Rating:  Summary: Grab this DVD!!! Review: Star Wars fans, what are you waiting for? Grab this DVD!! This DVD set contains 2 discs with fully loaded bonus features. Never mind about the irritating Jar Jar Binks, should we even bother about him at all?? Guys, with Episode II - Attack of the Clones now showing in the theatres, isn't it the best time to start collecting the DVD trilogy set (I, II, III (in 2005))?
Rating:  Summary: "Forced" Menace Review: Almost everyone agrees that EPISODE 1 isn't the best installment in the series. The direction by George Lucas is rather flat. Sure, it has some visaully stunning landscapes and F/X, but it seems to me that while Lucas is busy seeng how far his technology can take him, acting and other essential elements are put to one side. I am aware of how difficult it must have been for Lucas to decide how the beloved saga would begin After a 16 year gap between episodes, this was a major undertaking, that fact is not lost on me. The recent theatrical release of ATTACK OF THE CLONES, prompted me to take another look at the film and the DVD. I still feel the same way I did after first seeing the film in theaters. I wont bore you by repeating what others have said here and elsewhere. AOTC addresses some of the problems of TPM (and is a slightly better film). What amazes me is the fact that, the extras on the 2 disc set, help to make this one of the best DVDs that I have ever seen, even though the film is disappointing. The documentary and multiple featurettes really take you inside the film in a way that few DVDs ever have. Unlike most DVDs with multple featurettes, facts are never repeated, great care must have been taken to ensure that errors like that did not occur. Culled from over 600 hours of footage, it never gets boring, or puts you to sleep. The deleted scenes are cool to see but don't offer anything new to the film. The next great feature is the 12 part web documentary in case you missed it online. There is a rather extensive photo gallery, trailers, television spots, the print campaign, the popular "Duel of the Fates" music video, and DVD-ROM content. All of this is presented using a clever menu layout. The first disc has a good commentary track from Lucas and other production insiders. Lucas makes no apologies for the film and plows ahead I am a huge fan of the first trilogy, and perhaps my affection for those films, influences my thoughts about the newer films. However, it's hard not to argue that THE PHANTOM MENACE DVD, is among the best ever produced. It gets only 4 stars because of my feelings about the film and not the DVD extras Recommended of course
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!! Review: I think that this is a great movie. I know a lot of people gave it a bad review when it came out. Here's what I think. The first Star Wars film came in 1977, more than twenty years ago. The second film, The Empire Strikes Back, was, at that time, considered to be a very violent film. Well, in the past twenty years, R-rated films pushed the envelope of violence so far forward, that when The Phantom Menace came out, people forgot that it was just a PG rated film. I think that they were expecting it to be an R rated film. For a PG film, it's great. For a sci-fi film, it's great. I even think that JarJar Binks is ok. Nobody can tell me that the pod race is not a good piece of film. The same is true with the final attack on the droid ship. I watch this film at least once a week.
Rating:  Summary: Fast flowing action prequel Review: Terrific story telling the origins of Annakin Skywalker and Queen Amidalla, the start of the Emporer Palpaltine's activities and the Jedi Council. Gerat action and special effects with interesting characters including the annoying Ja-Ja Binx. I thought that Annakin's master was the most underated character of the entire movie. Made for aan interesting start to the Star Wars series.
Rating:  Summary: Slow and not mutch happened Review: I really like star wars but dont get me wrong but this movie was not very good for a star wars movie and it overall turned me off to star wars. This movie had too mutch Jar Jar who was very Idiotic and the technology seemed newer then the origonal trigoly but episode 2 dose a great job fixing the errors of episode 1. The special effects and the actress that pays the queen is all this movie had going for it. Personally I liked the origonal trilogy and episode 2 alot better. Because episode 2 was mutch better then episode one and 2 is just as good as the origonal is why I like it better.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy Star Wars DVD's yet Review: If there's one thing George Lucas know how to do best is to take money from his fans. The old Star Wars movies aren't available on DVD yet. This leaves one to wonder why he's realeasing the new one's now instead of the old ones. Reason being: after Episode III is made (2005) he's going to release all six Star Wars movies in a 6 pack on DVD, and I'm sure that's the only way we'll be able to get the old ones on DVD. That'll be after we've already bought "Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones." It's just George's way of sucking his last red cent out of his true Star Wars fans. So wait for the over priced six pack in 2005 and don't let him take anymore of your hard earned money. Until then just rent it if you want to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Good Beginning Review: While this film may not be the best in the Star Wars series, it is definitely a great way to begin the story. It brings back to life the old pleasures we remember from the original trilogy, but introduces us to new stories. You must own this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: At the top of my favorite feature-packed DVDs! Review: Up until this DVD was released "T2: The Ultimate Edition" was the #1 DVD on my list. But then "The Phantom Menace" came out and I was like, uhm, push "T2" to #2, because we have a winner. This DVD has everything, well for the exception of the option of both viewing formats, this DVD is great. Most of us have seen the widescreen version at some point or another like at a friend's house on VHS, but must we have to suffer thru it for this. Oh well, let bygones beat bygones, I say. The best thing about this DVD is that Lucas has put some of the deleted scenes into the feature itself. In case you were wondering the time-length of the movie, it clocks in at around 2hrs and 20mins. The major noticable addition was the Podrace scene (one of the best scenes in movie history along with the charriot scene in "Ben-Hur"), because you don't see (SPOILER AHEAD!:) Anakin fixing his Podracer in the original, you don't see the intros to all the racers in the original, so you get more footage, that will save you time for switching the discs over and over again. But they didn't put EVERY deleted scene in the movie, some were left on the 2nd disc in the Deleted Scenes section which is presented in documentary form with explanations for being deleted and behind-the-scenes of some, or just watch them alone. Another big plus is that you get to see the entire "Duel of the Fates" music video that aired on MTV in May '99 (the year of Ricky Martin, *sticks finger in throat*), and the film-making process from writing the script to the cutting-room-floor. Some things were left out, like the possibility of having "The Phantom Cut" that was spoken of so much in Summer '01 as an easter egg, or having an interactive choice of having Jar-Jar be removed. But hey, what we have on the DVD is good enough. The art on the discs is magnificent: Disc One: Contains a real close-up of Darth Maul's hideous face. Disc Two: Containg the end battle of Darth Maul vs. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Well, ciyonara. Hopefully Lucas will release the rest of the saga on DVD soon.
Rating:  Summary: What in the hell is this? Review: For the boneheads who hail this movie, lay off the drugs. It sucks. I wouldn't waste a dime on anything that has George Lucas associated with it. Talking about a monetary scheme. The new Star Wars flicks are just proof that americans follow like sheep...get a life...