Rating:  Summary: One of the best documentaries I've seen in a while Review: I remember when I first saw this film sitting on a shelf in my local video store and something about the cover oddly drew me to it, but it wasn't until two or three weeks later when a friend of mine purchased the DVD version of American Movie. I have to say that this film is very well put together and reminds me very much of my other two favorite documentaries, Trekkies and Roger & Me. Overall the film leaves you with the feeling of either "Why am I not as determined as this man?" or "I really don't want end up like him." Although these sound like of negative they really aren't. You have to credit Mark with having as much heart as he does to go through the stuff he does. Being an aspiring filmmaker myself this film hit very close to home and showed me another aspect of the field that usually isn't shown in dramatic films.
Rating:  Summary: a documentary/movie masterpiece Review: this is it. THE movie for anyone who is a film maker, movie buff, or anyone who is just simply a humanitarian."american movie" is without any doubt a unique and positively brilliant cinematic masterpiece. the film gives an inside look at not only the process of making an independent movie, but also ,and more importantly, an inside look at the person inside all of us. you care about the people in this film not because they're just cardboard characters, but because they are REAL people. this is truly a very moving and touching, at times even heartwarming, film. i can't really say anything more about this film than i have because its one of those rare movies that you just have to experience for yourself to understand what makes it so special. no offense, but if you're a shallow person, this is not the movie for you, you'd be better off watching "show girls" for the thousandth time. while this is a movie about film making, it is more of a movie about humanity and comradery. this film is anything but superficial, and is one of those rare films that has a true heart beating inside of it. watch it, and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: American cult classic Review: This movie is an unflinching glimpse into not the America of Dawson's Creek or Friends, but of OUR America. And our America is a little embarrassing, a little depressing, but also mostly honorable and determined to make life better. You'll find yourself alternately laughing and tearing up as you watch just how much Mark "doesn't get it." His journey to become a famous filmmaker is completely ludicrous, but you've got to admire his will: Never does he give up. I wouldn't call the movie "touching" (as some reviewers have). "Touching" is when the hero saves the day and rides off into the sunset, not when the hero guzzles his Miller Lite as he prepares for the 30th take of trying to drive a fellow actor's head through a poorly scored cabinet door (one of the movie's funniest scenes, by the way). For what it's worth, this movie is extremely captivating. Part of you will laugh at his unintended buffoonery, and part of you will want desperately for him to succeed, no matter how absurd or far-fetched his dreams are. It's almost like watching a train wreck, actually. The result will leave you watching with full attention as Mark and his friends do their best at making movie magic. By the end of the movie, you'll be chomping at the bit to see "Coven," the 40-minute film that Mark put several years into his life to make. It makes for a lovely bonus (it's VERY hard to find the VHS version of "Coven" by itself).
Rating:  Summary: Touching and tragic at the same time Review: One of those films that didn't get the nomination for best documentary, "American Movie" is one of the best films of the year. Mark Borchardt, the subject of the film, is a struggling filmmaker whose been making movies since he was in elementary school. The film follows two years in his life as he attempts to finish a short horror film he started a few years back. Touching, in the sense that viewers are treated to the human side of Mark as he's a father of three trying to make things work. His parents, friends, and family all give interviews about Mark as a person and as a filmmaker. Tragic in the sense that, some of the interviews ridicule Mark, particularly one of his brothers. It's depressing, it's bleak, and it's truthful as Mark is determined to finish his movie. It's a portrayal of American life with one guy doing what he does best: making films. The DVD is particularly delightful offering a bevy of deleted scenes, a commentary with the director, producer, Mark, and best friend Mike Schank. Also on the DVD is the short film Mark made that is also one of the centers of the documentary. A must rent for people. Some will like it, some will dislike it.
Rating:  Summary: The American Dream Review: Mark Borchardt is one driven individual and this film which documents his quest to finish his short movie, Coven (pronounced COE-ven)and ultimately his longer feature, Northwestern, succeeds wonderfully. The manic Mark, his skeptical and fading uncle Bill, and the former "Blotter" gulping Mike Schank are all hillarious and at the same time poignant characters involved in this daunting struggle. The DVD version of this documentary includes the entire half hour movie, Coven, (a raw, knee-slappingly satiric examination of addiction therapy in B/W) as well as commentary by the filmmakers and edited scenes. This is one of my favorite documentaries, on a par with "Crumb", which I thought was kind of similar. In my opinion, this visual slice of life reveals more about the American Dream than all the other Hollywood drivel combined.
Rating:  Summary: Depressing and bleak. Review: Although there were parts that were funny, my overall impression of "American Movie" was one of sadness mixed with an overwhelming feeling of guilt. I wanted to turn it off, but I was glued to the TV in horror. Interesting to see other people's interpretations of this film, but I still can't give it more than two stars. (And that's really being generous, I think.) Blech.
Rating:  Summary: A savage journey to the heart of the American Dream Review: American Movie is for the viewer interested in film making. Not so much because that is the premise, moreover because American Movie is a outstanding, original film that breaks away from what has become the feature film "hollywood" mold. the same mold that has squeezed the last breathe out of the movie going public's brains,causing a lack of attention to quality,developing a herd of mindless fools willing to devour the onslaught of CRAP that is fed to them at the boxoffice. I know my sentence was run-on, but it was the only fitting way to describe my rage. The movie succeeds on more fronts than just the breakaway from the mainstream Freddie Prinze Jr. Puke rotton filth. Its as funny as it is true. I haven't seen this kind of film work since Gummo, which this journalist highly recomends to anyone with a firm stomach and a bottle of fine rum in search of a quality film. It was done by the same director,Harmony Korine, of KIDS fame that was also a particularly good, raw, real, film. So take my blessings with you as you embark on your viewing and remember...Demand quality in this doomed society. Yours in script KPK
Rating:  Summary: On my top 10 list of all time Review: This movie is a breakthrough for film makers. The sad yet oh so real story of Mark's struggle to make it big on low budget horror flicks is intrigueing. And friends like Mike, a talented musician, make it even more real. The DVD version of this documentory is filled to the brim with extra's. including 20+ deleted scences. and Commentary by the director, Mike, and Mark. Highly reccomended! in the top 3 of my all time favorite movies.
Rating:  Summary: Mark, Mike and the american dream Review: This is a miraculous movie, all true. Yes, it is funny, unbelievable..but it is also the ultimate movie about the process of filmmaking. And on the dvd, you get to see Borchardt's love child Coven. And surprise, Coven aint bad. The movie really isn't for everyone. It is raw in language and content. But if you want to experience some real american boys searching for the american dream, this is it. and ps...love that Uncle Bill
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Diary of Film-maker/Madman/Genius Review: This is a very impressive and funny documentary of a film-maker, Mark Borchardt at Northwest Productions, as he makes a short horror film, Coven, and as he starts work on his opus, a six-year-plus production called Northwestern. The episodes in the documentary are fascinating, realistic, tragic and funny. Imagine working on a horror movie with your mother behind the camera as you smash your head into a kitchen cupboard to avoid being stabbed. This would be great for any film buffs or people with bizarre taste. Lots of laughs and insights.