Rating:  Summary: Excellent, for a Star Wars fan. But not for movie goers. Review: The newest installment in the Star Wars saga takes us back about 25-30 years before the original movie made in 1977. Instead of having the usual cast of characters (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca)there are new characters and characters from the original. The characters from the original are younger. Among them are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, C-3PO and R2-D2. The new characters are Qui-Gon Jin, Jar Jar Binks, and Darth Maul. The movie is good. All the originals are better though. The new lacks the intellectual aspect of the originals. The comic releif in the originals are R2-D2 and C-3PO. Instead of just acting stupid, they were interpreters. They had a reason to be inthe movie. Jar Jar Binks is just a stupid little "Gungan" who just talks incoherently and makes no sense. The good thing about was the back story. This movie tells about the time before Luke and Leia are born. Even though it lacks the same feeling as the originals, that feeling is filled in by the young Obi-Wan Kenobi. He gives off a good vibe and keeps you hooked. Being a huge Star Wars fan myself, I appreciated this movie and loved it. But for movie fans who could care less that this movie came out, it is lousey. So, in conclusion, my star rating is for Star Wars fans. For Movie fans, I give it a 2 out of 5. The only reason being the ultimately anoying and controversial Jar Jar Binks.
Rating:  Summary: Format Review: Saw the movie on the bigscreen. Outstanding flick. It explains alot about incidents and comments in later episodes. It's just too bad it's not being produced in anything but VHS format. Needs to be DVD.
Rating:  Summary: DIDN'T LIVE UP TO HYPE, BUT STILL A GOOD FILM Review: First of all there was no way this film could have lived up to its pre-release hype.The original trilogy has attained legendary status,much like The Godfather I and II.Just as Godfather III suffered in comparison to its predecessors because of raised expectations,so does Phantom Menace.People just expect a perfect film after waiting so long for the release of a film that carries the Star Wars name.In my opinion,this film is better than Return of the Jedi and does not pale in comparison to Episode IV.It is not as good as Empire Strikes Back,but hey few films are.The thing I really liked about Phantom Menace was the fight sequences.George Lucas said that he wanted to show the audience what a Jedi in his prime would be like in battle.I thought he did a remarkable job of this.The choreography of the fight scenes were much better in this film than the other Star Wars films.I believe that the decision to cast a martial artist as Darth Maul contributed to this.Since Darth Maul was not written as a mastermind type of villain,he was more of a henchman,I thought it was a good idea to have someone who is adept at the martial arts play him rather than an accomplished actor.After all the only reason Darth Maul was in the film was as an imposing physical threat.I think those who complain that this character is not developed enough are missing the point.I personally was able to tolerate Jar Jar ,and did not believe as so many others did,that he detracted from the film enough to ruin it.Even those who did not like the plot of the film or the acting must admit that the special effects were dazzling.The pod race,the battle droids,and the underwater scenes are just some of the examples of the great effects.Overall I would recommend this film to anyone who likes the sci-fi genre.So much for my review of the film.Now I want to talk about the decision not to release this film on DVD.One of the main reasons I bought a DVD player was for effects heavy films like Phantom Menace,The Matrix,and The Mummy.I believe you get more out of films like these on DVD than you do on VHS.I waited for Phantom Menace to be released on DVD with a lot of anticipation,eagerly awaiting to see and hear the advantages a film like this can have on DVD as opposed to VHS.I would have been glad to shell out the extra money for the DVD.I am not a DVD snob,I still rent and buy VHS,however I'll tell you this I have no plans to let myself be exploited by this scheme hatched to make people buy this film twice.I will not buy the VHS version,and as much as I liked this film,I may not buy the DVD whenever it comes out.This film was released in theaters nearly a year ago.Is Lucas trying to tell us that they did not have enough time to release a quality DVD?There did not seem to be a problem releasing The Matrix DVD,and it was released the same year as the film.I sincerely hope I don't have to wait twenty years to own Episodes I,II,and III on DVD.The loyal fans of the Star Wars films have kept the interest in these films alive for over twenty years,enabling a series of prequels to be made in the first place.We deserve better treatment.
