Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Mind-Blowingly Cool DVD Review: I think that although Episode I is not nearly as great as the Original Trilogy, it is still an excellent movie. Of course, I'm a big Star Wars fan, but that doesn't mean I can't find flaws. Jar Jar is a flaw, but the great special effects, cool lightsaber battles, and out-of-this-world space battles more than make up for his amphibious self. The DVD is packed full of bonus material that would make a Star Wars fan feel like they were in heaven. The Star Wars locales that morph into menus are almost as amusing as the special features themselves, and there are also some easter eggs...
Rating:  Summary: Let's be honest, this movie reeked Review: Sigh. It's not like there weren't some shaky moments in the original Star Wars, or in Return of the Jedi for that matter. But there was also some great character acting by Ford and Fisher, and a solid core of gonzo SF/fantasy narrative values. Oh yeah, and freaking DARTH VADER.(As for Empire Strikes Back, please, it's a virtually flawless piece of popular storytelling. The winner and still champ.) This movie is clunky and soulless. I have no idea what Lucas was doing with himself b/w 1983 and 1999. Sure, there's breathtaking CGI all over the place. But the content is kiddified, stupid and sterile. What's with the fart jokes? With the asinine wise-cracking sportscaster creature during the pod race? (What a dreadful lapse of tone.) With the dweeby little generic 9-year-old cherub whom, please remember, we're supposed to believe is THE LORD OF THE SITH as a tadpole? The only thing that actually stands out about The Phantom Movie as an individual statement is the execrable Jar Jar. Lucas must have had some very personal psychic itch to scratch by inflicting that shuffling, jabbering Gungan atrocity on his millions of fans. I shan't even speculate on the underlying love-hate relationship it attests. Natalie Portman is hot when she's not done up in "royal" regalia like a freaking Chinese New Year Parade float. I probably would have given this movie 1 star otherwise. Portman hotness and Ewan MacGregor's essential coolness (buried here under much wack dialogue, my young padawan) barely nudge it up to 2-star territory. I don't care about the fancy DVD features. Unless one of the features is a clickable link that plays an actual Star Wars movie like Empire, they aren't going to salvage this fiasco. In fact, I hereby overrule Lucas and declare this hash of a toy commercial to be non-canon. None of this actually happened, Star Wars fans. The movies still start with "A New Hope." It is so ordered.
Rating:  Summary: I wouldent whipe my ___ with this movie. Review: Ive waited 20+ years for this piece of crap? Theres just way too many flaws here. Lucas's directing skills is one of them. When i first saw this movie i felt a shiver and goosebumps all over my body. The title started scrolling and you started to read the story ............ The NEW star wars story and thats about the height of it all. 2 hours later i wanted 2 hours of my life back. I gave this movie 2 stars for a couple reasons. 1. its a star wars movie (had it not been it would have gotten 1) 2. I cant go into the negitives. What went wrong you ask? Well heres a small list of pros and cons....... Pros: -Its a star wars movie. -Good politics -great visuals Cons: -This is a Star Wars movie? Wake me up im having a nightmare. -Terrable dialog. I mean seriously, its about equivillent to that of a ninja turtles or pokemon episode. George also did a wonderful job of using the words "bantha fodder" about 10 times. -Bad actors. Very few of the actors actually sounded convincing. -Horrific character interaction. I never got the sence that others mattered to one another. Unlike the first trilogy which managed to do that perfectly. -Jar Jar. I love childrens characters and movies, From the lion king to ice age. And i can understand what lucas wanted to do with jar jar, the problem is he went completely off the deep end in creating this character. I guess he wanted to make the most annoying, wacky, ignorant character he possably could and in the process alienated anyone over 12. -An overall lack of attention to what really mattered. I think lucas was so involved with what he "could" do with the visual effects he never asked himself what he should use it for. Insted he decided to use effects in the movie to cover up all the errors he made, and theres alot. -Lucas should have written all three scripts togeather. If he would have done this, he would have realized that the first episodes time should not have been spent on pod racing and medaclorians. This has basicly screwed the rest of the series. Well im not going to go on with the cons, i think you get my drift. I will save you some time though and do an episode 2 review really quick. Pros: Read above Cons: Read above + -Terrable love story. I'm a man, thus enclined to dislike love stories, however i can tolerate them to a point as long as they are good. This was not. It seemed like he wanted to take an episode of a day time soap and throw it in. That didnt work.
