Rating:  Summary: You're Kidding Me, Right?! Review: It was entertaining. I have to give it that. Beyond that, however, it was a joke. Documentary? If so, I would expect at least a few facts. You would think that he could at least get the titles of the people he intervied correct. FLINT does not have a sheriff. FLINT is a city. Hello?! And the rest of the movie was just as big of a factual nightmare. Comparing the actual numbers of gun deaths in the U.S. to those in other countries--countries that are merely a percentage the size and population of the U.S. (as opposed to using a per capita or percentage based number so it would actually mean something). Hello again?! Honestly, it was far more entertaining than I thought it would be and not nearly as inflamatory. But I strongly encourage you to not mistake anything you might see in this movie as actually being true or factual in any way. Just one more reason to be thankful that I am a life member of the NRA!
Rating:  Summary: Just a clarification... Review: The big "pro gun rally" held in Michigan was actually a Get Out the Vote campaign that Heston spoke at with George W Bush, before the 2000 election. This event was actually 8 months after Kayla Rowland was murdered, but Moore tells us that it was within days of the tragedy. Al Gore was also in the area as well for this Get Out the Vote campaign, but I don't see any Republicans trying to blame Gore for what happened to Kayla. It was just one stop in a whirlwind trip. Later in the film when Moore interviews Heston, he asks him about the rally in Michigan, only he doesnt ask him why Heston held a "pro gun rally", he asked him why Heston held a "big rally". Maybe just a coincidence, or maybe Moore knew that if he asked Heston about a "pro gun rally" in Michigan, Heston would have told him that he never held a "pro gun rally", making Moore look like a fool. Tell me Moore doesn't have an agenda throughout this film. Some of you people who soak up all of Moore's propaganda unquestioningly should do some homework before you praise his film any more.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This documentary was excellent and stirring. The points Mr. Moore brings out about violence in the US is very compelling to say the very least. The points made about the "fear factor" in the United States was excellent. It's not only about the guns, it's about the fear and paranoia we all have here in the good ol' US of A and how it passed through the media.
Rating:  Summary: Just another looking for a purpose. Review: I forced myself to watch this entire documentary in the interest of objectivity. My opinion remained unchanged from the start to finish. Michael Moore attempts to capitalize on a combination of one of the most unfortunate incidents in US history and an age-old opposition by a portion of the population to guns. Anybody can do what Michael Moore did in this documentary, accuse the NRA for the shootings in America. Come on Michael...anybody with any level of insight understands there is much more to the problem. Even my gun-fearing activist friends were embarrased at his cheap tactics and his simplistic view of the subject. Narrow-minded anti-gun activists...buy the film. Michael Moore obviously needs the money and attention. The rest of us have better uses for our money.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Lies Review: This movie is nothing but pure lies and distortions. The entire segment with Heston is one big edit job. Heston a racist? The man marched with MLK. Moore's European figures on gun shot victims are much lower then the actual figures. He skips over the European countries that require that their citizens have guns, yet have much lower crime rates. Some how he thinks that comparing a country with a minority population of 12-13 percent, is equal to a country that is over 30 percent minority. He gives no per capa figures, which is all that really matters anyway. He completely ignores the fact that the safest states in America to live are the ones with the least minorities, and most laxed gun laws. He presents this little boy who was very violent, had already stabbed one child before the shooting, and has since stabbed another as the victim of loose gun laws. Pass on this movie. Take the 10 minutes to research the info for yourself, rather then believe what some(one else) has to say.
