Rating:  Summary: root cause Review: Imagine that a woman is raped. She sets her rapist's house on fire. The public is horrified. They say,"How did this deranged maniac ever gain access to gasoline? It's all the fault of the gasoline industry!" Then imagine that someone makes a documentary in which he hounds gasoline company excecutives, gas station attendants, and fire breathers about the incident, asking them if they feel personally responsible for the rapist's house getting burnt. By refusing to look at the root cause of the Columbine shooting, in this case bullying, that's what our media and politicians have done. As long as we continue to downplay and/or blame the victims for bullying, expect more school shootings. As long as we continue to blame the gun industry, who are selling a legal product and who are not responsible for how the customer handles it, expect more school shootings. If all the guns are taken away and the next school bullying victim kicks his classmates to death, can the shoe industry be held responsible?
Rating:  Summary: So, so important. Review: America NEEDS filmmakers like Michael Moore. If they didn't, America could quite quickly become the censored-secretive propaganda-filled country *cough*Germany*cough* once was. This movie HAD to be made, if just to save the underbelly of perokial Gun-owning America.
Rating:  Summary: MOORE LIED!! www.gunowners.org/opmoore01.htm Review: When someone does a documentary, it is supposed to be like reporting the news. Having said that, MR. MOORE MADE UP MOST OF THIS MOVIE, then he made it in a documentary style to make it seem like he's telling the truth! There is almost no statement in this movie that is true. If you want the truth, go to www.gunowners.org/jpfoib.htm.
Rating:  Summary: manipulated truth Review: These names will always be a wake-up call for the Americans - Dyland Klebold and Eric Harris. Dyland and Eric are both students in the Columbine High School and on April the 20th, 1999, these two best friends decided to unleash the deadliest school shooting in the history of the United States. These two cronies mercilessly murdering 12 classmates indiscriminately and a teacher, before ending their lives together. What went wrong with these two seemingly normal high school kids? In Michael Moore's Oscar winning best documentary, ¡§Bowling for Columbine,¡¨the director delved into the reasons behind the school shooting. Other facets the film explored are other prominent problems of the United States, such as America's obsession with guns, the increasing fear in US residents, and the many faults of the US government, mainly of the Bush entrepreneurs. Many might deem that Moore did a spectacular job in presenting the truth while supporting his logic with persuading evidence and facts. However, I believe in exactly the opposite. ¡§Bowling for Columbine" is not a documentary, it is absolute fiction. After viewing the film, I believe Moore purposely deceives and misleads his audience by supporting his view with biased and slanted deceptions to persuade and he deliberately hid the other point of views of the situations from the viewers. Throughout the film, speeches, video clips, interviews and excerpts from TV program¡§COPS" are shown. They may be strong and well-built proofs, but they can be edited and revised in order to support Moore. For example, in order to back up his argument about African Americans are predominantly troublemakers and lawbreakers, Moore uses about 10 or more passages from COPS showing black people getting chased, hand-cuffed and arrested. As far as I know, there are also white criminals in the States too. This is an example of which Moore surreptitiously alters his information to cajole the viewers into his calculated trap. The evidences that Moore collected was manipulated by him and therefore only supports one side of the arguments ¡V his own. According to an online dictionary, dictionary.com, the definition of a documentary is¡§presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.¡¨ By this definition,¡§Bowling for Columbine,¡¨should not be viewed as a documentary, but as pure entertainment. Moore also suggested in his film, that the media, by exaggerating crimes and murders, were climaxing the fear in the hearts of American citizens. However, with fortified information and manipulated editing, it is his so-called documentary,¡§Bowling for Columbine,¡¨that is creating fear and doubt in the hearts of the viewers.
Rating:  Summary: Argument against the attacks Review: I posted this before, but it's been buried pretty far back. Many reviews here have been posted calling Michael Moore a liar and accusing him of making things up for this film. They gathered this information based on a right wing web site. Michael Moore has posted a response to these attacks on his web site at: http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/wackoattacko/
Rating:  Summary: Bowling for Columbine Review: This was a horrible film. I don't recommend it for anyone. I wish that Michael Moore would move to Cuba. He would get along great in a Communist country. Or I wish that he would move to North Korea. Quite bitchin about this country, and if you don't like it, I wish you would get out. This man isn't grateful for anything. I have an idea Michael: Why don't we outlaw crime. Quite looking at the external problems, and let's look at the problems within ourselves.
Rating:  Summary: Micael Moores 'fictitious' times. www.BowlingforTruth.com Review: Don't get me wrong, I believed in this man until the truth came out that he lied to produce this movie. I believe in stricter gun control laws, but money is better than the cause for Michael Moore. You hurt me man, and I will never forgive you for that! Documentary is defined as 1.) Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents. 2.) Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film. This movie is shown fictitious through actual footage of actual events that many speeches and opinions given in this video were edited and changed, or shown in a deceiving way. Because this movie does not fall under the defined meaning, and that it is in fact a fictitious video it should be redefined as fiction, and not documentary, or as non-fiction. Like the interviews with the clock in the background that constantly changes time as the interviewed person speaks. He made this stuff up!!! The interviews we're edited to make people say things out of context!!!
Rating:  Summary: Liberals and Conservatives must watch! Review: I think both the right, left, and center should gain by watching this movie. Though it carries a lot of bias, it brings up good points about how the mindset of this country is developed. I had never quite looked at fear in the same way, but I do see it is there more prevalantly after this documentary.
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Moore is a conspiracy theorist and a bad one at that. Review: I finally got a chance to watch this show and was dismayed at the amount of contradictions, hypocrisy and bias that is strewn throughout the movie. Mr. Moore continually asks the question as to why the United States has high gun related crime rate as opposed to other countries. The answer is simple but unfortunately flies in the face of his so called liberalism. The answer Mr. Moore is "we are not tough enough on crime". Until small minded liberals such as Mr. Moore come to that realization then we are forever doomed to continue the vicious cycle. He makes a big deal out of the media putting "fear" in our minds and even goes so far as to say that the "fear" being imposed by government and mighty corporations who wants us to be afraid so they can be in control and/or make the mighty dollar (sounds like a crazy conspiracist theory). I hate to break it to Mr. Moore but 911 was not some big conspiracy brought about by some big evil money making machine. It was brought to us by people who hate us and want to kill us (Yes, that includes you Mr. Moore). The movie is nothing more then a documentary made by a conspiracy theorist who really is clueless. Scott Eguires
Rating:  Summary: I don't like being tricked Review: Don't get me wrong, the movie is great. However, it is the one of the worst documetaries that I have seen. Moore takes pride in spinning things to get what he wants. The very sad thing is that people are ignorant enough to believe him. If you believe "Bowling for Columbine" you probably believe that Spinal Tap was a real rock band. Check this site out for the truth on the spin www.bowlingfortruth.com