Rating:  Summary: SWEET Review: THIS is going to be such an awesome set. I have watched star wars for a while now and I get more into it every time. If you loved Star Wars you'll love this. No one would give this less then 100 stars if it were possible. Best special effects from it's time. Includes 4 discs. The movies are "Episode IV A New Hope", "EMpire strikes Back", and "Return of the Jedi". All great. There is even a bonus disc and commentary on each movie. Please buy this to keep these movies alive forever.
Rating:  Summary: UGHH(...) WHY!! Review: WHY MUST LUCAS FORCE THIS SPECIAL EDITION DOWN OUR FACE! I find it to be a terrible act that the UN should move against. Future generations will never know the great music at the end of Return of the jedi, or the glory of the revoultionary model cinematography employed by Industrial light and magic that changed the course of movie making forever. Instead they are to watch a tainted version that has scenes that should have never been seen and computer models that look out of place. Why oh why can't you sell the real version. Instead you make me keep a 15 year old VHS copy of which I no longer own a VCR player. The normal non special edition of these movies are amongst the greatest movies ever made, I will never buy the special edition, I urge you to do the same.
Rating:  Summary: Lucas should be ashamed Review: Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of the Star Wars Trilogy as well as a fan of George Lucas. The Trilogy and American Graffiti are among my favorite films of all time. However Lucas's decision to only release the special editions of these films borders on a crime in my mind.The original release of these films marked a revolution is special effects. The motion control techniques and modeling were state-of-the-art at the times these films were released. All of hard work an innovation of teams of visionary artists will now be lost to history because of the ego and short sided thinking of one ego maniac. Why don't we just colorize every black and white film ever made because the directors really wanted color, but it just wasn't possible at the time? How about "updating" Gone With The Wind and making a really spectacular CG burning of Atlanta because that is what would have done if the technology had been available? (...)
Rating:  Summary: let us choose between original and SE Review: As the Alien Quadrilogy showed us, giving the fans a choice between two versions of each film is not hard. Why can't I see the movie I fell in love with in 1977? I don't mind it when they clean up the print and remove minor faults, but putting in CGI, just for the sake of using it, is not my cup of tea.(...) I like the Mona Lisa just the way she is, I don't particularly want to see her with a new hat and curly blonde hair. I hate it when they mess with things that are great the way they are. As far as I'm concerned, they can keep on changing SW as much as they like, but unless the original version is included, I'll just keep on watching my old video tape, thank you very much. Call me old-fashioned. I'm grateful for what George Lucas gave us back in 1977, it's the best movie ever in my book, but the SE definitely is not.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas is an ass! Review: WHY?? WHY?? Why should I have to suffer with a SPECIAL EDITION only set?? Absolutely ridiculous!! Why would anyone want the original theatrical release of one of the greatest films ever??? (Please note the sarcasm). George Lucas needs to get his head out of his -- anyway, the Special Edition versions are like making a two-disc set of Citizen Kane and including 5 minutes of Carrot Top mixed in. Boo! Boo! If I wan't to watch Star Wars, I should have the right to watch whichever one I like best. While they're at it, maybe they should also release a set that has no Jar Jar Binks (in the newest films). Either way, I guess I will buy this, but nostalgia isn't important to George Lucas, just his "vision." What a waste of plastic discs. Glad I got the originals on VHS!!! George Lucas sucks! At least a real filmmaker, Speilberg doesn't change his "vision"! Then again, he doesn't suck!
Rating:  Summary: Conflicted Review: I'm really not sure I want to purchase these DVDs. Everyone needs to own them if they've ever liked the series, of course. The movies are instant classics for adults and children alike. But I'm just not convinced I want to buy these, as they are not the pure, original theatrical versions. Instead, they are the blashemed "Special Edition" versions released a few years ago on VHS. The Special Editions changed a lot of fundamentals of the trilogy. The worst crime is changing the famous showdown in the bar between the rugged Han Solo and Greedo the bounty hunter; Lucas felt it made Solo too much of a bad guy to have him shoot Greedo first, so a badly re-edited version was put in the Special Edition where Greedo shoots first. Not only does it look horrible, it changes the essence of one of the best characters. This is where my conflict brews: should I purchase this edition or boycott it until Lucas puts the original, classic versions out on DVD?
