Rating:  Summary: Very convincing, until you examine the facts... Review: This DVD was so full of lies and misrepresentation of facts, it's no wonder Mr. Moore has become the new golden child of the far-left; he fits right in with the crowd. For example, he implies that the NRA's convention in Denver was scheduled after Columbine happened - the fact is that it was scheduled far in advance. Mr. Moore completely ignores another fact: Guns do not cause crime. What causes crime is a decaying moral foundation, which is what we have here in America. Guns have been widely available in this country for around 200 years. There were no restrictive gun laws in place, and school shootings were unheard of - until around 15 years ago. That's about the time when it became illegal to discipline your child, movies became more violent, and people have become more influenced by negative media (Marylin Manson, a has-been who makes an appearance in this DVD is one such example). Mr. Moore misrepresents the NRA, attacks Charleton Heston (a man who obviously was suffering from the early stages of Alzheimers), and misses the point entirely: Our violent media-driven culture has made people numb to the value of human life. If guns didn't exist, murders would still occur (look at Japan, a country where guns are illegal and knife-murders make the headlines). In contrast, look at Switzerland, where each household is REQUIRED to own a machine gun, and the murder rate is almost zero. Where is this statistic in Mr. Moore's film? By not addressing the root cause of violence, Michael Moore is part of the problem, not the solution. This movie wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that people actually take him SERIOUSLY! Well, since Rosie O'Donnell hit rock-bottom, the far-left needs another wealthy, lying loud-mouth to stir up the masses. It's a shame that people like Mr. Moore have the silver screen to spread their propaganda, but fortunately the average American knows better and will dismiss this as being what it truly is: One man capitalizing off the tragedies of others. God save us all.
Rating:  Summary: Make the Next One Better Review: I have read most of the reviews on Moore's movie and have seen Bowling for Columbine three times now. Except for a few, most people miss the point of this documentary. I think even Micheal Moore himself missed part of the point when he did not explore more deeply why a place like Windsor, Ontario ( a town of more than 400,000 people ) had only 1 murder in three years, and that from a country that has SEVEN MILLION GUNS FOR TEN MILLION PEOPLE. These people don't even lock their doors despite some of their homes having been vandalized. For any American, this is incomprehensible. What Moore suggests goes wayyyyyyy beyond gun control and the yahoos who support it for all their inanely rabid reasons. I don't even think Moore is anti-gun, himself a card carrying member of the NRA. Moore points to something deeper, more endemic in American Culture...fear...and the multi-billion dollar industries that promote it for profit. Moore sees the ease in which fear can move us Americans, especially in light of our deepening trend to close ourselves off from our neighbors,our widespread mobility, and the cutting away of our ties from our neighbors, relations and friends which, like a self comsuming serpent, feeds on itself in the media blitz that promotes a potpouri of fear based on an insatiable need to make it to the top and protect ourselves at all costs, even if those costs are paranoidally ( is that a word?) blown way out of proportion. At this point violence and agression is made easy...even the preferred choice to settle scores. If I might make a suggestion to Mr. Moore for his next movie...explore the culture and the media that produces this "wild west" sensibility in our cities and elsewhere...go deeper, Mr.Moore..you are onto something very interesting here...don't just turn you next movie into a bitter diatribe against one administraton...the means are here for Michael Moore to take Bowling For Columbine to a new level...don't miss this opportunity...it's in your hands.
Rating:  Summary: Go back to Canada Mr. Moore. Review: I think this movie is a complete waste of Americans' time. What type of American makes a movie complaining about a right that is givin to us. You can't let a couple of trigger-happy morons ruin it for the rest of us. Throw out this communist load of junk and support YOUR 2nd Amendment!
Rating:  Summary: try to pry it out of my cold dead hands Review: I am positive that this is not a perfect movie. I cringe watching it and some of the logic is a little flawed. About ten minutes in we are barraged with much violence...and then we are told that what the media is showing us is leading us to paranoia. However, there is also no doubt that this is made by one of the most brilliantly subsersive people on the planet. Michael Moore is manipulative and all over the map. I agree that the movie seems to lack a central focus...but the ideas are beyond thought provoking.You are not going to watch this movie passively. You will have an opinion about it. I like movies that challenge me. I like movies that risk. I even like movies that are so opinionated that the risk contradicting themselves. I loved this movie. There were times I was angry about it(I think Moore sometimes makes the wrong person look bad...in his constant desire to speak to the big man it is obvious that he only embarrases the poor middle man. It would be like having an issue with Moore himself and only speaking to his interns...but I guess ultimately Moore might show up) but there were as many times that I was set afloat by powerful ideaas. It is not just about gun control but about the country we live in. A country that gives its country a right to bear arms....and to speak their mind about the glitch in that right. Check this movie out..but you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands.
Rating:  Summary: Violence begets violence Review: I really liked the connection made between a violent society and violence commited by children at school. Violence in the news from the bombs their parents build getting dropped in other countries, violence in their homes from their stressed out families, violence in schools from their peers, violence in movies, violence in music and video games. In short the glorification of violence all around them. Add to that the ploriferation of guns available at say K-Mart and you have childred killing children in schools. Maybe we should teach more about Gandhi in our schools and less about our wonderful army...
