Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: this was a superb movie. The special affects where fantastic. Jar jar gets annoying alot. But if you are a true hard core fan you learn to ignore because that's the way george wants it, even if you don't totally agree.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie despite the critics' reviews Review: Despite the poor reviews it has received, The Phantom Menace is truely a good movie. I agree that it does not possess the powerful scenes of The Empire Strikes Back or the fairy tale plot of A New Hope; it has its own charm. George Lucas has introduced us to a number of fantastic worlds and presented us electrifying action sequences. The point to remember when watching this feature is that it's not a film in itself, but rather the threads from which the Star Wars tapestry will be sewn. People familiar with the characters and subplots in the last three movies will enjoy this one. Those who have not may not find it as interesting, but enjoyable, none the less.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie in the Series of...... Review: You don't exactly have to have seen the other three movies to appreciate this one but it is helpful. This is a great movie setting up the upcoming II and III ( V or VI) however you view it. The story line is excellent and the character history is right on with Lucas' vision. For the ladies this one isn't the best but just wait till number II it is said to be a romance.
Rating:  Summary: Keep an Open Mind Review: So many of the reviews for the Phantom Menance have taken pot shots at George Lucas and cast for the Characters and story line. Face reality people! The Star Wars Saga is all about the two droids and the events around them. Remember that the books and story lines produce the movies. Episode I truly sets the pace for the others to follow. It answered many questions that 99% of "Die Hard" fans didn't even think about. One can only imagine the next two installments. I think the attention to detail alone made this movie a future classic. Try to imagine all the movies inspired by George Lucas and the incredible work that ILM has provided since the Original Star Wars. Don't worry so much about what "You" expected from the movie and accept the story for what it is.. The beginning of an incredible storyline.
Rating:  Summary: Not Human Enough! Review: Even though I really enjoyed Episodes VI, V, and VI, I have to admit was disappointed with Episode I. I couldn't put my finger on it until I watched the original episodes again. What struck me the most was that Episode I had very few HUMAN actors in it. Most of the "extras" were digital computerized characters.I also thought that lack of any love interest, witty comments and comic relief (i.e., Hans Solo)really detracted from the film. Lastly, I thought the acting was SOOOOO DRY! There was so little emotion, that it was really hard to get involved in the plot. The special effects were awesome, but the plot and acting really lack the greatness of the original episodes. Lucas got away from his "Saturday Afternoon Cliffhanger" type movie. I hope he finds it again.
Rating:  Summary: A disappointment Review: I love Star Wars and was thrilled when I heard about "The Phantom Menace." I went to the first showing at area theaters. I was sorely disappointed. Jar Jar Binks, in particular, had looked so cute and funny in the previews, but was stupid and skittish on screen. Indeed, his whole species was rather ridiculous; it's a shame, because they had real potential to be endearing and heroic. That was sacrificed in favor of bathroom humor and clumsy antics geared towards children. And Jar Jar was not the only character to whom that applied. In one or two scenes would have been bearable, but it went on throughout the movie! Aside from that, the movie was good, but the end felt really unresolved. Overall, it wasn't bad, but wasn't nearly what I had hoped. Had I anticipated a children's movie, I think I would have enjoyed it. But I didn't. I went to see an epic. It fell miserably short of my expectations.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Of 1999 Review: In the sixteen years since the release of Return of the Jedi, I have patiently been waiting for the next installment. I believe that comparing The Phantom Menace to the other films is totally unfair. It's the beginning of a much longer story, and it has only been a part of our culture for less than a year. The others have had 20 years to grow on us. For most Star Wars fans, their favorite Episode is The Empire Strikes Back. Mine, however, is The Phantom Menace. The level of storytelling that is going on throughout the movie is overwhelming. This is just the beginning to a story that everyone already knows the end to. As for Jar Jar? Well, I had trouble understanding him, but in no way did he ruin the film for me. As for living up to the hype? No film in the world could have lived up to the hype that surrounded this one. Comparing it to The Matrix? They are two totally different films. No words of mine will change people's mind about what this film should have been and what it wound up being. If you didn't like it, give it some time to grow on you. What is in store for us in Episodes II and III are sure to be mind blowing. When we can finally sit down and watch all six movies in chronological order, the flaws that The Phantom Menace has will be of no matter.
Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace Rocks! Review: OK - at 20 years old, whne the originals came out I was too young to see them in the movie theater. This was incredible. I think those who hated this movie wanted some kind of Sci-Fi religious experience, not a movie, made to be enjoyed by the whole family. Jar Jar Binks may have been annoying to some people, but the kids I know loved him. This is a MOVIE. Not some kind of Sci-Fi convention. It was meant to be enjoyed, not analysed, and I enjoyed it very much.
Rating:  Summary: one of the 4 best films ever Review: Easily as good as any of the other three star wars films. This movie is sure to become another classic. Despite all of the negative reviews, this movie has every sense of wonder that the classic trilogy had. TPM is great mythology like the others. It doesn't flatter itself by simply showing off its CG effects like so many other films of its genre do. There is substance to this movie. With characters such as the noble jedi, the evil lord darth maul and the duality of his senator/sith master. Even Jar Jar Binks helps the film along because he brings a quality of three stooges-type humor that hasn't really been done before in a star wars film. Overall the film is great, from its opening with the Naboo blockade until the end with the four simultaneous battle sequences. By the final scenes one can only eagerly await the next movie where the tone of the series will begin to darken.
Rating:  Summary: The ONLY movie that can be awful and entertaing in one video Review: This movie made 921 million dollars internationally,WHY? It had awsome action , racing, and special effects. But, no one is acting then are they? People should get it just to have it and watch it for what it is. I'll buy it and watch it just for those really cool action scenes, but fast foward anything on Tattoine, and Coruscant. And DVD, this really dissapoints me and about 7 million other people, where is it! I feel that Lucas really snubbed us so he makes more money in 2006 when he releases it on DVD. (he wants to take his time on them) It was good until they meet Anakin and goes downhill until they meet Darth Maul. Then it goes up until the end of the fight between Maul and Obi-Wan. Then it falls faster than a star. The widescreen is a must for fans, and the normal if you have the others and just want to have them all. I really think it could have been better, but for anybody who saw A New Hope buy it. I just hope that "a new hope" is what episode II will be:)