Rating:  Summary: THE WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN! Review: This movie was insultinly bad. It went from a very involved crime story, which was potentially very good, to several terrible, terrible action sequences following one another. How could anyone like this movie? How did they get such great actors to be in such a discustingly bad and rediculus movie? Bottom line: The director should be put in jail for steeling thousands of people's time.
Rating:  Summary: Horrifyingly bad movie Review: Oh, how very far we've come from Bram Stoker's novel. How very far down. The movie industy has dragged us into the muck. I remember as a 14 year old boy how I loved gory horror movies (such as they were back then). But then something unspeakably horrible happened: I grew up. Even at 14, I would have noticed this movie was just pandering to my adolescent tastes. Now, I weep at the horror slop Hollywood feeds us. Judging from so many positive reviews, quite a few reviewers are emotionally stuck at 14. Sad. So many good actors were wasted here. How are we supposed to intepret this movie? Are we supposed to care about the fate of the anti-hero Gecko brothers and the hapless Fuller family? We started to care. But when Hayek turned into a vampire, the movie nosedived and I stopped caring. Are they stuck at a bar where the patrons get slaughtered every night and no one in Mexico or the U S ever notices? Who cares? At that point, gore is all that matters. Senseless, gratuitous gore for the 14 year old boys. Moviemakers are capable of handling the vampire legend beautifully. My best recommendation would be 1979's "Nosferatu the Vampyre." But I guess giving cheap thrills to the perpetual 14 year olds is infinitely more profitable. Hence, "From Dusk Till Dawn." Enjoy, kiddies.
Rating:  Summary: Great Fun Review: From Dusk to Dawn is an action/adventure movie with vampires. Some people, wrongly, say it is a horror flick but there is nothing scary here, except perhaps the poverty of Mexico. Instead we are treated to two dastardly brothers fleeing from Texas justice after having murdered multiple law enforcement officers. One brother, played by George Clooney, is charming. He is a hard nose professional bank robber who was caught. His brother is ..... different - a convicted child molester, a psychopathic killer, a loon. He bust his brother out of prison just before the movie starts. We begin to observe them as they are found in a local gas station/convenient mart. After a gun battle, they continue their flight to Mexico where, along the way, they kidnap a preacher and his family so that they can get across the border. Their final destination - the T***** Twister, or the Kitty Twister, if you watch this film on t.v. This locale, whatever its name, is a biker bar inhabited by Vampires. The brothers, the kidnaped family, and the other patrons of the bar are attacked by the Vampires, in mass. From here the movie heats up into a shot them up, stake their hearts, a wham-bam action thriller where everyone must fight, or die. With an interesting appearance by Selma Hyack and Cheech Marin, laughs and wit, "From Dusk to Dawn" is a classic of its own. While not as "deep" as "Pulp Fiction," it is more fun and as such, may be Q.T.'s best work.
Rating:  Summary: Went downhill fast! Review: The opening scene was very tense and suspenseful. The brutality of the theives kept me on edge because of their willingness to kill. After their escape to a motel, the film went downhill very fast. Without giving away anythng, when you get shot, you at least TRY to tend to it, not wrap it in duct tape! After arriving in Mexico, the movie turns abruptly into a horror-comedy, which I absolutely hate. Be one or the other please! The action in the Mexican bar was very predictable and been-there-seen-it before. Very disappointing overall.
Rating:  Summary: Not for the timid Review: "Not for the Timid" is really an understatement. Typical Tarantino F-Word flick. The plot is good but could be improved. Juliette Lewis makes a particularly crude request early in the movie that seems to come out of thin air. Santanico Pandimonium (Salma Hayek) carries her share of the latino Vampire shtick. Cheech Marin too is the ring leader and the border guard. Overall not too bad. I didn't know they had vampires in Mexico. Almost like a Kathryn Bigelow film.
Rating:  Summary: More than a Touch of Evil Review: Simplistic plot. Predictable cardboard characters. Notable acting & impressive effects. Two psychopaths, one merely vicious, his brother, utterly depraved, gun their way to Mexico, taking a faith-lapsed minister and his two children hostage. Across the border, they try to survive the night, beating off vampires at an exotic dance club. Definitely "Grade B" horror flick material, but Clooney & Tarantino keep it from sinking to MST3K fodder. Still, it's hard to know whether to root for the vampires or the crooks. Rated R for exposed female anatomy, explicit language & graphic violence--just the thing for the adolescent at heart.
Rating:  Summary: The Best DVD to explore FILMMAKING!!! Review: Let me preface this review by telling you that From Dusk Til Dawn is nothing more than a horror film in the mold of 70's-80's horror buffs. In the director's commentary, Tarantino even tells you that this movie was made for fun and for readers of Fangoria magazine. (A horror movie fan magazine.) Violence, excess make-up and gory blood (although most of it's green) are rampant through this horror/adventure that still has the genius of a Tarantino screenplay. Why is this the best DVD for filmmaking?? Because the film was made in fun (The director, Rodriguez, and Tarantino were going to take a year off but decided to make this picture instead) there are many behind the scenes openly candid moments that WOULD NEVER be filmed on most movie sets. As a matter of fact, the movie includes a documentary entitled "Full Tilt Boogie" that interviews just about all crewmembers including the grips, set designers, assistants to the actors, etc.. "Full Tilt Boogie" is a great example for anyone interested in the making of a movie. In today's movie world, From Dusk Til Dawn is relatively low budget. Therefore, the movie relies on what could be termed "old school" special effects for many of it's horror scenes. Because the movie was filmed with a low budget, you can witness many tricks of the trade (ie makeup, set design, etc.) instead of the usual making of CGI (computer animation) FX. So far, this is the only director's commentary Tarantino has been apart of and it's also one of the best director's commentaries I have watched. Robert Rodriguez also includes 4 segments that concentrate on specific parts of the film that are intended to show people interested in filmmaking how certain angles, editing, etc. were picked... Deleted scenes, cast/crew bios and many other extras are included in this 2 CD set... I wish more movies were made in fun because it shows in "The Making of" extras included in the DVD... I bought this not expecting it to be such a great DVD. If you love filmmaking itself, you will love this DVD...
