Rating:  Summary: Sadly, Filled with lies Review: As a person stongly against guns, I was eager to see this movie, especially after the Academy Award win. After watching, I was eager to use the ammo against my pro-gun friends. I luckly bothered to do some of that crazy research stuff prior to speaking to the points in the movie.It was quickly apparent that Moore first found a belief then created video and numbers to justify his belief. The actual numbers are of course enough to make a strong anti-gun arguement, but rather than use facts, Moore just chooses to lie. Some quick Google searches will allow you to prove this to yourself, but if you don't feel like doing any work, just check out http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html. Note to Moore: When you lie to promote your position, you destroy the cause you supposedly support.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent piece of film making Review: I have read a lot of sites claiming Michael Moore is a lying fat person... because he manipulating information to create a more compelling viewing experience. While this may be true, it still doesn't change the fact that Moore has presented us with a great thesis that needs to be heard by everyone in America (and the world for that matter), and if artistic licence was needed to make this documentry mainstream, then I'm all for it. Just as the old saying goes-- "the end justifies the means"
Rating:  Summary: Boring movie with inaccurate content. Don't waste your Time Review: I can't believe there are people in this world that actually liked this movie. It makes me wonder if they are from planet Earth or just visiting from the planet Horrible Taste in Movies. First off this movie is very inaccurate, so if your looking for both points of view it's not there. The movie is shot from an extremely left-wing point of view. (but what did you expect from Michael) Boring, Boring, Boring... It wasn't even interesting or shocking. It was a long movie with horrible interviews and at one point has Michael carrying on a crusade against K-Mart. K-MART??? Are you kidding me, who cares? A lame documentary that drags on until the bitter end. Michael if your listening, go back to the little hole you crawled out of and never make another movie please!!!
Rating:  Summary: Michael Moore is the best maker of documentaries there is Review: This movie, as Roger & Me, Michael's books, really scare the heck out of the corpocracy, The white house and the "non-conservative, conservatives", that run our country. They do not want dialogue, or American's to be informed. The documentary is incredibly fascinating, funny, scary, well researched, provocing and probably will leave you a little changed afterwards. As a great documentatary should and typical of Michael's style, it opens up questions rather than tells answers. Hopefully there this creates more dialogue between Americans. We need to come up with the answers. I live in Colorado, within 100 miles of Columbine so I am aware of many of the items that are documented. As usual Michael put things in his documentary that are incredibly funny and entertaining as well as disturbing and thought provoking. What he always does is document facts. A look at Michael's web site www.michaelmoore.com documents proof of everyone of the items that the puppets from the Fox network, etc try to say are inaccurate. Yes, that bank does give away guns, yes Charlton Heston and his Rifle Association did what they did right after the deaths of those poor children as well as the trauma they suffered in Colorado. Really stuck it to those parents and students who were picketing for some respect and sensitivity to the victims. Not in the movie is the republican demonated Colorado state legislatures answer to Columbine. It was to post the "Ten Commandents in every Colorado school". By the way, they are not accurate in their english interpetation, but that is besides the point. Yes that quote about the ethnic mixing Charleton made was incredibly revealing. Who the else has the courage to go to places and talk to people that he does. What I found so wonderful about Michael's work is that he lets the words and the pictures stand on its own merit and his work always asks more questions than they answer. It is up to us, presented with information that we are not going to get from the U.S. media, or the research, or the people's direct words. This one is not to be missed for ANYONE, and I hope political brainwashing will not keep people away. The movie, like all of his are meant to create dialogue, not tell you what to do. He also is wonderful at getting people to talk in a very informal way about things and his humor, I mean his humor is seperates him from the rest.