Rating:  Summary: LAY OFF THE CRITISICIM Review: Everybody is saying that Jar Jar Binks was completeley unneseceray. Not true. Jar Jar, a clumsy alien who was banished from his community, saves a planet. See a moral? George is saying that no matter your age, race, intellingence, or wealth, you can make a big difference. Also, the story had to start everything off so naturally, they had to have eight plots going at once. I found this movie exhillarating, the music powerful, the spcial effects amazing and the plot deep.
Rating:  Summary: All Style and No Substance... Review: ...would be the easiest way to characterize this film. Admittedly, my 10-year-old daughter was enthralled. I was merely interested. I must admit I am somewhat biased, as I am more into the common-man themed universe of Star Trek than the darkly Imperial reality of Lucas' creation, wherein the only important people are members of the royal houses and a few Jedis with special powers. Everyone else are just rabble awaiting the pleasure of their betters.But enough philosophical differences. The thing is, I look at Lucas and his creation as I do Speilberg and Disney, giving lip service to wanting to bring fun and adventure into our lives, but at the same time trying to squeeze every last nickle out of us for the privilege of partaking of said fun and adventure. The fact is, I would have given the flick three stars, but for the obvious decision to hold off on the DVD release until such time as he feels as much money as possible has been made with the VHS format sales. I want a clean picture and the best possible sound. Lucas refuses to give it to me, at least not in a timely fashion, instead tempting me - unsuccessfully - with an inferior format. I'll wait. And if he doesn't release it in DVD, then I simply won't spend the money.
Rating:  Summary: DVD confusion Review: George Lucas has repeatedly said that he is waiting until he completes all six movies in the SW trilogy's before he release a DVD containing them all. This was a fine addition to the Star Wars saga, the kids movie of the prequel trilogy. I look forward to the next release in a few years which promises to continue the story in a tradition more akin to the originals.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie of all time Review: When the movie first came out, I skipped school just to go watch the movie. The movie was worth skipping school. My pulse went up as soon as the theme song came. You get everything in one movie: action,comedy,a bit of romance,and etc. You certainly don't want to miss a second of this awesome, hype movie.
Rating:  Summary: "I care ..." (In the famous but winnie words from Luke S.) Review: When I watched Episode 1, at 30 years old, I was transported back to 1977, when I saw "Star Wars" in Brazil, probably twice as mystified as the US kids because I had to read subtitles in Portuguese, and to me the entire movie was in an alien language, English. Unfortunately for those around me I never grew out of the Star Wars phase of my life, still much less overbearing than trekkies, I would imagine. There is a beauty about accepting the narrative without having to explain every detail about how something is scientifically or physically possible. That is a simple beauty of Star Wars, it is the reality of the time portrayed in the movies, and all the technology is merely an everyday fact to the story, sort of like the Internet as an everyday reality today. I really do not think that the new episode lost any of its magic. Sure it is a bit silly and corny, but often when talking about grandeur, you cannot help it but make it that way. The people who are criticizing the new movies so much probably were not the ones who were around 4 to 15 when they watched the original... that is the people the movie appealed to... Just like the new fans, who are around that age... Most of the people who hate Jar Jar are older, but not me, heck, it is a children's movie. To all the people who criticize Lucas so much, you must have no heart, and no imagination. Lucas managed to write a good story, and made it with no cursing, and virtually no blood. In an age where the idols of youth include pop artists who get in trouble for weapons, gang involvement, and murder, this is pretty good. Of course there is a time and place for a good "Type O Negative" or "Rage Against the Machine" CD, as well as "Pulp Fiction" and "Platoon"... All I am saying is that there is a time for everything, and those criticizing Lucas harshly are just not seeing the movie with the "right eyes" for the moment. Best Regards, Demon
Rating:  Summary: It hurts to say this, but... Review: this movie sucked. Sure the special effects were fun, even though Jar-Jar looked like a glorified Wallace and Gromit, and it had a great battle scene at the end, but other than that, this movie was a complete waste of my time. Personally, I'll wait for the Lord of the Rings movies.
Rating:  Summary: What horrible addition to Star Wars. Review: For sci-fi alone, TPM can stand out. But as far as Star Wars goes...? No way. You don't get enought time to get to know the characters, and just when you DO start to understand them, the movie picks up another trail and leaves that character or scene behind! Truly, this was not a good addition to the Star Wars movies. Want to see a good one? Stick with the original trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the complainers.. Review: This movie is my favorite of all time after Empire Strikes Back. You'll notice how a many of the reviews are very postive, but a few people out there just can't stand to see success. They'll concentrate on the maybe 10 minutes of weak parts in the movie and totally miss out on the incredible rest. Too bad for them.
Rating:  Summary: The force is strong with this one Review: Episode 1 sets up perfectly not only the next 2 sequels, but the entire star wars saga. If certain aspects had to be shortened such as the detailed character development of the key players, than so be it. The next movies will do that. Episode 1 sets up the situation and shows us who is who in the star wars universe. It is true that this film is more about the situation than the characters, but that's the way it's supposed to be. The first chapter always does that. Lucas hasn't lost his ability, he knows exactly what he's doing with the story. The film has also been criticized for being too kid friendly, even though it is on the same level as the other 3. The story is more in depth in this film, with the political situation, the duality of palpatine. This film has it all. It is a great mythological story that plants the seeds for the following chapters to flourish. The CG effects are unsurpassed and even the hated jar-jar binks brings a kind of slapstick humor that was missing from the classic films. The explanation of the midichlorians makes sense also. They don't secrete the force, the more of them you have in you, the stronger connection you have with the force. That makes perfect sense! Overall, this film is a masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: The Force is still here. Review: When Star Wars was released I was in first grade, I didn't care about the plot or the acting or the many other things that people are complaining about with Episode 1. All I cared about was the fact that I was magically taken away to a world that let my imagination soar. We mimicked the characters and reenacted the movies story over and over for most of our childhood. When Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi appeared they refueled this wonderful universe for me and my brothers play in. Now that I am "grown up" I get to see my nephews and daughters enjoy this magical world that had once captured me as a child. Episode 1 is incredible, beautiful and captivating. This movie was everything that I had expected and more. I am very thankful that George Lucas created this magical world for the next generation to enjoy. I fully recommend this movie for everyone to watch and to enjoy. For those that didn't like Episode 1 perhaps they should try watching it through the eyes that they had when Star Wars was first released.