Rating:  Summary: Needs to be reiterated Review: Lucas made a terrible error in judgment when he decided to make his altered versions of the movie the ONLY versions available. The "last chance to buy the originals" campaign years ago translates into "no-new-dough" for Lucas this time around.I'm 32, saw Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back in theaters about ten times each. Those movies were so exciting and fresh... it's a shame that Lucas won't leave these gems alone, or at least give us viewers a choice. But really, it's not THAT big of a shame. We do have choices in the form of other entertainment that truly does leave this series in the dust at this point.
Rating:  Summary: Not so special editions Review: I would be more excited if these were not the special editions. The additional scenes are interesting but making Greedo such a terrible shot instead of Han beating him to the shot like in the old west is just terrible. Much like Spielberg's editing out guns and putting in walkie talkies for the government agents in ET, this revisionism of classics is almost like Ted Turner's colorizing Casa Blanca. It's a shame we weren't given the option of both versions, like ET.
Rating:  Summary: The holy grail of movies finally arrives to DVD! Review: What can I say that hasn't been said about these films?! These films are fantastic for people of any ages. They have some of the most beloved characters in movie history. I don't want to start an editorial review of all the films, but I do think they are all worthy of 5 star reviews. I for one want to give my 2 cents on the Special Edition vs. Original Trilogy (77-83 versions). I like the changes made in the special editions, I think they are breathtaking. But I have been a fan for a long time, I do disagree with Mr. Lucas's decision not to release the theatrical versions along with the Special Editions, I believe they are a part of history that should be preserved. Nevertheless I will buy the set the first day the set comes out because these are fantastic movies, special edition or originals!
Rating:  Summary: No Original Trilogy - No Sale. Review: Too bad that you have to give one star - I would love to give this release zero stars. There's no way I'm going to buy the so-called "Special Editions" of these movies. I could live with a set that included both the original and the bastardized versions - but if Lucas insists that the "SEs" are the only versions that will be released I'll have take very good care of my VHS copies of the Original Trilogy. It looks like they are going to be the only copies of these movies that I'll ever own.
Rating:  Summary: One star - only because I can't choose zero stars Review: I grew up with these movies. I remember being 6 years old and standing in line opening weekend to see the original Star Wars. To this day I can remember the excitement and hoopla the first film created. I, and my friends, helped make George Lucas a very rich man by going to see these movies multiple times and buying just about anything and everything we could get our hands on that had Star Wars on it. When the original versions of the films were released on VHS back in 1989 (I think) I purchased them and to this day I still have the occasional marathon where I will sit up all night and watch them back to back. I know there are some people who aren't Star Wars fans who might think this is a little nutty, but as I said, I grew up with these films and they hold a VERY special place in my heart. When the special editions of these films were released a few years ago I didn't go to see them. I had no reason to. I didn't particularly have anything against them, people update and make older versions of films "better" all the time...but the original versions of the film are generally still available. Same thing goes for when the SE versions were released on video. I never purchased them, nor have I even seen them. When the Phantom Menace was released I again stood in line to be able to be one of the very first people to see it. I was in the theatre at Midnight with 100s of other fans and nearly started crying when "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..." came onto the screen. Unfortunately, by the end of the movie (actually, about 5 minutes into the movie), I was nearly in tears again because the thing was so god-awful bad. Actually, the movie really wasn't THAT bad...if it had just been released as a movie itself and there had been no originals, I think it would have been ok. But, seeing as though it was supposed to be the prequel to the originals and had so much to live up to, I (as well as just about anyone) thought it was vastly inferior to the originals. Same thing goes for "Attack of the Clones". Just horrible. I never purchased either film because although I'm a huge fan and felt somewhat "obligated" togo see them, I didn't enjoy them...and only saw each one once or twice. I've been waiting for years to get the original movies on DVD. When I heard some months ago they were to be released I could barely contain myself. Now, I'm learning that only the SE versions will be available and to make matters worse again...they have been tampered with AGAIN. So...they look even LESS like the originals do. Another film I grew up with was ET. I waited years to get it on DVD and when I did I wasn't disappointed. It had a newer "cleaner" version which is great to watch, but Steven Spielburg knew his fans and he also gave them what they really wanted...the original film...the film they grew up with. It's not that difficult to put two versions of a movie on DVD...it's done all the time. It seems as though George Lucas doesn't care what his fans think. He doesn't care that many of us gave up entire weeks of allowances to buy toys, costumes, books, etc. which all added to his wealth. By all accounts he's an extraordinarily greedy man, which is proven in the fact that he plans to release them yet AGAIN in three years...still, not in the original format. Just another ploy to get our money...again. I won't be buying this set of DVDs. I won't be going to see the latest installment of the series when it comes out. I am officially boycotting anything and everything this man touches. I'll take my money and go buy another copy of the original releases on VHS on Ebay and hang onto it for when my copies finally die. Maybe one day Mr. Lucas will come to his senses and release the originals. When he does I'll be the very first in line to buy two copies.
