moore was until someone recomend this movie to me. Since I also make documentaries of my own I have a deeper appreciation for his work and understand how long and hard it really is to make such a thing. I loved this documentary, it asked all the right questions. And never was I bored watching it. I admire his need to get the truth. How he tells us what we NEED to hear, not what we want to hear. People have said this isn't completely the truth. But since I don't know him personaly I can't comment. So, you should watch it your self and draw your own a opinon. Not take someone else's word for it. I believe it's true, but that's me. This is truely a documentary I will continue to watch time and time again. One of my favorites.
Rating:  Summary: Bowling For Columbine- An good example of bad use of Talent Review: Bowling For Columbine is probably one of the most famous "documentaries" of this day and age. Michael Moore obviously has some skill at both making a film and making at point, and boy what a point does he make. In this "fact-based" documentary, he praises Canada, denounces the American Gun Culture, "exposes" the racism in the media and in the country, and generally lets us know how dumb our presidents are, all in the interest of showing us why the Columbine Shootings occured. A valid point, and definately a topic worthy of a documentary. Unfortunately, Moore ruins it. He uses all his talent at film making and editing to splice together (he calls it shortening) speeches so that the viewer only sees what he wants them to see. Statistics presented in the movie are not grounded in fact. At one point, he ADDS WORDS to an old political commercial in order to make it look like something it was not. The "documentary" is filled with lies and falsehoods. There are many websites which can explain this in greater detail, although I reccommend www.hardylaw.com/Truth_About_Bowling, since it's more concise. In short, this "documentary" is a good example of film technique, with masterful edits and a good combination of montages and animation. It's also a good example of how to use good film technique to decieve an audience and make a point at any cost by any means.
Rating:  Summary: Probably my favorite Documentary... ever... Review: I have recently became a big fan of Michael Moore and his work, he speaks the truth and isn't afraid of confronting government officials and celeberties to get their scoop, Michael Moore is one of my favorite authors as well, I recently purchased "Dude, Wheres My Country?" and its a fantastic read for anyone who is into politics and anyone AGAINST the Bush administration. Bowling for Columbine deals with the issue of gun control in America and focuses on 2 cases of school violence, Columbine High School, and the shooting of a little girl by a young boy who found a gun in his uncles house. Michael Moore challenges K-Mart, Charles Heston, and several analysts and officials, he isn't afraid of what they have to say but instead he is trying to unveil the truth to the world.
Rating:  Summary: Sad but True Review: This is an amazing documentary, too bad is about us but is the pure true, is not averyone in america is as crazy as he says, but this society is falling down and the world see us like those crazy people affraid of everybody and just looking the right time to bomb wherever we want without a reason. we should make up our minds and open our hearts cos this great country will become a paranoia... and well deserved it.