Rating:  Summary: Weak characterization -- but who cares? Review: The characters are weak in TPM. We meet Obi-Wan, for example, but we have no idea who he is, what makes him tick. He's just a handsome dude with a lightsaber. Anakin was pretty bad. Some real poorly delivered lines. Liam Neeson seems disinterested in the whole thing throughout. But WHO CARES? Star Wars is back. We get to find out what happened before Episode IV. And it's gonna be a great ride! Episodes 2 and 3 hold a lot of promise. We've had the prologue, the scene is set -- now c'mon, Mr. Lucas, let's rock!
Rating:  Summary: A great beginning to a great saga Review: Everyone out there, lets put this movie into perspective: 1) Everyone is dogging it because it doesn't have Han Solo or Vader, or the movie wasn't "human enough". This movie is the beginning of the entire story, thus certain seeds have to be lain inorder for us to get to the fourth episode and meet Solo and Vader. Lucas has to introduce us to the old republic and the way things were before the empire. If we understand the peace of the old republic then we can put into perspective how bad things are going to be when the empire takes over. 2) I think casual fans went to go see this movie and got confused real quick. They didn't understand the significance of Anakin and Obi-wan meeting, and what this will hold for the galaxy. Does any of the casual fans out there realize that Senator Palpatine is the Emperor and Darth Sidious? Do you understand that he is going to turn the sweet little Anakin into a killing machine that will eventually wipe out all the jedi (except obi-wan and yoda of course). Do you realize that by Palpatine becoming grand chancellor, he now runs the republic and can start to implement all of his dark plans. If you understand these things, then you will realize the beauty of this movie and the excitement it breeds for the next two movies. The clone wars are coming, and when this happens (in episode II) everything will change.......
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, but boycott the VHS Review: I am an average SW fan. Not a fanatic. But I did love the originals. I think people remember the original trilogy when they were like 12 and so nobody minded all the unrealistic and childish elements then. As kids, Star Wars was flawless. The scene in "Empire Strikes Back" still irks me, where they land inside a giant worm's stomach and of course, there is air pressure and gravity just like on Earth, even though they are in an asteroid! Nobody even checks to see if its safe to leave the ship. Episode I was superior in many aspects. NOTHING in the old trilogy is anywhere near as visually stunning as Naboo and Corusant. Those two things alone make the movie worth watching. The costumes, and the ships are much sleeker and more believable than the originals ever were. The light saber duel was ten times more exciting than anything in the first trio. Even John Williams' score "Duel of the Fates" is unforgettable and far beyond any of the original music. As for Jar Jar being annoying, yes, he was annoying, but that didn't bother me a bit! Because he was PLAYING an annoying character! He was SUPPOSED to be annoying. He annoyed Obi and Qui-Gon too. That was part of the necessary comic relief to play as a foil to the stoic Jedi. As for the Jedi acting stiff, well of course they were, THEY ARE JEDI! Jedi aren't supposed to be emotional. And still I really felt for Qui-Gon in the end. Anakin I must admit didn't act all too well. But what really irks me about TPM are the small things. The robot going; "Roger Roger" made me want to scream; "IS THIS SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS?" And what I hated most, the way most people felt about Jar Jar, is how I felt about that dumb two headed announcer. I mean he looked so cartoonish, and he sounded just like Howard Cosell! That was simply too much of a stretch of the imagination. But the plot, in my mind, was superb. Those who didn't like it didn't understand it maybe. It was rather deeper than the others. Basically it involved a corrupt Galactic Senator trying to get himself elected to a higher position by creating a Trade Dispute with a foreign planet, putting himself as the person who would "save the day" when in actuality he is the cause of the dispute. You could even argue that after Episode 1 the bad guys actually won. As for buying this VHS, I really think we should all unite as Star Wars fans and send a clear message to Lucas that; "We are not going to fall for these stupid business tactics! We know the only reason you won't release TPM on DVD is because you KNOW we will buy the VHS and the DVD." Let's not allow him to manipulate us this way, his faithful consumers. Nick