Rating:  Summary: "out in a little town in Colorado, two boys went bowling" Review: In 2002, the outspoken filmmaker Michael Moore directed, wrote, produced and starred in a controversial documentary entitled "Bowling for Columbine". The film focuses not only upon the very tragic Columbine High School massacre in Colorado in 1999, but also upon many Americans' predilection for gun ownership and gun violence. The film begins with an animated narrative about American history that begins to introduce the reasons that Michael Moore attributes to the very large amount of gun violence that exists within the U.S. As Michael Moore thoughtfully points out, of all industrialized nations in the world today, the U.S. is the leader in the number of victims of gun violence with more than 11,000 deaths in 2001. Conversely, Australia's number of gun violence victims for the same year was less than 40. (Several other nations' statistics are also shown, all much lower than the U.S., including neighboring Canada, France and England.)As Moore focuses on the two teenaged boys that committed the Columbine massacre, he points out the interesting coincidence that Moore grew up in Minnesota near where one of the boys had also lived for several years. It was also the home to Charleton Heston, who is and has been the president of the National Rifle Association, as well as the location where the men who were convicted of being the 1995 Oklahoma City federal building bombers were involved with a local militia. Moore interviews current militia members, John Nichols (brother of one the Oklahoma City bombers, Terry Nichols) and Charleton Heston. He also interviews several of the Columbine massacre victims and Matt Stone, a former Columbine High School graduate, who is also one of the creators of the very popular animated TV series "South Park", which was modeled on the city of Columbine. Columbine's primary employer is Lockheed-Martin, which Michael Moore visits during the film. Other interesting people that Moore interviews include rock-star Marilyn Manson and Dick Clark. Moore also uses a lot of archive footage of various people and events. Michael Moore does present his case admirably for the causes of gun violence in the U.S. in "Bowling for Columbine", but sometimes his interviewing techniques are inappropriate and some of his information may be inaccurate. Overall, however, because of the amount of information that Moore does provide that makes people think, I rate "Bowling for Columbine" with 4 out of 5 stars. Not everyone who watches the documentary will agree with Michael Moore's conclusions or techniques, but the message about the amount of gun violence in the U.S. is something that cannot be ignored. Hopefully, it will encourage adult gun owners to take all the necessary precautions for owning guns, and also encourage parents to make sure that they know what their children are doing, especially if the children have access to guns.
Rating:  Summary: Great FICTIONAL Movie Review: As a fictional movie, it was great. But it came short on any facts. Just a spewing of liberal trash. This movie is full of fictional characters, portrayed by actors.
Rating:  Summary: This is a really excellent insight into our love 4 guns Review: I have to say that this documentary that I saw just last week "Bowling For Columbine" was a very big eye opener for me. In a lot of ways, I was already aware of the fact that guns in America are very prevalent in our society and culture but you won't believe how easy it was to actually buy the ammo for these things. Just watch the documentary and see for yourself at what I'm saying here. Another thing to look at is the dire gap between the rich and the poor, even between the upper and lower class workers in the same building. You got the story of an impoverished mother who worked two jobs just to make ends meet and even then she was in danger of losing her home because she could no longer afford it and would go for an 80 mile bus trip every day to work at a fancy Dick Clark restaurant and her son got a hold of the gun that was used in the shooting in Flint, Michigan a few years ago. I was absolutely heartbroken by the news of that. When I watched this, I lost all my respect for Dick Clark when seeing htis and it's absolutely a shame how so many rich guys just contribute almost nothing to less fortunate sectors of society although there are some exceptions. Michael Moore to me is a true hero in our society. He aims to expose the truth and go deep into the roots of such problems like our dangerous obsession with guns. Included in this documentary are footage of Moore with two COlumbine survivors one of whom lost the use of his legs and the other still has some bullets embedded within his body. It's really heartbreaking but it's true. I lost all my respect for Charlton Heston when seeing this too. I'm not saying that I support the idea that they should get all guns away from citizens because I believe that we all have the right to bear arms but a part of me thinks that we have become a really violent society that is obsessed with guns and shoot-em-up games and gore. Go and see this documentary. It will piss you off, it will make you think hard but it will ultimately be a very rewarding watch as it delves deep beyond what news channels funnel into our minds. Michael Moore, you are great!
Rating:  Summary: Facts are facts Review: I believe this video is based on facts. Noone can say the U.S. doesn't have out of control violence. And why is that? What I got from the film is that Canada takes care of its needy, the US doesn't, and that in itself leads to desparate people that need money to survive! Just to live & SURVIVE! Yeah, you gun activists won't support this video, but the meaning is beyond that. If someone doesn't walk away after watching this being enlightened, their eyes are WIDE SHUT - and that's what brought this country to its state. I love America, but we all need to be informed & inspired to persuade government to take care of our people in need. How many people do YOU know that's our of work or doesn't have health insurance?