Rating:  Summary: A second essential episode Review: This here review only concerns the second episode. More about the third later. This second film of the trilogy is an in-between film. Several developments are elaborated in order to prepare the final episode. Luke gets into his training as a Jedi, but he interrupts it in order to go and help the Princess who is in a difficult situation : she is the prisoner of Vedar. His decision is unwise because he is not needed there and the Princess will manage to escape all by herself, and even worse, she will have to come back to save Luke himself. The confrontation between Luke and Vedar is dramatic because Luke is not prepared and he fails, losing one arm in the process, and what's more he discovers that the Dark Side of the Force is in the hands of his own father. He then becomes divided and that is the explanation of his defeat. But this prepares the next episode. This second film reveals the love between the Princess and the mercenary she hired in the previous film. This love will be essential in the last episode because it is going to dictate the sequence of subsequent events. We are also revealed the project of Vedar who plans to get his own son on his side in order to get rid of the Emperor and become the sole master of the Empire and the whole galaxy. Temptation is great for Luke, though he manages to refuse. Even if this film does not have any real unity, it is an essential springboard for the last episode. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX.
Rating:  Summary: The force is invincible when used by David against Goliath Review: This here review only concerns the first episode. More about the others later. This first film in a long series is interesting in the vision of the world it provides. The world is dominated by a terroristic and tyrannical Empire. But the vision is centered on simple people who suffer this tyranny but who are in contact with « the force ». They are thus able to go beyond the surface of things and to use the balancing forces of the universe that the Empire negates. Then this first center connects us to the rebellion against the Empire, a rebellion that is seen as a monarchy of some symbolical value, particularly a Princess. The second interest is the fight between this Davidlike rebellion and this Goliathlike Empire, and the rebellion, with its little means, but its enormous personal investment and courage, a bunch of heroes ready to die to assert and give some future to the rebellion, is thus made victorious and it can destroy the énormous war-machine of the Empire : the gnat is stronger than the lion. This makes us feel that this rebellion, in spite of its monarchical aspect, is the real representative of the American ideal : to fight for justice and freedom, through personal commitment. We can think of the model that lies behind : the fight against Nazi Germany, Hitler and fascism. We could also see the model of the fight against a certain type of communism represented by the Wall or the Iron Curtain. We must also note the vision of this intergalactic world as being an assemblage of very different « people », species and subspecies, within a « market » economy where everything has a monetary value, but a wild market-economy where violence is at times the best way to « buy » something. Yet the mercantile and mercenary pilot hired by Luke and his friends becomes a hero because he saves the situation and enables Luke to destroy the warbase of the Empire at the very last second. Hence ideals are successful in the end. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy this Review: Don't take this wrong, this is one of the best set of movies ever put out. So why isn't there a DVD. These movies are to good to only have a VHS format. Don't buy this until George Lucas quits being greedy and releases it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: SIMPLY THE BEST Review: i love Star Wars and these three movies are just the best! i mean, lots of people agree with me - it has the biggest cult following of any sci-fi thingos in the history of Earth! P.S. Obi is the best. -Little Jedi-
Rating:  Summary: ENOUGH, IS ENOUGH, WHERE IS THE DVD? Review: I would never give Star Wars 1 star...EVER. However, enough is enough. This trilogy is one of the greatest ever made, no doubt, but where is the DVD? Star Wars has been re-released so many times, now we see George Lucas, not as a great director and story teller, but a business man who is just in this to make another buck. Give us, the fans, a break. Release these on DVD and stop wasting our time. This new set features about ten minutes of useless EPISODE 2 footage, that tells us nothing {we already know its too soon to expect anything COOL} So my advice is not to buy this one, unless your a die hard fan who wants to keep this one on the shelf.....WRAPPED of course.
Rating:  Summary: These are the Best movies EVER... Review: Star Wars is different than most other movies. It is a saga, and one that is continuing, allowing the fans to presuse the story. I owe alot to Star Wars, for it has given me many things. I am now reading sci-fi, which star wars lead me to, I am writing stories, which SW has inspired me, and it leaves me a universe where I can go when I hate Earth.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Fairy-Tale of all Time Review: I am speechless. Believe the millions of fans in the world and return to your child-hood, back when you couldn't wait to grow up. Pure entertainment and cinema magic: Drama, comedy, romance, action and mythology. Remember, there is no such thing as a kid movie, that is just an utterly stupid excuse to cease dreaming. Even the Sesame Street could have hold the deepest philosophical thoughts. Yet let me not get off-topic. This is a wonderful trilogy folks, and do not judge the new entries of the series until they are all complete. If you do not watch this, then you would basically telling yourself to stop imagining and to constrain your creativity to the ridiculous limits of society. Who could have imagined stepping foot on the moon back in 1930? Exactly.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest movies ever made! Review: I know a lot of people have said that, but in this case I really have to agree. These movies have been my all time favorites for about four years now, when I first saw them. I've had a lot of favorite movies in the past, but none of them did Star Wars justice in terms of characters, story and music.I'm not going to go on about the plots because most of you already know them. But I have to say, unlike many of you, I was glad this was re-released because I never owned the widescreen versions of these but now I realize they are visually better than the standard format. Like many of you though, I do wish they would release this on DVD but it didn't really matter to me at the time because I hadn't owned a DVD player when they were released but now that I have one I will count the days until it's released on DVD. As for the Episode II stuff, it wasn't really worth the wait but it had it's moments, especially with the anecdote of Anthony Daniels talking about what it would be like if C-3PO found out Darth Vader was his father. Anyway, great movies, great release, it's just great. 10/10
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Trilogy Review: I don't care what the people say, this trilogy , though redone to some extent, is great. You already know its not the 1970's and early 1980's version of the films, so watch and enjoy the new stuff and please stop whining about the redone trilogy. I love the new scene edits that were done in the trilogy. If you want to see the originals then go look for them, they are not hard to find. I want to end this review by saying bravo George. Keep it up! I can't wait for Episode II.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST Review: Only a few words, is the best of modern scifi cinema.