Rating:  Summary: To all Star Wars fans' past, present & future' I am all 3.. Review: This avid STAR WARS fan saw the movie, has the book, of course & purchased the DVD. No other galaxies far, far away or near, can compare with the stories that arise from Lucas' original Trilogy. I (as I hope other viewers do/did) am positively amazed and in awe of the STAR WARS world. THE PHANTOM MENACE, Episode I, even in the DVD, is clearly transcribed, imaginatively on top with the STAR WARS legacy. Technical, film-making, amazing techniques and visionary aspects of the DVD are clear and formidable. One could not have put together a better line of actors/actresses to get into the mode of pre-trilogy numbers 4/5/6 characters' as well as players who do not go into the future episodes. Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn is the Master Jedi/teacher of Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) -- the on-screen presence of these two fine actors is obviously a "made to be", charismatic interaction. Queen Amilda (Natalie Portman) carries herself royally and regally with sophistication and confidence, and "kicks..." at the "where applicable". The delightful Jar Jar is a little weak and difficult in the diction path, but added a wonderfully humorous character to the Episode. And, yes, it was hard to envision young, innocent-faced Anakin (Jake Lloyd) entering the future role of Darth Vader; however, Jake Lloyd plays the part to a "tee", not too young but yet not too old. I desire to see more of Yoda, R2-D2 and C-3PO' Episode I allows the viewer insight as to their beginnings with STAR WARS. Although I do hope some author will run the gamut of portraying Yoda "from whence he came'" -- this viewer finds all from I to VI short on the history of Yoda, an endearing, unusual, highly-intelligent, philosophical, gentle being. The costuming, makeup and representation of Darth Maul (Ray Park) is mind and eye-catching; Mace Windu (Samuel Jackson) contributes pizzazz and believability as one of the "best among the best" of the Jedi Force Knights' this viewer/fan looks forward to Jackson's carry over into Episode II (already a done deal) and the future III. (And, thank you Mr. Jackson for choosing purple as your light saber... my favorite color.) When "the Trilogy" came out years ago (and also saw the anniversary showings) in New York City, a fan or viewer cannot help but associate the faces of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, et al. without transferring in thought and mind their outstanding performances from Episode 4/5/6, in comparison with the portrayals and acting talents in Episode I II and III (the latter to be determined). Definitely buy the DVD and number II, of course. What would life be, without STAR WARS!
