Rating:  Summary: Star Wars is great, but... Review: Lucas changed it so Greedo shoots first? What's up with that?
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS Trilogy available Sep 21st 2004!!!!! Review: Big news came out on 11 February. The Original Star Wars Trilogy will be released on DVD, finally! I am surprised it wasn't immediately reflected on the Amazon.com website, but I am sure that the details for this are forthcoming.Based on the EP 1 and 2 DVD's, I trust we can expect some real quality DVD's. So the Five Stars is a guess right now. It is supposed to be a four disk set with commentary, and normal DVD extras and also a "most comprehensive feature-length documentary ever produced about the Star Wars saga and never-before-seen footage from the making of all three films". I expect superior quality sound and video, like we have come to expect. But they are older films, so we'll have to wait and see just how good they look on DVD. And lastly, it should be the Special Edition versions, which came out in the late 90's. Sure, this is a lot of guesses right now, but the timing for a Sep release of the original trilogy lines up nicely with the May 2005 premier of the Episode 3. . . something to watch for.
Rating:  Summary: shocking disregad for the audience and for history Review: I grew up with this movie. Lots of people did. STAR WARS was a major event in the history of cinema. Now George Lucas is releasing it all on DVD, but he is ONLY releasing the "special editions" of a few years back. In fact, Jim Ward, a Lucasfilm vice president, was quoted in the New York Post as saying that the "special edition" is "the sole version [Lucas] wants available." Never mind that the special editions are horribly bad; I acknowledge that this is just one man's opinion. (Well, many people's opinion, but opinion nonetheless.) And of course it's true (as Ward says in the article) that it's Lucas's choice and he of course has the right to do whatever he wants with his property. But what a choice! To take part of film history, part of people's childhoods, and to replace it willfully and intentionally with an updated version, with something clearly, materially, aesthetically different from the original? It is easy to release a DVD with both versions, original and updated; people do it all the time. Lucas could release a special archival version for $100 more. He could even call it "The Bad, Vastly Inferior Version" or denounce it publicly. But for crying out loud, at least you could release it! Lucas is saying that he will do his best to prevent people from having access to the original film that made history and that influenced the early childhoods of so many 20-somethings today. At the risk of exaggeration, I'm going to go ahead and call this criminal.
Rating:  Summary: Coming in September! Review: Yes the last of the hold-out DVD are coming in September, sadly they are the " special edition " copies of the first 3 ( last 3? ) movies where George-I can do what I want-Lucas added alot of less than state-of-the-art CGI ( notice how liquidy jabba looks in the hanger ) They will sound nice and look very good Im sure. However if you want to see the classics save your VHS tapes or if your truely blessed the Lazerdiscs of the original films. "The force will be with you, always" Obi-wan to Luke in Episode IV
Rating:  Summary: COMING IN SEPTEMBER 2004!!!!!!! Review: I just found out that all of the originals will be coming out on September 21,2004 in a 4 disc set. They will be the special editions only,per lucas's request... I think the special editions are the best versions of the films,so I love the fact that George Lucas feels the same way. Thank You Mr. Lucas I just wish he would put the dvd's in a replica of the death star,with enough slots to put the dvd's for episode 1,2,& 3 and a poster,and anything else he could think of to put in with it.I would pay whatever price they want for something like that. I think that would kick ass....... May the force be with you
Rating:  Summary: The DVDs are coming... Review: A New Hope, the harbinger of the Star Wars saga, and the rest of the original trilogy will hit stores tentatively on September 21, 2004. A mere 7 months are all that waits fans around the world. ...and so the countdown begins...
Rating:  Summary: The Special Edition is AWFUL Review: So I hear that the original Star Wars Trilogy will finally be released on DVD this October. It's about time Lucus stopped being such a weenie! :) However... I hear that the versions on the DVDs will be the 20th anniversary "Special Editions," with all the computer-generated extra stuff. I don't know about you, but I want the "original theatrical" widescreen versions. I mean, you can enhance the picture quality if you want to, or treat the sound to some THX love, but don't add the other stupid things to the movie we all love! I will NOT buy the DVDs if this is the version they release. If you want to have BOTH versions of each film in the set, like they just did with the Aliens series, then that would be perfect, but please, please, please -don't omit the theatrical versions! -A concerned fan.
Rating:  Summary: My Personal Favorite Movies Review: I LOVE STAR WARS. Well the original trilogy at least. I've seen each one about 50 times with the exception of the Empire Strikes Back which I've seen over a 100 times because that movie alone is my favorite of all time. The first one introduces all of the characters, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca and Darth Vader. The second flim, The Empire Strikes back is just so great i cant describe it with words. The last flick in the trilogy is Return of the Jedi were the Rebel Alliance over comes the Empire finally. So if you dont already own these movies buy them right now. Any movie fan should own these!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best trilogies I own Review: Sure this another release of the classic trilogy but this time there is more special effects and CG work. I personally like all three but the one I really like is The empire Strikes Back because the story was cool and the duel between Luke and Vader. If someone reads this. It's time for Episode III and the sequel trilogy. Yes you heard me right. The sequel trilogy WILL BE around probably after George Lucas is done with episode III and this great trilogy is brought out on DVD. Also, April 2005. It is time Celebrate once again in INDY!
Rating:  Summary: It's the trilogy of the 20' century! Review: Like I said above Star Wars is a amazing wonder.It's lasted for many years in great popularity! Toys,rereleases in theaters,books,it's done grand.But times change.Star Wars prequals have tried to compete with this new great wonder trilogy of the 21 century,But have failed I think for being the most spectacular.The greatest trilogy(so far)for a Millenium is THE LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!! I almost have to say it beats the old Star Wars Trilogy a little.NOT speacial effects even,but the plot,heart felt acting,and a mythological feeling.Beats the Force.Star Wars is no longer the best and only fantasy.For one thing the preaquals have sad ending and the plot is not as speacial as Lord of the Rings.Thats why it's not as popular.I never felt Return of the Jedi blasted it's predesesors completely.Return of the King even outdid it's Helms Deep battle and the emotion was fever pitch with Sam having to carry Frodo and even Aragorn's almost failure and it really made you believe that Middle Earth would be no more!I think it's still climatic when Lukey defeats Darth Vader and he changes.The ending is good but Lord of the Rings is more fufilling.Isn't it cute when Sam greets his family and closes the door on a Epic?