Rating:  Summary: This Movie Was Ruined By... Review: The brat who plays Anakin (or Annie) and the demented "Jar-Jar Binks".If it weren't for those two,this movie would be a lot better.But there are still one problem with this movie. -Why did the Trade Federation take over Naboo? Is it for power...or glory...or what? The movie never explains why.See,I would have given this movie five stars if it weren't for that little **** Anakin,and the kiddish Jar-Jar Binks.Luckily,Jar-Jar will die in Episode III.Star Wars fans,rejoice!
Rating:  Summary: A long[er] time ago . . . Review: Film (3/5) The first episode of the Star Wars saga suffers from poor dialogue and some childish elements that have somehow found their way into the film. The storyline itself strikes me as mediocre compared to the original three films, however, the main points got across as they needed to so that the beginnings of this movie series could be explained. Video (5/5) Sound (5/5) Special Features (5/5) There is a commentary by members of the crew, including George Lucas which is interesting enough if you have the time to listen to it. There are several deleted scenes that include small features on how they were developed and why they were cut. "The Beginning: Making Episode I" is a very interesting and insightful look into the entire production of the film. Five smaller features highlight various aspects of the movie, and the twelve part documentary series featured on starwars.com is definitely worth a look as well. Also included is the music video for "Duel of the Fates" and a feature on the making of the Starfighter video game. There are features on the development of the podrace and submarine scenes, a still photo gallery, posters, trailers, and tv spots. Overll - 4.5 (5)
Rating:  Summary: A Historic piece of JUNK! Review: Wow this movie was bad. It was boring, the script was lame, the acting was bad, and I did not even see the plot for I was too busy sleeping! I love star wars but this movie did not even have to come out. They released this movie for a smaller audiance but Im sure they did not like It because it was soooo boring! Episode 2 should have been the first one. The fact that Anikan is like 10 and Padme like 17 is a little creepy considering they marry in episode 2. Wow that was bad! Thank god for DVDs.
Rating:  Summary: The Thing About Phantom Review: In anticipation of ...Episode 3 and the upcoming DVD releases of the original trilogy, I thought I would give The Phantom Menace another look. And afterward I still found the same things to appreciate and abhore. I'll start with the cons: 1. First let me get Jar Jar out of the way. There is no question in my mind that this film would have been far easier to stomach if he had either been reworked into a different character or just thrown out with the bath water. Nonetheless there he is. 2. I'm not the kind of guy to pick on little kids, but everytime Jake Lloyd was on screen, I found it hard to surpress a cringe. This has more to do with writing and creative decisions than the kid. But I think they should have chosen someone at least a couple of years older. 3. I expect lame dialogue in a Star Wars movie, but fart jokes, poo humor, the future Vader saying things like "oops" and "Yippee". Are almost too much to bear. 4. The jedi council has always been something I imagined as something mysterious and profound. But I guess my expectaions were too high. When I found them doing little more than hanging around a boardroom, basking in their own self importance while they sent lackeys out on chores, I must say I was disappointed. 5. In episode 4, Luke already had some piloting chops, enough at least for the rebels to hand him a ship and go to battle. Had Lucas made Anakin a little older, he could have done the same. Instead we have Anakin saving the day by pure accident. The future Vader in essence, "pulled a Homer." 6.Too much Jar Jar and not enough Obi-Wan. The saga is not about Jar Jar. There are other things that chafe me as well, but you get the idea. But now to be fair there were things that I thought were good. Some quite good in fact. Here are the pros: 1. The beginning of the film got me excited. When Obi-Wan and emerge from the gas filled room and dispatched those droids it was something to behold. 2. The invasion of Naboo was of such a large scale and so detailed, there's something new going on each time I see it. 3. The character of Qui-Gon was unexpected and I liked the fact he was on his own path and was annoyed with the other fuddy-duddy jedi. 4. Can you believe it? I actually liked Watto. I thought he was a much better realized character than Jar Jar, even amusing without being annoying. 5. Darth Maul, enough said. 6. The lightsaber battle is the best in all five of the movies. Too bad it's intercut with that lame battle between the droids and the Gungans. 7. I've heard people complain that the pod race is too long. But compared with the rest of the movie. It goes by in the blink of an eye. So those are just a few of my thoughts. Now I wouldn't want anyone to think that I hate this movie. Far from. It's just that the combination of the garbage and all the great stuff make it simply an average film with above average special effects. But that won't keep me from the OT DVDs and Episode 3.