Rating:  Summary: an okay beginning, with great special effects Review: A film by George Lucas After years of watching and rewatching the original Star Wars trilogy, the first of three prequel movies was released in 1999. Episode I: The Phantom Menace was a long awaited, and highly anticipated new (and first) chapter in the Star Wars Universe. The previews teased of what was to come and it looked good. After finally seeing the movie in the theatre, I was filled with part excitement and part disappointment, and the more I thought about the movie, the less excited I was about it. This opening chapter presents us with a trade blockade on the planet of Naboo by the Trade Federation. Two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) are sent to negotiate a settlement to the blockade, but they are attacked by droids employed by the Trade Federation. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon end up on the planet of Naboo and become entangled in the local political situation with the blockade and rescue Queen Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman). They also acquire a tagalong alien named Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best). More about him later. The Jedi and Amidala, along with Jar Jar end up on Tatooine (yes, that Tatooine). They are helped out by a little slave boy named Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), whom Qui-Gon believes is the one spoken about in some prophecy about "the one who will bring balance to the Force". The rest of the movie is a mixture of Tatooine, and the attempts to free Naboo from the Trade Federation. We see the Jedi Council for the first time, featuring Yoda (Frank Oz) and Mace Windu (Samuel L Jackson). We see the remnants of the Sith, Darth Sidious and Darth Maul (Ray Park) and their plots against the Jedi and their manipulation of the Trade Federation. We see the first meeting of C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 (Kenny Baker). We see the Old Republic that was, and the corruption of the Senate. "The Phantom Menace" is truly a set up. After watching this movie, we have a very good idea of how the Republic becomes The Empire, and we are introduced to key characters like Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. We even get to see the Jedi fight as true warriors, rather than two old men in "A New Hope". There are some very exciting sequences in this movie. Seeing the Pod Race on the big screen was rather impressive, and the lightsaber duel between Darth Maul and the two Jedi was the best lightsaber fight of the entire series thus far (without knowing what is in Episode 3). I didn't even mind all of the talk about Trade and the Debates in the Senate. So, what was my problem? The movie was filled with a cast of capable actors, but the dialogue was so bad that I don't think anybody could have done a good job in delivering the lines (Pernilla August, as Shmi Skywalker was a notable exception for most of her scenes). It was the writing. Star Wars has always been on the simplistic side, with some silly lines, but for whatever reason, nothing seemed to work. Add to this the issue of Jar Jar Binks, and it makes things a little bit worse. Jar Jar is a character designed to appeal to kids. He felt like the answer to Yoda, directed at small children. But, he was rather annoying to adults, rather than being cute or interesting, as Yoda was (and is). Jar Jar's clumsiness also negated what could have been a powerful battle scene between the Gungans and the Droid Army. Why do I keep watching? Because at the end of the day, it is a Star Wars movie, and my love of the original trilogy compels me to watch. My expectations were so high that I acknowledge it would be difficult to meet them. This was an enjoyable movie to watch, and it finds new life on DVD. This is a 3 Star movie, and while I was disappointed, I still kind of liked it.
Rating:  Summary: Good Things about Episode One -- A Great DVD Review: When Episode One came out I saw it the first day. So I like Star Wars, and expected a great movie. In my favorite SW movie (EMPIRE) Yoda said "For 900 Years Have I Trained Jedi . . ." Well, I have loved Star Wars since 1977, when I saw Lucas's Space Opera the first week, and immediately my young imagination was ignited. There is plenty about episode one that is definitely different from the first three. Many reviewers have commented on how bad they thought the film was. But my review is not going to focus on the complaints. Here are the good things: The storyline: Introduces us to the Galaxy far far away, to the Galactic Senate, the Jedi Council, new worlds like Coruscant, Naboo, Tattoinne, and sets the framework for the whole Star Wars epic. For all those who complain about EP 1 - the story has to begin somewhere, and Lucas fills us in all these things. The story begins to show who Luke and Leia's parents are, what the deal is with Jedi, Yoda, Obiwan and dark Jedi. We even get introduced to some central characters of later films -- Artoo and Threepio. And most importantly, we see Anakin, whose descent into the dark coincides with the rising of the empire. What causes Anakin to turn to the Dark Side? Episode 1 sets the stage to answer this question in a Galaxy not so different from our own, with