Rating:  Summary: LORD OF THE RINGS RIPOFF THAT IS BAD Review: yes that is correct this is a blatent attempt to make another Lord of the Rings but only their directer George Lucus is not as much a genius as Peter Jackson :) a little history lesson here folks, 'kay? ;) three years ago a brilliant film directer desided to take a really huge book that few people had read about and to make the best movies ever. that book was Lord of the Rings and that man was Peter Jackson, loved worldwide for bringing such joy from his creations of hobits, elvs, dwarvs and ents and orks. this man is a hero to millions and I'm not kidding you!George Lucus is seeking to be a competer in the big movie game and brought back his old Star Wars movies with big loud special efects to do so but he has learned that special efects do not make a classic movie experiense because so many people have hated his new Star Wars movie. Peter Jackson should call mr. Lucus and explain this to him because Lucus certainly has the connectiuns to get a big movie (he is friends with Steven Speelberg) made but he has no ability to tell a story so that you care about his characters. So there you have it dont say you were not warned when you buy this and it's so bad!
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace Review: This "Star Wars" entry was a little weaker than the origanal three story wise. That dose not mean that it is a bad movie. Set thirty years before "A New Hope". Quigon Ginn and Obi-Wan Konobie go to Naboo to oversee a trade agreement. They stumble upon an invasion in a conspiracy that goes all the way to the Senate. There are all kinds of technological achivements in the film. The pod race was easily the most exciting sequence of the film. Liam Neeson is a great elderly, slightly rebellious Jedi. Ewen McGregor dose pretty well as the younger, yet disaplined student, just slightly reckless. Jar Jar Binks is the embaresment of a lifetime for Goerge Lucas. Jake Lloyd is Anikin Skywalker, you know, Baby Vader. He's alright, a little winny for my taste, but he did ok. All in all it's a good movie, just not up to snuff of the origanal triligy; but there probably never will be.
Rating:  Summary: I've seen better film on teeth Review: This is as poorly conceived a movie as I've seen in a very long time. Rife with wooden performances, uninspired dialog, excessive CGI, and a stupefyingly irritating alien sidekick, it would appear that Episode I is the product of gross incompetence. But this is not the case. Clearly George Lucas is not an incompetent moviemaker. Watching American Graffiti, it is obvious that Lucas is entirely capable of directing, yet Episode I fails on so many levels that one is guided to the inevitable conclusion that he was simply going through the motions. And why shouldn't he? For even the most cursory analysis will reveal that Episode I is nothing more than a slick 2-hour advertisement for Star Wars toys, merchandise, and video games. That is the ultimate truth and the primary motive behind this soulless waste of celluloid. Industrial Light and Magic, LucasFilm, LucasArts, and the rest of Lucas's companies have grown so large and powerful that Star Wars is a self-perpetuating industry in and of itself. It is a Frankenstein that has gotten up off of the operating table and started walking on its own. As a result, the movies, the video games, the plastic toys, and the television shows must continue, resulting in quality that is inevitably compromised. But there is a bright side: George Lucas is now one of the wealthiest men in the entire world. Bravo, Mr. Lucas!
Rating:  Summary: I have a bad feeling about this! Review: I was extreamly excited when the film was announced. I remembered the first three and was looking forward to this! A big disappointment! George now seems to think that if we wow them with special effects then the story line does not matter. This film proved him wrong. I don't subscribe to the "hey how does technology look better then the first three films" since a great story line will smash a beautiful film. The characters had awsome potential! JarJar the exception of course. I found young Anakin a little too great and thought the emaculate conception idea was a little trite. And I felt the queen seemed to be comming on to Anakin rather then "Aren't you cute" response. The best part of the whole film was the the light saber fight between Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon. George gave a great villian and then killed him off! The film failed due to the poor story line. George tried to wow people with the race which was long and looked interesting but he it took away from the story line. I hoped the next installment would recover but it doesnt. The DVD itself has some nice stuff added but unless you are a real fan of the genra, you might avoid it.
Rating:  Summary: FUBAR Review: It's sad when a creator has completely lost touch with his creation.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Example For The First Star Wars Movie! Review: I love this film Darth Maul is an awsome villian I wish he survived.the republic is batteling the Trade Federation in WAR!On a STAR!That's why the movies are called Star Wars the only thing I can't understand is why did Lucas do 4,5 and 6 first then 1,2,3!WEIRD ISN'T IT!Darth Maul would've been better then Lord Tyranus an old bad guy!OH PLEASE!
Rating:  Summary: The menace is right. Review: I have never been so disappointed in a film in all my life. It makes me wish that there were an ability to give negative stars. The reason it gets even one positive star however is the opening few minutes. It actually looked like it would be a great film. NO...IT REALLY WASN'T. After that one brief shining moment this film tanks into a CG nightmare of effects without substance. It looked like the entire thing was developed to as an excuse to create that racing scene which was in turn developed just to sell a stupid video game. That racing SCENE...what was it...half an hour? And the "comical" announcer. A CURSE ON YOUR RANCH GEORGE LUCAS!!! With the exception of the aformentioned 3-5 minutes of action and excitement every other moment was an agony of disillusionment and the systematic sulying of beloved memories.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, just terrible Review: What did you do to the Star Wars I knew, George?
Rating:  Summary: What a dissapointment Review: Alright first off I must say the original Star Wars Trilogy are 3 of my favorite movies ever created. I was greatly anticipating this movie because I did not see what George Lucas could do wrong. I mean the Indiana Jones Trilogy, Star Wars Trilogy, and the 2 ewoks movies were all great in my opinion. I was expecting another trilogy of masterpieces. I would have to say the acting was a huge drawback to this movie. I did not say it was bad acting just didn't seem right somehow. First off the kid that plays Anakin is my least favorite kid actor barely beating off the kid in Sixth Sense. Now that that is out of the way again there is just something about the actors that I find lacking. Not one actor in this really makes me feel anything at all except maybe Liam Neeson. There isn't anyone with the chrisma of Harrison Ford or the biting but alluring Carrie Fisher or even James Earl Jones voice acting for Vader. Even the tiny roles filled by Captain Needa or Admiral Ozzel were so much better than any 1 person's role in this entire film. The spacecraft in this are horrible looking. Jar Jar Binks is riduculously stupid and annoying, but not as annoying as Anakin. The special effects are good but I prefer the older ones of the old movie for one reason and one alone. The special effects in the older series although not as well done add to the movie they don't take away from it. I find the special effects in this one actually detract from the movie by becoming the main focus. The best thing about the movie is another soundtrack by John Williams. I find the dialogue boring as well as the character relations. It almost seemed like the actors were too busy trying to isolate themselves as the stars in the movie instead of building up a nice team of people. Liam was really the only actor that didn't seem to put that idea in my mind. The only part in the movie I liked was the final battle with Darth Maul and the 2 jedi. The double light-saber kicked a** and the music added a lot to the scene. All around I think the movie was ruined by independant acting, poor dialogue, too much focus on special effects detracted from the scene, and all the new spacecraft and aliens that were added were retarded.
Rating:  Summary: Get it! Review: I can only say: go get it!! This movie is simply awesome! the audio and video are very good. a very good set of extras that spread over 2 discs. it also has a nice menu and interface. this is what a dvd should have! the movie itself is fantastic! good special effects, good flow of story and good acting make this dvd a must buy! u will not regret it.