Rating:  Summary: Bah! Review: I hated this movie! Thank you. You may continue shopping.
Rating:  Summary: An Exciting Beginning to the Star Wars Saga Review: I have been a Star Wars Fan since the first movie came out in 1977, and The Phantom Menace upholds the great tradition set forth in the earlier films. This movie takes place 30 years before the original Star Wars. The Federation has placed a blockade around the planet of Naboo. Two Jedi knights, played by Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, are sent to negotiate a peace betwen the Naboo and the Federation, but instead the Federation tries to kill the Jedi. The Jedi, along with Queen Amidala and Jar Jar Binks are able to escape. However, their ship develops problems with its hyperdrive, and they are forced to land on the planet of Tattooine. It is here that Qui-Gon Jin, played by Neeson, discovers Anikin Skywalker. Qui-Gon is convinced that this young boy has the power to become a Jedi. However, they cannot leave Tattooine until their ship is repaired. Anikin enters the pod races to try to win a bet Qui-Gon placed with Waddo, a trader who happens to have a hyperdrive. Anikin wins the race and Waddo somewhat reluctantly releases Anikin from his slavery to the custody of Qui-gon. With their ship now repaired, the group heads to Courissant, a planet-sized city. Here, Queen Amidala pleads her case to the Senate. Also unknown to the Jedi, A Sith, Darth Maul, has followed them as well. The two Jedi eventually meet Maul in a fierce battle. In the climactic ending battle, the Naboo and Gungans join forces to repel the federation attack. As is the case with most movies, this was much better on the big screen, but the video version is still worth watching, too.
Rating:  Summary: good movie. Review: I really liked the DVD. It had a lot of cool extras that aren't available on the VHS version. I liked the movie, too. It's cool to write from the perspective of a kid, and I had a lot of my past questions answered. I would definitely recommend the DVD if you don't already have the VHS version, and even if you do already have the tape, the DVD is a good addition to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: The Beginning of Star Wars Review: WOW to G. Lucas for keeping this film PLOT alive since the 1970s!!Expect team-action scenes that culminate from the "brain-storming" scenes.
Rating:  Summary: It's OK in some ways, but Jar-Jar...... Review: I have always loved the Star Wars trilogy, and I was hoping for this to be as good. It just isn't. Some scenes are good, and others aren't. Pros 1. I thought that Neeson and MacGregor were great. The guy who played Anakin was pretty good. 2. Natalie Portman was terrific. 3. The lightsaber battle was cool, but not as good as the one in "The Empire Strikes Back" 4. The Podrace was excellent. Very exciting. (You will probably disagree.) 5. I especially liked scenes of Anakin and the Jedi Council "interviewing" him. The battle on Naboo was okay. Cons 1.The commentators were a little too much like our time. It was sort of like NASCAR announcers. 2.Jar-Jar was a stupid character and got too much screen time. He was way too annoying, with his silly way of talking. Overall this movie was okay. I gave it three stars because you had to give the first one, and the other two are for the Podrace and the lightsaber battle. As I said it's OK, but I'm pretty sure you won't really like it as much as the trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Why do people hate this movie? Review: I mean there are a lot of things I Don't like about this movie but it's still good. The reason I didn't like it was the kid who played Anakin Skywalker, he was a terrible kid actor. Natalie portman was good as the Queen, but I thought her outfits were way to over done. The movie itself had no where to go and it doesn't seem to fit in with the Star Wars Trilogy. Although with all those problems the movie is still enjoyable to watch and it's harmless entertainment and is good for children. There is no violence or gore. The DVD is OK but it could have been much better. If you are a Star Wars fan buy this otherwise wait and see if there is a collection of all six movies in 2005 and by the way why aren't the original three Star Wars on DVD?
Rating:  Summary: How to take a great notion and destroy it Review: Back when "Star Wars" first came out (before we started adding numbers and additional titles to the films) I was entranced. Here was something that had not been made in years -- a bigger-than-life Saturday matinee action hero film with good guys and bad guys. Oh, on top of that it had truly amazing special effects. The acting was not the greatest and some of the lines truly hackneyed, but other acting made up for it and the plot was whopping great fun. Fast forward to The Star Was Phenomenon. I went to see this movie (Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace) twice on the big screen. I only intended to go once, but I didn't have the heart to tell a friend I had already seen it because he was so excited. Much like the original, there are some truly amazing special effects. There are also a lot of things that go "BOOM". The fight scenes with the jedi look magnificent, although I can see why Liam Neeson has said he will never act in front of a blue screen again. Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor -- I've seen all three in other films, all of them showing (particularly Neeson) that they can truly act. Unfortunately they have been handed a script that would have been considered childish in comparison to the original if the two had been released at the same time. The film looks pretty (well, okay, the scruffy parts look scruffy -- in other words it seems to look right). There are LOTS of whiz-bang special effects. There is the return of R2D2 (who even gets his own profile close-up) and C3PO (sans skin). Did I mention there are special effects? Lots of aliens are shown, even ET as a senator. Oh, and there are special effects. There is no good acting. There is a horrible plot. There is Jar-jar Binks, who subtracts 2 stars from any film aimed at anyone above the "we like Telitubbies" level. There are so many special effects that they become glaringly obvious and detract from any semblance of plot or acting. Natalie Portman sounds like she is doing a cold read of her lines and Liam, O! Liam!, most of the time looks disgusted to be in front of the camera. Yet another deathstar is destoryed, this time totally on accident. Yet another far-too-cute character is introduced (please, wipe him out before the next film!). And overall the original tale is not advanced one jot or tiddle. George Lucas has shown supreme contempt for all reviewers. That is fine, he is allowed to. He has also shown extreme contempt for his fan base. Did this film add significantly to the Star Wars canon? No. Did it detract from it? Yes. So why have faith in him for any future films?
Rating:  Summary: Better than Most Give Credit! Review: Despite what a lot of people think about this movie in respect to the original trilogy, this movie is awesome. It introduces us to the charters and sets the stage for the next two films. Things that appear in this film, but nowhere else in the series are understandable. This is the first Film, not the Forth. Why would Lucas continually bring up trivial information in every film when it has already been stated in the first film and should be remembered by every fan of this movie. What people don't understand is that this film has too be watched without the other three in mind, because in relation to this film, the events in EP 4-6 haven't even happened or been perceived. Once EP 3 is released and everyone gets a chance to watch all SIX films in conjunction, those who said this movie was a waste will change their tune.
Rating:  Summary: whoever hates this movie I don't care about, I LOVE it!!! Review: It's a great movie! the plot's a little shabby but the music and fight scenes make up for it.If there's anyone who hates this movie (which is almost impossible) please see the headline once more
Rating:  Summary: It's okay Review: This is an okay movie. It has it's flaws, like every other movie. The story is not the best in the world. Neither is the acting. Still, I think some of the acters did very well. Ewan Mcgregor is very good at his part. Natelie Portman did a fair job. ( She is much better in episode 2.) But Jake Lloyd? I never liked his acting from the first time I saw Jingle all the Way, much less in a Star Wars movie. Jar-Jar Binks is very annoying! I think him, and Jake Lloyd ruined the movie. I think people were ecxpecting this to be more like the old ones. But come on, it can't be exactly the same, when it is based decades earlyer. The dark side has not completly formed yet, so this movie can't be as entertaining as the old ones. Over all th is is a prety good movie. In my oppinoin Episode 2 is better.