Rating:  Summary: just like the others..great! Review: i've been a star wars fan since i was a little kid(i was born in 1978 and saw jedi twice when it was in theaters! )i collect star wars stuff(figures mainly).i like millions of people were looking forward to ep.1 for the longest time and when the the week before it came i like millions of star wars fans were so excited! the midnight sales of toys/merch. the long ticket lines made the summer of 1999 the best summer ever in many people's lives! when the day finally hit i was so excited and knowing of the bad reviews it had been getting i was nervous! i knew though when the 20th century fox logo came to the screen the waiting was over! finally george gave us what we wanted! the whole movie made kinda tingle inside! i was full of emotion(as i was when the special editions came out-jedi the most! )knowing what i was watching would probally be one of the biggest events ever! the critics were wrong! this movie has the same feel as the previous 3! all the people out there saying the acting was bad(it was worse in the originals! )jar-jar was a dumb addition(i' willing to bet if star wars was made in the 90's like it was in the 70's people woule say the creatures were not needed and were so fake looking! )everyone who loved it saw it again and again and didn't let the bad press ruin their fun! the people who were expecting more were let down! we all knew this would be different from the 1st 3! no han solo..so what! it's not supposed to be a re-make of the 1st 3! all 4 are different! the fx is amazing and beautiful! the charcters are amazing and what you want in a star wars movie! i can't wait until it comes to video in april! i really can't wait until 2002 for ep.2! (way too long to wait! )star wars is back! the force is with us all again...finally!
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the DVD Review: I find it absurd that this movie is not being released on DVD. Considering all the special effects that went into this movie, you would think that Lucas and Co. would use probably the best medium in DVD, to show their product in the best possible format. I am waiting for the DVD. If I want VHS, I will watch my trilogy. I WANT MY DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting for fans Review: One thing you have to understand is that George Lucas when interviewed years ago about the prequels said that they would be very different from the original episodes IV-VI. He said the plots would be far less action oriented and have more political intrigue. He thought a lot of fans would not like them expecting something similar to the original trilogy. From the reviews so far he has been correct. He recently described the prequels like this. Episode I introduce characters. Episode II Anakin falls in love and marries. Episode III Anakin is seduced to the dark side of the force. If Episode I was supposed to introduce the characters then it accomplished its goal. The trade dispute plot doesn't engage you like the galactic civil war in the original trilogy but the menace of the Sith does have a sense of foreboding to it. In some ways this might have been a better movie with less special effects and more intrigue but I guess Lucas felt he couldn't do that to the fans. A better sense of the political conflict might have helped. You do have to view this as a section of a much larger whole which will be completed about 6 years from now. Standing alone it comes up a bit short.
Rating:  Summary: A truly satisfied and delighted fan Review: Don't believe the hype or the ridiculous negativity. This movie was brilliant. I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, and I just loved it. The special effects were so phenomenal...I saw it 11 times in theaters and saw something new each time I saw it. I think what people don't understand is that is Chapter 1 of a 6-part story, and that things that weren't quite explained here will be in the next 2 movies. It's like reading the first chapter in a book and already knowing the last 3 chapters. And I WAS a kid (only 3!) when SW premiered in 1977, who am I to complain about the kid angle now? I love the new definitions of the Force, and watching how Palpatine clawed his way into power. And Jar Jar Binks? Give him a break! He was sweet, and he DID have a point! A very important point, I might add. Some people should remember that that this kind of negativity is just as damaging to kids as too much violence in movies. I would LOVE to see a DVD version of this sooner, but hey...I'll take what I can get, because I can't wait to see this again (and again and again and again!)