Rating:  Summary: Poor as a stand alone- Great as a Part One.... Review: The problem with The Phantom Menace isn't that it lacks entertainment value, but that it really doesn't hold up as a stand-alone movie, especially a Star Wars movie. I mean, here are all these (mostly) new characters we're introduced to and they're kept busy with a fairly interesting storyline, but one that is only tangentially related to the overall Star Wars plotlines. In other words, it's just an introduction for one huge six-part movie. It serves the same purpose as the first fifteen or twenty minutes of a regular-length movie, I suppose. From THAT perspective, it's very effective and wisely constructed. Just don't think of it as a whole movie, or you'll be a tad disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: better than the original three films Review: hello my name is matthew smith.and i feel that this film is so much better than all three films from the original triology. Jar Jar Binks is the greatest creation in the history of filmmaking.I hope we see alot more of him in episode III.
Rating:  Summary: Great to the point of exhaustion Review: hey, i found this movie great although the middle portion did get you a bit drowsy that doesn't make the movie "less entertaining." it was the same traditional old StarWars and since Lucas was trying to do that, this is a success for him even if he gets all these criticism. It tries extremely well with the other episodes. I think that if you look closely, it's more than just lightsabres, but a brilliant plot simplified to entertain the young, the old, and the tired
Rating:  Summary: Please read this, I am a die hard fan, but this is very sad Review: I know George Lucas makes this movie for kids, but he has seem to forgotten that the same kids he inspired 25 years ago are still big fans of his. I think he has become a selfish, self-indugled man, his attitude during interviews definitely shows it. As for this movie, it is insulting to watch as a grown up. My cousins who were only 6 and 7 when Phantom Mencace came out even told me the movie made no sense. Lucas says he made this movie for kids, but yet it is too confusing for kids. The plot is bad, the script is poor and so is the dialouge, the acting is beyond terrible, Mcgregor does a good job, but the rest of the cast doesnt have it How can Anakin build C3P0? He builds the droid he is looking for in the later episodes? it makes no sense, what is going to happen in Episode III? Is a young Han Solo going to be father to a baby Chewbaccca? Why all the corny connections? Just tell the story Lucas reminds me of a kid Johnathan in my neighborhood when I was young. He had all the best toys and was always the first to get everything and you couldnt play with his action figures unless you followed his corny storyline which was always silly... Dont waste your money on this, buy the Lord of The Rings, by Peter Jackson, watching that movie gives you a feeling it has really happened, like the original Star Wars pictures. Geroge has lost it and he can hide and be selfish in his little ranch but he will never be able to tell a good story ever again because he is blinded by technology...
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, great DVD Review: I think the movie itself is one of the most unjustly maligned movies of all time. It wasn't that bad. Sure, there were parts that were lacking, but ultimately we're dealing with different Star Wars movies here. The prequels. They're not meant to be like the old trilogy. It's more plotting and mystery than it is space cowboy adventures. And that's what I like about the prequels. The stories themselves are better and more well-thought out than the old trilogy. They're more involved and make you think. I will admit that there were some approaches taken with this movie that didn't work for everyone, but isn't that always the way movies are? This movie is good. If you want to know what bad movies are, watch Blair Witch 2, or The Werewolf vs. The Vampire Woman. The Phantom Menace has faults, but it's not like the other Star Wars films DIDN'T have faults. All five are full of them, and I'm sure Episode 3 will be the same way. The DVD itself has great special features. The highlight is the documentary "The Beginning," which compiles hundreds of hours of footage of behind-the-scenes material into an hour long feature. It's very informative, and gives you a feel for what it was like making the first Star Wars movie in 16 years. The other big highlight are the deleted scenes. You have the option to watch them along with a documentary talking before-hand about each deleted scene, explaining what it is, why it was cut, etc. Or, you can just watch them individually. The rest of the DVD is full of other featurettes and such that are pretty cool, as well as TV and theatrical trailers for the film. There's also a blooper reel that shows outtakes, but it's an easter egg. You have to type in 11[enter], 3[enter], 8[enter] in the options menu. 1138 is from Lucas' first film THX 1138. It's quite hilarious. Good movie, great DVD.
Rating:  Summary: A worthy entry in the greatest film series of all time! Review: The film is not perfect, obviously. But the backlash against it has been unfair to say the least. Aside from the acting of young Jake Lloyd, the film is hugely entertaining, gorgeous to look at, and is just as mythical and deep as the original trilogy. Don't just jump on the bandwagon and mindlessly criticize it like many people have done (especially critics). Give it an honest assessment, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.