Rating:  Summary: A stab in the back to every fan of the original trilogy Review: First of all, I've seen this dvd and it looks and sounds great. My problem is with the movie. I own the original trilogy, the special editions, documentaries like From Star Wars To Jedi, etc. I'm a huge fan of Star Wars. However, when I came out of the theater with my friends after seeing Episode 1, we all refused to accept it. The movie had a weak story, weak script, laughable acting, and enough cartoonish CGI to make Shrek jealous. No longer did we see detailed models, costumes, and sets...... instead we saw 3D Studio Max.The movie largely ignores the original trilogy. For example, Obi-Wan said to Luke that Yoda had trained him, not Qui-Gon. Also, The Force was a religion based on symbiosis with the surrounding universe, not microorganisms in a Jedi's blood. Also, if the droids are in these prequels, how come they don't remember Obi-Wan when they meet him in Episode 4? Also, what was up with the underwater chase and the scene where Anakin blows up the Trade Federation ship? Did Lucas expect those scenes to be taken seriously? What was with the battle droids talking like smart alecks? What was the point of Jar Jar other than to make us want to leave the theater? It's just baffling. Samuel Jackson and Ewan McGregor have publicly stated they thought Episode 1 was flat. That's not good. This movie will definitely go down as the black sheep of the Star Wars saga.
Rating:  Summary: Fed up with fans giving bad reviews... Review: Well, personally liked it. And I walked into that theater to see it only expecting it to be just as good, or at least fitting to the entire story of Star Wars. (after all, all of them were written together) I walked out of that theater totally satisfied. Alone, it probably would not stand, but it's not supposed to be taken alone. And as for Jar-jar (many point to him being a downturn to the film) I found him easy to ignore, I expect that most of his purpose was for comic relief, (in the absense of R2D2 and C3PO as a duo, which they wound up together for only a few brief scenes). Yet, Jar-jar had a few pivital parts in the movie... think, you can figure them out. Just the fact that many people I have talked to expect some enormously huge movie that blows away Episodes 4, 5, and 6 and walk away dissappointed annoys me. I think that Episode 1 is a worthy beginning to the ENTIRE story of Star Wars. The effects are pleasing and the plot is just as good as the rest. If you think it's lacking, remember... it was written over 30 years ago... would you expect Lucas to totally change a vision that's been in his head for so long simply to please over-expectant fans??? I don't, and I'm very happy with his story as it is.
Rating:  Summary: Decent Racing Film Review: Phantom Menace is a futuristic sci-fi film about stock car racing. The movie starts out with two English fellas dressed in medieval pajamas. They run into a character named Jar-Jar Binks who looks like a walking platypus and talks like a sissy Jamaican. He takes them to an under water city where the people look like frogs and talk like Africans except for the two bad guys who sound like Japanese samuri. Somehow the English fellas and the platypus end up in southern Utah. That's where the big stock car race is held, except these stock cars are powered by twin jet engines and don't have any wheels. Most of the drivers are alien critters who look like something even my mean old tomcat wouldn't drag in. Which is just as well cuz you don't feel bad when they get killed which is pretty often. One of the English fellas wants a little boy to race his car but the boy is busy being a slave to a giant flying bug who talks. The bug ain't too slick and the English fella gets him to agree to letting the little boy drive. Once the race begins the little boy doesn't have to do anything but hold onto the handlebars which is real fortunate because he couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. After the race is over they drag the movie out way too long. A bunch of stuff happens that don't make no sense, part of it involving some weird chick with a lipstick impairment and a practical joker for a hair dresser. One of the English fellas gets killed and they never make it back to Utah. Reckon that's in the next film. I give this film three stars. The stock cars crash real good but they should have put the race at the end of the film.
Rating:  Summary: damn you george lucas! Review: I dont care what anyone says about this movie (or epi II)I adored it. I went into it without the expectation that this was going to be Epi V revisited so I loved it. I loved Natalie Portman, I loved Ewan McGreggor. The movie was just fantastic. This DVD was beyond fantastic, the best DVD since the Matrix
Rating:  Summary: The Most Anticipated Film In The Star Wars Series... Review: And from a cinematic point of view, it is also the most artistic. The painstaking work on each and every scene comes through in the DVD format. Each frame is perfectly flawless. Some have claimed the dialogue and plot recieved little if any attention from the filmmakers. The only problem I have with that statement is the fact that all the previous Star Wars films were not Shakespeare. These movies were not made famous because the actors had breath-taking lines. Episode IV was loaded down with cheesy dialogue. True, the film does lag at times, but it more than accomplishes what it was designed to do. To introduce the characters that have a direct impact on the future of the Republic and the events that will take place in the latter half of the series. Ok, enough of that. I enjoyed the film when it was released, and I thoroughly enjoy the DVD release. It is loaded with extras, and the audio commentary is actually interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Even Star Trek is Better than this! Review: I have a bad feeling about this," says the young Obi-Wan Kenobi perfectly summorizing the collective thought of the audience.
Rating:  Summary: See Episode II.. you will like Episode I better! Review: Ok, i'm 15, kinda a star wars freak, i admit it. i saw Phantom Menace 4 times in the theater.So far I've seen Attack of the Clones twice, and i must say, after seeing it, i liked Episode I much better! You understand, why it's so light, and why it seemed like a "kids" movie.Things just fall into place more. And you see why they portrayed Anakin as a "nice" kid.Believe me, Episode I will probably be the ONLY film you'll like him in(that is, if you liked him at all!)as for Jar Jar, i really didn't have that big of a problem w/ him. Of course, i like the old movies better, but these are NOT the old trilogy! so people GET OVER IT! I thought Episode I was a good intro, and i think people will like it more after seeing Episode II and then III. Oh yes, and of course,the CGI is very good...
Rating:  Summary: Nearly killed Starwars Review: How can the same person behind episode 2 be behind this crud. I hate Jar Jar, Amidala sounds ridiculous, I hate the Japanese stereotype aliens, the pod race was boring, everything was overexplained to the point of being like running commentary, way too much cgi. This movie is irrlevant, epecially after seeing episode 2. I remember seeing this in the theater, everyone was all into it until Jar Jar showed up, then he never left, then nobody cared anymore except for the very few scenes with Darth Maul. I never will understand that, I mean the overabundance of Jar Jar , in the documentary Lucas says the number of scenes he's in which i had to laugh at, something like 461!
Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace: Beginning of a New Legacy Review: The Menace is a seed, a root to a larger more intense story set about by Lucas. What most people have forgotten about Lucas is that he is a genius. He is flexible...and has not changed as a director. The same comical, creative, dark atmospheres that he created in the original trilogy do occur in the Menace. The Menace is a plant creator. It sets the story for the second trilogy and is necessary. It contains the Gungans, an underwater tribe not unlike the Ewoks. It contains Tatooine, a city captured by beauty and originally unscarred by evil that sets the tone for what will be a much darker galaxy. I suggest you notice this movie for its ability to be an elaborate plant with surreal flowers.
Rating:  Summary: Nice DVD but I was expecting more... Review: After so long to have this DVD launched, I do admit I was overexcited about its features. It is just an ordinary DVD with some features that any other movie would come with. It is only worth it for the movie, not for the extras.