Rating:  Summary: This movie is good from dusk till dawn Review: "From Dusk Till Dawn" is actually a good vampire movie. Before I watched it, one of my teachers said the movie was one of the worst he's ever seen and a couple of my friends agreed with him. After I watched the movie, I didn't see why they didn't like it. George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino star as brothers who were recently in jail and now they kidnap a family with a motor home. They make the family take them to a strip club across the border in Mexico where they will then hideout and have a few drinks. But what nobody knows at the time is that the strip club at which they're at is full of vampires. The only thing I saw that wasn't great about "From Dusk Till Dawn" is that it doesn't have good acting except from George Clooney. The other actors with the exception of Quentin Tarantino do a decent job of acting, but not a great job. However, the movie's superb special effects and the exciting killing of the vampires saved this movie from being a flop in my opinion. Cheech Marin is also in this movie and gives this movie a hilarious comedy makeover, and you'll know what I mean when you hear his speech when George Clooney and the others first reach the strip club. Overall, "From Dusk Till Dawn" is an exciting movie with great special effects and I recommend it to anybody who likes vampire movies.
Rating:  Summary: Wow, Killer! Review: I really like From Dusk Till Dawn. Quite a bit. Even as aTarentino and Roderiguez fan, I honsetly expected this movie to stink. It was not at all what I was expecting (the first half of it is more of a "road trip" type movie, concentrating more on the characters of Clooney and Tarentino, and the last half devoted to the battle against the vampires) and I think I thus enjoyed it more. It mixes the incredible dialouge style and humour of Tarentino with the intense and fluid action style of Roderiguez. Its frightening, and funny, and has that "Woah!" factor in it. Expect to laugh, scream, and just be all around entertained by thi killer movie
Rating:  Summary: Vampires Might Be Hear To Stay With Cult Classic Review: In the early months of 1995, talented Mexican director Robert Rodriguez (El Mariachi, Desperado, The Faculty) and cunning cinematic guru Quentin Tarantino (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown) merged artistic passions to compose an intricate genre hybrid that evokes both the artists unique sensibilities, emanates mind-bogglingly unthinkable comical insights, and reveals an abrasively hip yet sophisticated screen persona that supplies unforeseen drama within the forum of an exploitation film. Surging with distinctive Tarantino culture dialogue and references, Rodriguez's go-for-broke action sequences, marvelous performances from Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, Juliette Lewis, Salma Hayek, John Saxon, Tom Savini, and Cheech Marin (in three supporting roles!!!), an unyieldingly concentrated pace, spectacular comedic splicing with its horror elements, splendid gore and make-up effects, and a predominantly mischievous ambiance of unpredictability that leaves any first-time viewer totally in hands of Rodriguez and Tarantino, From Dusk Til Dawn persists in being a heavily entertaining dual genre piece that attains dramatic grandeur, profound performances, and even moving pathos within the framework of exploitation piece. The film depicts the story of the infamous Gecko Brothers', Seth (George Clooney) and Ritchie (Quentin Tarantino), odyssey from their violent southern Texas exploits to their arrival at the unforgettable Titty Twister bar. Along the way, the Gecko brothers inadvertently blow up a liquor store, hallucinate flirtations and verbal taunts, "accidentally" rape and murder a seemingly docile hostage, and kidnap a disillusioned pastor's family and their motor home on their way to their bar rendezvous across the Mexican border. Though these characters may seem to be the most unsympathetic characters to be rooting for. Tarantino's knack for instilling humanity into his criminals is second to none, and along the way towards the bar and the film's personality switch, through absorbing dialogue, gritty performances, and realistic plot developments (in the Tarantino half), we are given unusually affable characters that allow the audience just enough audience identification with the characters before they are literally placed into hell incarnate. While watching From Dusk Til Dawn, it crucial to note the film's story arc is essentially one-half Tarantino crime tale/ one-half gory horror gore opus. This was done I believe to introduce the characters, personality dynamics, and innate personal tendencies of the people in their real environments before establishing the horror. What happens quite often in horror films of the last two decades is we, the audience, are immediately transported to the improbable before we even really know our characters. The characters of a movie are our conduits into the realm and the story of a movie. Doesn't it seem probable that if we have an enhanced understanding of the characters we might enjoy the film's narrative a lot more? From Dusk Til Dawn follows this mentality to its most logic summation as character and style overcome commercial convention. Since it release, From Dusk Til Dawn consistently besieges it audiences with an intoxicatingly visceral affront of violence, mayhem, elaborate chaos, and inventive havoc that entertains and delights beyond anyone's expectations. Though definitely not Academy Award material so to speak, From Til Dawn remains a superlative horror extravaganza. As for the film's new DVD Collector's Series edition, FDTD contains an informative Rodriguez/Tarantino commentary track, a feature length documentary entitled "Full Tilt Boogie", extensive outtakes, deleted scenes, two music videos, the theatrical trailer, and much much more. A Definite Must for any Horror Fan.