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie with lots of food for thought Review: Too bad the 1-star crowd didn't bother to watch it... they might have broadened their horizons. As a gun owner and moderate conservative, I was intrigued with MM's honest examination of what makes us violent in the US, and fascinated with the detailed comparisons with similar countries. The enquiry he started is worth a Ph D thesis for some sociology or social psychology student. OK..it's not perfect.. the cartoon sequence was "over the top" for me... but how often do you get a chance to see a movie that really takes a serious unbiased look at a major problem and examines the usual explanations in detail (and finds them all wanting?). There is no "bias" one way or the other, (left or right) in the examination, but a lot of mind-blowing information. At the end, we still don't know the answer, but we know a lot of things (including pet ideas of both left and right) that don't seem likely. I'm not sure MM came to the right conclusion as to "why" for high American murder rates vs. other democracies, but at least it's a fresh idea and makes sense. A "liberal" who is a lifetime NRA member (MM) has to be able to look at all sides of an issue! Thought provoking, well worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking if slanted Review: I'm anti gun and pro gun control. I found that Mr Moore did a great job at appealing to the people who already sided with him while belittling those who could have been convinced over to his side. Perhaps if he had accorded those of differing viewpoints some respect and presented even one pro gun, anti gun control advocate that didn't seem like a complete nut job I would have thought this DVD was worth 5 stars. Of course there is always the posibility that there aren't any logical pro gun people out there to interview. A small voice in my liberal heart made me write that. I thought the quality of the documentary was excellent, the sections entertaining and thoughtful, and I really enjoyed the whole thing.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage in, Garbage out Review: Boy, do I feel dumb spending my money for this poece of trash. I should've known better knowing that Michael Moore was behind it. The footage and histroical facts of Columbine have been cleverly re-aranged to fit Moore's leftist propagannda agenda.This does NOT make for a genuine documentary film maker. This video is simply awful NOT RECOMMENDED! NOT EVEN AS A DOOR STOP.
Rating:  Summary: ....what a wonderful world....oh yeah.... Review: This film is a tremendous statement on the nature of the United States at the close of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. It is a study of the fear culture in which I live and wish to change. Its argument is never clearly stated by Michael Moore allows the viewer to make the connections between the issues themselves. I write this now at 4am, having watched the film last night. I have not slept, for fear of the bloody ghosts my nation has created. The montage detailing bloody U.S. Covert Operations from 1953 to their inexorable September 11th 2001 conclusion has chilled me with a fear I've never known before. This film will make you question your humanity and tht of your supposedly elected leaders... This film will make you fear for your soul... watch it now.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Waste Your Time or Money Review: Moore clearly has a left-wing, socialist agenda behind his concept of gun control. Misleading at every turn, from begining to end, this anti-gun propaganda fluff could have been filmed by Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein or any one of hundreds of nationally known anti-gun zealots. Go out and educate yourself. Consider Guns, Crime, and Freedom by Dr. Lott. If you think that disarming honest, God fearing, law-abiding citizens is the answer, then this is the book for you. You owe it to yourself to know the truth. Read the government's data and statistics. The US doesn't have a gun problem, it has a problem with basic respect of human life. I don't think Mr. Moore understands this basic tenet of the US culture. If you really want to understand the problem with the United States, it is detailed very concisely in "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" This is as worthless as Moore's other "works". View with caution: it is replete with falsehood, misrepresentation and a plethora of anti-gun political myths.
Rating:  Summary: Bolwing for Coumbine - 5 / 5 Review: This DVD has recieved some very bad reviews, but you have to ask yourself why? Michael Moore is, without a doubt, a liberal. No arguement there. Needless to say, that fact alone will turn many conservative-minded individuals away. I can guarantee that many people had opinions about Moore going in, and that seriously affected their view of the movie. That's too bad, really. If you can manage to go into this thing completely unbiased, I expect you will find that it is a very well-done documentary. I'll admit, I do tend to lean towards the left when it comes to my view of politics. However, I honestly do not believe that had any effect on what I thought of the movie. Moore is just as critical of the Clinton administration as he is of the Bush administration. He does not show any political bias when discussing politics. True, his views on the nation may be more in line with liberals, but he certainly does not attack right-wing conservatives. That said, one can move on to the content of the movie. Moore does not attempt to give us an answer to violence in America. Instead, he asks questions, and allows the viewer to draw his own conclusions. Perhaps the most intriguing find is that there is no answer. All the answers are inadequate, and it just makes you think, is there something wrong with Americans? It is truly a feat that he does all this without actually telling you anything. Instead, he asks the people who are supposed to have the answers the tough questions. In this way, he leads you through a journey that most open-minded indiviuals should find humorous and yet thought-provoking. Moore does what nobody else could do in a way that nobody else would think of, and truly makes one think about what is really wrong in our society.