Aliens, Starships, Bureaucracy, Conquests, Honor, Intrigue, Evil, and Brave Protectors, both Jedi and other heros. There are still some gaps and gaffes -- the notion that Anakin was miraculously conceived and the whole talk of midiclorians as the source of the Force seem improbable or weak. But the story does provide a beginning. The Music: Williams familiar Star Wars score is on target again, and the choral parts in Episode One really highlight the danger of the Sith Lord Maul when he makes a wordless dramatic entrance. The music is great, and almost serves as part of the story. In fact Lucas speaks of the music in the commentary. Effects: It looks awesome! You may have trouble taking it all in, and should watch the film a couple of times. Each time you can notice additional details. The cutting edge effects in Ep 1 are being seen in other big films like LOTR and Marvel's offerings (Hulk, DD, Spidey, Xmen). Another point --> People hated Jar Jar. The fact that you can dislike a CGI character speaks volumes of the skill of the creators. Also the scenery was brilliant. Naboo and Coruscant especially are just beautiful. Tell me another film that lets you visit worlds such as them? Underwater Gungan City? Awesome. Locations too were gorgeous, and a large part of the story, just like the music. Lightsaber Battles: Remember the scene where Maul stands in the hangar door. He says nothing and yet effectively screams "I AM OPENING A BIG CAN OF WHOOP*SS ON YOU BOTH!" That is an awesome scene. Prior to this, we had never seen such a saber battle. Not Errol Flynn, the Musketeers or the best Chinese Masters had shown us such a duel - ferocity, talent and effects. The CGI, stunts, acrobatics, scenery, music, and tempo are awesome. And when the laser field prevents the chase from continuing, the look of hate on Maul's face and the calm of the Jedi Master is excellent. It really shows the fury and peace of light and dark. Many have derided this movie, but this climatic scene is an outstanding piece. Episode One's battle between the Jedi and Sith Lord is better than any lightsaber duels previously seen. EP II's massive Jedi battle is likewise exceptional, but less personally intense than the duel between Qui Gon, Maul and Obiwan. The Pod Race: Spectacular Action on Epic Scale. The DVD has deleted scenes of the race with optional commentary which make it a little clearer that the race is really 3 laps long and shows some extra footage. The Pod Race is like the Superbowl of the Lucas Galaxy, so why shouldn't it be grand, action-filled and intense? It is. The very end of the movie: As the credits end, you can hear Darth Vader-ish wheezing. Did you listen for it? Haunting. . . This DVD has lots of extras. It is a very well done DVD! Trailers, TV Spots, Deleted Scenes, documentaries. Bravo! The menu is interesting/entertaining andthere is a lot of material. The commentary adds a lot of bits and pieces to the Star Wars Lore. You won't be disappointed with the bonus material. I got the two disc set for both Episode One and Two, but now you can buy them together I think. I guess we'll all have to wait for a similar offering for the original Star Wars movies, EP 4,5, & 6.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie is a Menace Review: This movie is not that good compared to the Star Wars Trilogy. George Lucas should have spent more time on plannig episode One. The good parts are seeing Yoda again and a bunch of new faces. But Stars Episode One does not seem like it leads up to its trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: A bit of a menace Review: Okay so George made a number of very bad calls with Ep.1 that include: Limited references to the force, Limited use of the force, Not giving us much force and then forcing our patients instead with Jar-Jar and his alien friends. Okay Jar-Jar was not as bad as many had made him out to be. He was a hyper-realistic CGI character and George was also touting us that Ep.1 was just going to be a set-up for the triology and all has been forgiven with Ep.2 which has some of the best Star Wars battle sequences ever seen and is a way darker than this move. Ep.1 is like Ep.2 *lite*. In fact it is lite in nearly every department but the final battle scene is worth the ticket alone. Not a great film by any means but not a total flop either. Ep.1 certainly lowered our expectations for Ep.2 but Ep.2 made up for what this one left out. Ep.3 should be the best of the series with the way things are going but the original still rules them all.
Rating:  Summary: No. Just No. Review: Unfortunatly, I am not allowed to select a "no star" opition, but that is what this movie diserves. Loud special effects DO NOT make movie. There was somethings missing from this one, shall we call it writng? It's a shame George, you have to go and make you millions, hmmm? Coun't leave as-is alone could ya? Maybe next tiem you will think twice before scarring a classic trilogy for the rest of us!
Rating:  Summary: Jar Jar ruins it big time Review: Okay, I'd like to know what they were thinking (or taking) when they created the character Jar Jar Binks. JJB ruins the film. It could have been 5/5 without JJB. I heard there's an unauthorized DVD version out there that edits out that nincompoop. Let me know, I'd buy that one instead.