Rating:  Summary: One of the best documentaries ever... Review: The first time I saw this, I wasn't that impressed. But after seeing it several times, I'm beginning to realize what a masterpiece of documentary film making this is. The Heston interview is a hoot! I con't care what your politics are, and whether you are pro-gun-control or not, you'll enjoy this. It's nice to know free speech is alive and well and living in, well, Michigan.
Rating:  Summary: One Film You Must See Review: You can say what you want about director Michael Moore, and people have said quite a lot on both sides; but the man is talented and he can get people talking. And I think that's probably one of his primary goals. Moore is funny, cynical, caring, compassionate, scornful, and unflinching. All of these attributes come across in 'Bowling for Columbine,' a film that examines two aspects of American life: our relationship with guns and our fears of...well, everything. Moore uses the tragic events at Columbine as a jumping off point to underscore and reinforce his thoughts that America is the most violent country in the world. How and why did it happen? Why does America have more deaths by handguns than any other country? The examination of these questions is riveting and fascinating. I'll never forget the disturbing footage from the school cameras at Columbine. That's not the only disturbing footage in the film. But there's also some incredibly funny scenes, one of them a cartoon chronicling America's greatest fears throughout her history. But probably the most unforgettable scene is the interview with NRA President Charlton Heston. I'll never forget how the interview ended and what happened immediately after. Simple, but powerful filmmaking. The film extras are many and are generally good. The overall distraction is Moore's unending tirade against George Bush. Whatever you may think of Bush, he is not the primary focus of the film. So why does Moore spend so much time blasting him in the bonus footage? As for the film itself, there are no easy answers and Moore doesn't really expect any. But the film does give you a lot to think about, no matter what side of the gun control issue you embrace. An absolute must-see film.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is not about gun control you right-wing idiots Review: I love this movie one of the best documentries in the past 10 years. Mr. Moore asks the guestion why are we violent people after reading the various right-wing reviews damning the film and bringing in their "racial" or gun statistics he never did say he was against guns, he asked why we are a violent country and he succeeds mightly asking tough questions as my mother says the "truth hurts" even though he spliced lot of information, took some liberties particularly on Canada (i love canada and hope to live there one day as soon as they get an nfl football team lol) Frankly the Heston interview brillant, this man is a racist plain and simple, alzihmers or not he is no invailid and took the interview so he is to blame also, he has been in the buisness over 50 years and should have known better than to deal with a reporter asking loaded questions. And to those right-wingers spewing their racist venom, they are frankly wrong on all counts, stats are very funny things depending on where you got them and can be twisted for anyone's bias. ( Like white amerikkans are among the most violent white people on earth.) Frankly if all of us black men (or people) are so violent as the right -wing intellectual/corporate media protrays us then give those african-americans you people are afraid of as moore states in the film our own commenwealth state(like the u.s. virgin islands)in this country and grant us political automony, all you have to do is lobby your congressman/senator and get 34 states to approve it. This movie is brillant from start to finish you will laugh, cry and most important think for yourself buy this movie for yourself and a friend. P.S. ...
Rating:  Summary: Not just bias, but purposefully deceptive. Review: While this film has been hailed as a great documentary, it is anything but. I originally went along with it and actually believed he was presenting honest and truthful information, but only giving his side of the story. Since this however, an overwhelming amount of information has been uncovered that has shown that Mr. Moore went out of his way to decieve his audience and flat out lie. For one, pieces of video of several different NRA meetings were edited together to make it appear to be a single meeting and creating an effect that he desired to "prove" his point. The factory that produced the "weapons of mass destruction" made rockets to send satellites into space. Much information is left out about the NRA's meetings in Colorado and Michigan, as well as lies being produced about them. The list is nearly endless. For more information, check out www.moorelies.com. This is just one source among many. Just thought it may be a good idea to check some facts before mindlessly believing the stuff Michael Moore spits out. Hopefully, this will result in intellectual and rational discussion over these issues (regardless of which side "wins"), rather than lies and deception in trying to make people believe what you believe.
Rating:  Summary: Well written and filmed, factually void and flawed. Review: This film is very well written, filmed, and produced, but is filled with glaring factual problems. Continually contradictory, the common thesis that the lack of social programs in this country contribute to gun violence. Michael Moore uses sappy music, and saavy editing to pull at the heartstrings while totally disregarding facts. One such misleading fact is the number of gun murders he states. While our gun deaths are much higher than countries like Germany, France, or Canada, it is actually smaller per capita according to FBI statistics. Also, he takes only homicides for countries like Germany and Canada, but lumps justifiable shootings (cops shooting bad guys), and accidental deaths for the United States. He blames the United State's welfare to work program for the shooting death of 8 year old Kayla Rolland by a classmate. He says the welfare to work program made the shooter's mother work, instead of stay home with her child. He fails to point out that the boy lived in a known crackhouse, where numerous weapons were readily available along with drugs and passed-out drug addicts. These are two of dozens of facts that mislead. This movie is an entertaing work of FICTION. Well written, but factually flawed.