Rating:  Summary: right-wing reviewers are slamming this film without reason Review: All media is propaganda. "It's a wonderful life" makes us all feel good so we don't mind that it's presenting an oversimplified, melodramatic view of the world. Bowling for Columbine is propaganda because it's a form of media. I don't agree with half the political stances it takes, but so what? It was made by Michael Moore to express something that emerged from his own personal creativity. To me the question would be "did he accomplish a meaningful depiction of that vision?" I would have to say yes. The man made an entertaining film that expressed many of the under-represented voices of this country. Listen to what the film is saying America. Even if you don't agree with what's being said, it will provide insight into some interesting perspectives. We don't need to censor unpopular perspectives, do we?
Rating:  Summary: Documentary Spoof? Review: Full of so many lies and fabrications it must have been made as a spoof on real documentaries. A total fabrication to advance Mr. Moore's political agenda. He should reimburse me for the time I spent watching his trash.
Rating:  Summary: This is NOT a documentary by any stretch of the imagination Review: Bowling for Columbine is a low brow, offensive propaganda piece and is an affront to real documentary film makers. Moore uses lies, half-truths and selective editing to twist reality into what he thinks is the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Do some research>>> Review: If you're even remotely interested in this topic and thought this was a "great documentary" like so many here apparently, you owe it to yourself to check out the criticisms and then do a bit of research of on what Moore claims in this "documentary". You are absolutely having the proverbial wool pulled over your eyes if you buy into even half of this movie. Moore plays games even with relatively unimportant points in this "documentary", it is honestly in no way, shape, or form a fact-filled, accurate documentary. This is not a documentary in any sane person's world... Case in point, the Flint Michigan shooting. Moore just plain leaves out the fact the shooter was living in a crack house, run by his drug dealing Uncle, and that the gun used was a stolen weapon, given to the dealer Uncle as payment for drugs. Moore doesn't mention how this was not the boys first violent attack on classmates. Perhaps living in a crack house surrounded by criminals was a motivating factor in the boy's violence? Moore seems to want to blame it on the poor Mother who was "forced" to work... Moore also implies by some clever text editing on the headlines that Charlton Heston and the NRA posse show up in Flint mere days later to somehow harrass the poor locals. In fact their visit was 8 MONTHS later as part of the "get out the vote" campaign not related to this shooting. In the segments on the NRA and the Columbine shootings, Moore plays fast and loose with the facts and the quotes. Heston's speaches are spliced together, several comments not even coming from that actual appearance, and he is shown completely out of context. Moore implies this NRA event was rushed to the area as some sort of protest. It was in fact an annual event, the location and events planned far ahead of time. Moore leaves out that all functions of the NRA at this event were cancelled other than the ones required by the by-laws of the organization. Moore implies the whole event was a big "thumb your nose" at the locals by the NRA. That is completely ridiculous and couldn't be further from the truth. This is just the tip of the iceberg, nearly every point Moore makes, nearly every quote, statistic, and "fact" is at the very least misleading, and often flat out skewed/incorrect. Honestly, if you view this "documentary" you owe it to yourself to not take Moore's word for anything in it... Do some searches on the internet for "truth about bowling for columbine" and similar and you will find documented information that shoots this whole "documentary" full of holes. And I'm not asking you to take my word for any of this, do you own research, all the points are documented and can be proven without a shadow of a doubt one way or the other. Not that this movie is not without entertainment value, it's actually fairly cleverly done. And as many people slam it for being "anti-gun", it actually is not as bad on that front as many may have feared. But to pass it off as a real documentary is just plain a slap in the face to people casually watching this and thinking they are even getting half the picture...
Rating:  Summary: More lies from Moore Review: I can't even begin to say how utter repulsive this movie is. Moore blatently lies in SO many places its not even funny. they accedemy is a joke for giving this an oscar. i no longer respect anything from them or moore himself. don't waste your money on this propaganda.
Rating:  Summary: Mike Moore sure pissed off a lot a people at the Oscars. Review: A lot of gun nuts hated him even before that. But please don't dismiss this documentary. He drifts away from his subject at times but it is still compelling as hell. Please see it. Liberal or conservative, (open your mind for a least 2 hours) pro-gun or anti-gun. Part with a couple of bucks & rent the tape if you can't bear to buy it. The Heston interview is the least of the whole film. It's a real simple equation: fewer guns = fewer dead Americans.
Rating:  Summary: About as much of a documentary as "Star Wars" Review: Considering that half of this "documentary" is made up or staged, you'd think Moore could have at least made it somewhat interesting. I'm sympathetic to the cause, but let's try to find some real answers, not pony up to the Hollywood crowd by making up boogeyman stories.
Rating:  Summary: Making a statement...the Michael Moore way Review: The controversy surrounding Michael Moore's Academy Award acceptance speech for this film, sadly overshadowed one of the most moving, and thought-provoking films to come along in quite some time. I went into this movie, not exactly knowing what to expect. I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be a comic take on a serious topic, or a serious look at what's wrong with the whole gun-control issue in the US. What i found, was a combination of the two. And the fact that he pulls both off, is a feat in itself. One minute, "Bowling For Columbine", had me laughing over his deadpan sarcastic humor, and the next...i had chills, watching the actual footage from inside Columbine on the day of the shooting. I think one of the best things about the film, is you don't know where it's going next. Michael Moore keeps you guessing, which is one of the reasons it's such an effecting movie. My advice is to look past the controversy, and experience a movie that will make you think...no matter what your position is on the issue of gun control. and it will definitiely stay with you for a long time.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: I thought this was a good movie. It was a little boring at parts but had good music and was very well done. A+
Rating:  Summary: You can start by getting your guns out of our countries!! Review: The UK, America's most consistent and important ally has a population of close to 60 million people, about 20% of the US population. Yet it's death rate from firearms is less than 0.5% of the US rate. An American friend of mine was shocked when she came to Britain to find out that the police aren't even armed. They haven't been armed since their inception in the 1830's. Similarly the police in the Irish Republic are also unarmed. Something both societies could hardly do if they suffered from epidemic bouts of gun crime. Criminals in both these countries seem to have a tremendous amount of difficulty in getting their hands on guns. In fact nearly all the illegal guns which come to these islands come to Northern Ireland from America. America reaps the financial rewards of criminal desire all over the world.