Rating:  Summary: Have you been Jedi Mind Tricked Lucas? Issue the originals! Review: Are you stark raving mad Lucas?!? Issue the original theatrical releases of these movies on DVD as well. If you don't, you'll be totally responsible for destroying your own Star Wars legacy! You'll be synonymous with Grand Moff Tarkin's comment to Darth Vader, "The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion." Personally I'm not buying these DVD's. Thankfully, I have my original Star Wars Trilogy Widescreen editions on Laserdisc. So I'm not as desperate as those with VHS tapes. But I promise you that if you don't release the originals, a lot of fans like me will not purchase your media again. [***], even your friend Spielberg released his original version of E.T. along with his special editions! So for the love of the Force, listen to your fans!
Rating:  Summary: Not the original version Review: Just to reiterate, this is not the original version, this is the edited (...) version. Plot points have been changed and you lose the history of this great movie. Yes, the CGI is better but you will never see the work that won oscars for Best Art and Set Decoration, Best Costume Design, Best Visual Effects, and Best Film Editing. That is a travesty. Boycott this version and hope that Lucas comes to his senses and releases the REAL Star Wars trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: best movie of all time Review: I like the story in the beginning because it talks about how it all started. And the ending was sad but great. But I would reccommend this movie to anyone who is a starwars fan. And I can't wait for the final sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Let's hope a "Special Feature" will be Greedo firing FIRST Review: I love Star Wars. It's the first movie I ever saw on a VCR, I find occassion to quote it every day, and, heck it even helped save my life once. So yeah of course I'm pre-ordering this DVD set, buying a movie trilogy I've already purchased 3 or 4 times. The only thing I want--the only thing I hope to Yoda will be on these discs--is an option to remove some of George's "enhancements". You know the ones. The little tweaks that he put in back when he first started to lose his mind. Like that awful Jabba scene. And Biggs. And... Greedo firing first. These changes heralded the Dark Times, when George started to fall to the temptations of The Dark Side: computer graphics. Such technological terrors were the harbingers of Jar Jar Binks, the Dark Lord himself. I pray that George will include the original cantina scene, unspolit and uncorrupted. And, failing that, I pray DVD-R technology will have advanced enough by the time this set comes out that such a restoration is made possible for home use. :) May the force be with us, Mike Fehlauer ps: actual quote from a friend and new father, to whom I sent a "Share the Love" notification after I purchased this set: "Dude, I'm so torn on this. I mean I want to own them ... but I don't want Greedo shooting first. I mean, is that the version of the movie I want my son seeing? Curse you George Lucas!"
Rating:  Summary: info? Review: the movies are great, yeah yeah... but is it true that the only version available on dvd will be the 1990's special editions? that's a travesty if its true, as i suspect it is. i hope everyone knows by now that george lucas is one of the shadiest figures in the history of film. i hope he doesn't own any famous paintings or anything - he may want to update a da vinci or picasso with some photoshop technology that wasn't available during the artists' lifetime.