Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Review: The release for the fourth time (or more) is not necessary, I hope Lucasarts don't tell us it's a limited edition. The task of this release is the carrying of the Episode II-trailer. The films are really good, but we don't need another release. The remastering isn't done quite good, listen to the surroundsound of TESB, it is clear but not good encoded (my personal opinion). Lucasarts continues in their polticis of releasing products of minor quality (Episode 1 PC-Game, Many Stuff of the E-1 Merchandise). I think many fans will be able to pay higher prices for better quality. To come to an end, this trilogy is only for kids and people that entered the starwarsuniverse through Episode 1 for the first time Jovo (i'm not 12)
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars forever Review: Yeah ! I may be like 70 in the year 2050 but in that futuristic era I can predict that Star Wars will be there because is part of the american culture Star Wars will exist forever in the hearts and minds off all americans. ok let's get to the review before I get sentimental This trilogy box set is a re-issue of the special edition trilogy it has the same movies with no new enhancement but..... the only thing that is going to made me buy it is the 10 minute EP2 documentary
Rating:  Summary: A Space Saga, that will endure the test of Video Time Review: ALthough I havent bought this triloigy, I have to say that for somone who would be completley willing to spend 20 bucks each, for every one of the movies, 30 bucks for 3 of them is a very good deal. So a great deal and great movies = great chance. BUY if you are smart.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi Review: This is one of the great movies in the Star Wars trilogy. This movie is the last part of the Star Wars Trilogy. It begins off with showing the construction of the second Death Star, which lookes even better than the first one. The movie then continues on Tatooine, as Han Solo and Princess Leia have been imprisoned by Jabba the Hutt. During all of this a new scene has been inserted that wasn't in the original release of the movie, this scene show the Maxo Rebo band performing a song to Jabba the Hutts place. Luke Skywalker arrives but is also captured. Then Jabba the Hutt leads Luke Skywalker,Han Solo and Chewbacca to the (newly created) sarlacc at the Great Pitt of Carcoon. Then a great fight starts from Luke Skywalker to save Han Solo, Chewbacca,Princess Leia, R2-D2, and C-3PO. During the fight Boba Fett is killed by an accidental hit from Han Solo. Then Jabba the Hutt is strangled by Princess Leia. Luke Skywlaker was able to successful lead and save all his friends from Jabba the Hutt's clutches and death. Then Luke Skywalker goes to Dogobah to finish his Jedi training with Yoda, as his friends reunite with the Rebel Alliance. Meanwhile the Emperor lands at the second Death Star with plans to destroy the Rebel Alliance once and for all.Yoda tells Luke that he's father is truly Darth Vader, and his training will be complete when he confronts his father again for the last time. Then Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke another secret that Leia is his sister! Luke then leaves Dogobah and reunites with the Rebel Alliance and leaves to go with his friends on the forest moon of Endor to make an attack on the shield arround the second Death Star so Lando Callrician can lead the attack to destroy it and possibly defeat the Empire once and for all. As the plot thickens in third installement of the Star Wars Trilogy, Luke and his rebel friends go on Endor, where Luke and Leia go on a speeder bike chase with Imperial scout troopers and they also meet an Ewok tribe that will help them with the battle of Endor. Luke surrends to the Empire and is taken to the Emperor to be turned to the dark side of the force. Meanwhile The Rebellion battles against the powerful Imperial fleet, and Han Solo with his friends and the ewoks battle against Imperial scout and storm troopers and powerful AT-ST's. Luke battles Darth Vader and defeats him, but he doesn't kill him. At this point I would like to say that this movie shows that good is better than evil. This is mostly shown when Luke even with the power to kill the Emperor and Darth Vader and take control of the Empire, doesn't and prefers to stay with good even if it means to be killed by the Emperor himself. But at the end Darth Vader is turned to the good side of the force and becomes again Anakin Skywalker and dies in peace and the Empire falls and newly added celebrations happend all over the galaxy. I consider this movie to be the best movie of all the Star Wars movies.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Honored Cinematic Saga Of Our Time. Review: The Star Wars films are true, cinematic masterpieces. Their stories are terrifically entertaining. The trilogy contains some of the most memorable characters in movie history such as the Jedi Master Yoda and the evil Darth Vader. The Star Wars theme, masterfully written and composed by John Williams, is one of the most recognized pieces of film music. Each Star Wars film is different in mood and tone. A New Hope is light in tone for the most part and has the fairy tale "feel" that can be found in other classic films such as The Wizard Of Oz. The Empire Strikes Back is the darkest of the trilogy while Return Of The Jedi is the most action packed and ties everything together. These films are a must have for the movie fan in your household.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific Fun for Movie Fans Review: The reason the "Star Wars" movies have held up for over 20 years is the way that George Lucas has created a brilliant world that a moviegoer can disappear into. Sure, sometimes the dialogue is a bit creaky, and the characterizations can turn into Saturday morning cartoon bits, but when you buy a soda and popcorn, and sit down.......the films take you away to another galaxy, and you sometimes forget you're just watching another "flick." As I get older, I still picture myself using a lightsaber and leaping straight off platforms, I still picture myself flying into the Death Star, and I sometimes wish I could use the Force to mind-control indifferent friends......
