Rating:  Summary: funny but heartbreaking Review: Michael Moore is an excellent satirist who actually cares enough to make a difference. He tries, and magically succeeds at changing one of the most horrid gun practices - bullet sales! He wisely poses the question to America - should guns be so widely and easily available?
Rating:  Summary: Straight to the heart of the problem. Review: Michael Moore has made his contribution to the quality of humanity with this documentary, which points out the painful facts many Americans rather ignore than confront - until the facts smack them right on their faces.It is not surprising that prestigious awards have been given to this documentary. Bravo Michael!
Rating:  Summary: The most important movie of the decade Review: Michael Moore's message isn't that all guns should be banned, it's that we need to take a good hard look at why this "advanced" country has the highest murder rate in the civilized world so we can improve ourselves as a nation. He also has many brilliant things to say about our culture of fear, the media, poverty in the land of plenty and the bloody havoc this country has been reeking on other nations long before the invasion of Iraq (you will be shocked). Oh yeah, and there's a lot of great material about Canada too. If you haven't seen this movie, you really, really should. It's heartbreaking at times and funny at others. It's simply brilliant, and I can't wait to see Farenheit 9/11--I'm sure it'll be explosive.
Rating:  Summary: hstemp Review: And for you to say that Michael Moore doesn't believe guns are the problem (although coupled with other social factors) simply because he's a member of the NRA is absurd. Did you watch the film? He demonizes the tools of freedom and those who own them countless times throughout the film. Albeit, he criticizes the motives of ownership as well, but nevertheless paints a picture of gun owners as podunk, fearful, paranoid idiots who simply, by his reasoning, shouldn't own guns.
Rating:  Summary: HStemp Review: Mr. (or Mrs.) HStemp, I own the film, teach social studies in an all black middle school and live in the district I teach in, so there goes your assumption that I'm a bigoted xenophobe who has never seen the movie. It's amazing how my observations of society could be twisted into the senseless comment you made about xenophobia. Where do you live? What do you do for a living? Please don't answer either because I don't care. How can a xenophobe live and work in an inner city, all black school every day? Now that is the first time I used the word "black", and by using the word "white" in my previous review, I was attempting to explain the cultural and ethnic stratification of Canada in relation to the U.S. Maybe I should have used Caucasoid to keep you from basically insulting me. I simply stated that we live in a diverse society while Canada is a more homogeneous society made up of mostly white people, or should I say a more ethnically unified nation. That's not to say that Canada is without it's ethnic strife, but when you have a nation of 30 million vs. a nation of 300 million you might as well be comparing apples to oranges. Now this is a realistic observation, and at least I have the stones to express it while you don't even have the stones to post your name. You are the one throwing words around in an attempt to interpret my review to your liking. You and Michael Moore have a lot in common. Try reviewing the film, not fellow reviewers.
Rating:  Summary: Bowling For Columbine Review: Michael Moore at his uncompromising best, the people in certain sections of The USA are beyond questionable. The way he explores this is superb by showing the climate of fear, that the American media exploit. Charlton Heston, like any old republican relic, is a bitter twisted old man. I can't wait till Farenheight 911 is released.
Rating:  Summary: Are Americans Stupid? Review: Apparently Michael Moore thinks so. We are stupid because we want guns and big cars and are not enlightened leftist intellectuals. I'm tired of Michael Moore and his relentless criticism of America. Just another alienated intellectual who has found that being a rebel is the only way he can get status in a democratic capitalism society.
Rating:  Summary: Are Americans Stupid? Review: I'm tired of Michael Moore and his relentless criticism of America. Just another alienated intellectual who has found that being a rebel is the only way he can get status in a democratic capitalism society.
Rating:  Summary: I have no words Review: This is the way I get unmotived, uninformed friedns of mine really INTERESTED in what is going on IN OUR NAME... this documentary id true, easily understood and most of all entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: 2nd Viewing Review Review: As stated I watched "Bowling for Columbine" for the second time. I was trying to determine what the negative reviews were commenting on. One reviewer complains that he believes that Moore's position is: "guns are the problem". That is not Moore's position, indeed, he is a lifelong NRA member. Unfortunately, this reviewer is emblematic of the culture of fear that "Bowling for Columbine" postulates is responsible for the proliferation of gun violence in the US. Finally, the reviewer goes on to blame diversity, ie Black folk and immigrants. Even if we ignore the racist and xenophobic nature of his remarks, "Bowling" provides evidence to counter this assertion. HENCE IT IS CLEAR THAT "Evan Martin" DID NOT VIEW THE FILM. Another reviewer "bvanslooten2" referred to the film as "dogmatic", however, dogmatic means asserted without proof or evidence in support. Quite untrue. Information is presented to support Moore's ideas throughout the film. You may disagree with the information or statistics in the film, but dogmatic it is not. Then "bvanslooten2" says that this film: "...must be boycotted by all of us and censored. This film is a disgrace and an insult to the American Public and any person who has served in combat." Huh? Where did this come from? Why is it an insult to anyone who has served in combat? Further, I am not sure anything should be censored, much less a harmless movie. HENCE, AGAIN WE ARE FORCED TO THE CONCLUSION THAT "bvanslooten2" MUST NOT HAVE EVER VIEWED "Bowling for Columbine". In summary, I would like to save readers some time: "BE FOREWARNED, MANY OF THE NEGATIVE REVIEWERS HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS FILM". Thank you for reading. Hope this helps.