Rating:  Summary: Lets hope they do these DVD's right! Review: The only thing Im worried about is that Lucas is going to bring the original Star Wars trilogy to DVD without removing the horrible 'ghost matts' from around the ships that shows up during alot of the space battle scenes. It really ruins the look of the movie, and is very distracting. Its pretty noticable in all 3 films, original and special editions, especially during the assault on the 2nd Deathstar by the rebel fleet in ROTJ. Big squares around all the ships that doesnt match the rest of space in the background. Uggg!!!! With all the digital technology around nowadays, they MUST be able to fix it. It would surely be worth the effort right? Universal didnt clean up the matt problem on the Battlestar Galactica DVDs, and look how much that pissed people off. (...)
Rating:  Summary: The "New Coke" of the Movie world. Review: I liked the special edition movies, but the idea that they are now the only version of the movies irritates me. It is much like the "new" coke that came out. suddenly the one we liked, grew up with, took part ownership of and grafted into our conciousness cannot be found. a "special edition" and a "classic edition" HAS to be the way to go. if you look at the official website, they dont even make the distinction. the orginal does not exist, this is episode 4,5,and 6. I fully expect that if the "classic" and "special" editions were available, the classic would outsell the special handily. But more importantly, if you are in charge of this at lucas film, i.e. named george lucas, there will be a very high number of people who will buy both(...).
Rating:  Summary: DISTURBING SPACE OPERA Review: Star Wars tells the sad and tragic tale of Luke Skywalker and his unrequited love. Luke, (Mark Hamill before he hit it big as the voice of the the joker in the animated Batman series), falls out with his uncle and aunt over the fact that they will not let him join the reballion against the evil empire. Later, when Luke's aunt and uncle are burnt to a crisp by the empire's henchmen the stormtroopers, Luke is set free to follow his dreams to join the reballion. Obi-wan Kenobi, (the late great Alec Guiness), convincing him to help a princess whom Luke has taken a fancy too, ("who is she, she's beautiful"). Now I have to admit, falling in love with a hologram is a little strange, but I guess it could happen. Here is where things get really sick. Throughout the trilogy, Luke's feelings grow for the Princess, (played by a ravishing Carrie Fisher), they even share a passionate kiss in the sequal the Empire Strikes back, but as we the viewer finally get to part three we find out she is his sister! Talk about a shock, I was hoping Luke would win Leia's heart, then Kapow!! Obi-wan tells Luke she is his sister. How did that all happen? To make matters worse, when Lukey tells sister she says, "I know, somehow I've always known". She knew she was frenching her brother? Now George Lucas is responsible for making the superb "Howard the Duck", so I might give him the benefit of the doubt, but basing a whole series of movies on this disturbing premise is not that responsible, especially for a movie made for children. Now I enjoyed the antics of that english robot, and his buddy the round thing was a scream as well, but that C3B9 guy was obviously a rip-off of the tin man from "wizard of oz", on that subject so was that Tobacco guy, can anyone say cowardly lion? (...) In summing up, watch these films on dvd, the wider the screen, the bigger the jabba, and remember not to take things so seriously!!
Rating:  Summary: I will get over it! Review: So much talk about Lucas adding a little CGI enhancement to the original films. Get over it! Yes, the claim that a historical monument has in some ways been defaced is valid, but who cares. I have longed to own these films on DVD for years! I had almost decided to compromise on one of those pirated versions created in some 3rd world country. The quality is reputed to be very bad. I already own the movies in original VHS form. The whole point of owning these DVD's is to enjoy the special effects in these movies in digital (all be it not original LOWER quality) . (...) It would have been incredibly easy to offer all 3 movies in the same set in two versions. The original uncut version and the enhanced versions could have easily been packaged together. There are many box sets out there on the market today that offer both original and enhanced version. But the reality is this is not the choice we will be given. Life isn't always fair. I will choose to own these DVD's, not because they are, as one reviewer waxed poetic "Like the Mona Lisa", but because a progressive scan DVD in combination with digital surround sound on a 57 inch TV ROCKS! Even though I saw these movies in the theaters in the 70's and 80' Like a galaxy far far away it has been many years ago. Most of us probably won't notice much of what George has changed anyway.