Rating:  Summary: A great collection for the entire family. Review: This is a must for your video collection. I can never get tired of watching these movies. It's a classic, with romance, adventure, comedy, suspense and something more. This collection is for the entire family, kids love it and so do grownups. These movies take you to a place where you become so attached to the feelings of the actors that when something happens to one of them, you can feel it too. This is a collection that your grand grand kids will thank you for having it at home. I consider myself a movie fan, I have seen them all, but only a few of them are in my private movie library, and the Star Wars Trilogy is my proud and joy. Get it! I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: "Star Wars Trilogy" ... Special Edition Is Not Worth It Review: You all know the plot to the "Star Wars Trilogy" so I won't waste my time so I'll just cut right into the review. The Special Edition cuts (which are being included in this trilogy boxset) are worse than the original Theatrical Cuts. Lucas, himself said all other copies of the film will be the Special Edition from now on. I say don't waste your time on buying this set and try to find the original theatrical cut VHS copies of this film.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars once again Review: These moves tell the tale about a young boy named Luke Skywalker which his life takes a dramatic turn when two robots are bought by his uncle. Little does Luke knew about the adventures he was about to have with his companions C3PO and R2D2. Pirates, smugglers, aliens from different parts from the galaxy along with fantastic special effetcs fill out one of the most dramatic movies in history.
Rating:  Summary: WHY? Review: I'd give the original Star Wars 100 stars if I could, but not the Special Edition. Why mess with a national treasure? Okay, its cool to go back and enhance the picture quality, the sound, and the special effects. I'm all for that, but I didn't like any of the added footage. Jabba the Hutt? Come on! He didn't look half as real or menacing as he did in ROTJ. The Biggs scene didn't help anything but didn't really hurt either. Some people complain that it just makes the movie longer. Well, if you think Star Wars is too long you probably don't enjoy it anyway. The first time I saw it I never wanted it to end. And the worst added scene in the entire film: Greedo shooting first at Han. It just looks stupid. Han moves his head like one inch and Greedo misses. I either read or watched an interview with George Lucas where he stated that he never liked the idea of Han killing Greedo in cold blood. Cold blood? Greedo had a blaster aimed in Han's face! I liked it much better the original way when Han just says, "Yeah, I bet you have", and bam! Anyway, I think a film's test to be truly great is in its ability to be watched over and over again. A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back definitely achieve this goal. Return of the Jedi does to a degree, but I think it drags in some places. The Phantom Menace? No thanks. Twice is enough. I think the biggest problem with it was not the lack of action like alot of people say, but the lack of interesting characters and dialogue. And of course Jar Jar and Anakin being a kid. Anyway, that's all. I got off track. One last thing. Has anyone else noticed that something's different about Vader in ANH compared to the sequels? I can't grasp exactly what it is. Its either the mask around the eyes or the helmet is shaped just a little differently or something. He just looks better in ESB and ROTJ. Pay attention next time you watch it and see if you notice it.