Rating:  Summary: An Okay movie Review: Already over 2,000 reviews on this thing so far. That's amazing, but even more amazing was how uninspiring this film was. The city planet was a strange place, and it reminded of all the trips to Boston on Rte 128 or Rte 495. I can't imagine a planet that reminds me of New York City. That was a truly disturbing vision. Then there were the Jedi's. Not too inspiring, either. The villains were preposterous, as was the alleged UN of the planets. Just the same kind of stuff as in the year 2002. Boring, boring, and politically boring. Ja-Ja Binks was the real winner, here, and I'm not getting into the racist dialogue. He had nothing to do with being a Jamaican, no matter what anyone says. He was a unique character, and his city under the sea was truly inspiring. The rest of the movie was a set-up for the next. Typical Lucas fare.
Rating:  Summary: Episode 1 lets Star Wars down Review: Boy, what can one say about this movie that hasn't already been said. Very probably nothing. I was too young to really understand the impact of Star Wars when it first came out. I watched the trilogy later and got to love it. When Episode I was announced I had mixed feelings. Sure I'd go see it, and ofcourse it was going to look good. But I also believed this movie would never be able to live up to its expectations. Now, three years after it's cinematic release I can't help but feel disappointed. As beautiful as it looks, Episode 1 is mercilessly let down by it's story and some of the main characters, like Jar Jar Binks and Anakin Skywalker, get on your nerves from the word go. Yes, it looks good. But apart from it's gorgeous detailed landscape views and the spectacular showdown with Darth Maul at the end of the movie there's simply nothing much that will make you want to come back to this movie. I admit the DVD has excellent extra features and the deleted scenes are indeed unique and special. But it doesn't change the facts; Episode I will go down in history as a remarkably beautiful yet somewhat empty showcase.
Rating:  Summary: The story of the rise to glory is easier to tell Review: Lucas knows how to tell a great story. He has the ability to interweave human mythology, characters, and environments, into great stories. The star wars trilogy was thrilling. Each episode protraited a struggle against good and evil. It celebrated the trumph of the human spirit. It inspired great heros to fight against evil. However, the "Phatom menance seemed anti-climatic. The "Phatom menance" story does not tell us enough about the Sith. Lucas failed to explain "why we should hate the Sith." The Jedi council knows the Sith are bad, but for the rest of us; it doesn't make sense. In contrast, Darth Vader hit the screen with mechanical breathing, shogun like armour, and represented the demon warrior. However, one might observe, it wasn't until "Empire Strikes Back" that true identity of Vader was revealed and his true identity disclosed. The Gui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Obi Won Kenobi (Ewan MacGregor) characters aren't as interesting, as the historical figures: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia. The student-teacher relationship protraits Kenobi, as the questioning student, and Gui-Gon as the experienced Jedi. Kenboi has much to learn of the living force. The story seemed to focus more on the secret society of the Jedi and their code of Honour, rather than their relationship. The story wasn't as fun. I personally missed the swagger of Han Solo, the friendship of the rebels: Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker; and the network of friends who helped take on the empire. Incredible digital art sequences brought the ancient city of Venice, to life. The digital work of Industrial Light and Magic was stelluar. I loved the return, of some, of the original star wars digital animals. The city planet was masterfully created digitally. It set a precedence for more virtual emmersion. The pod race was fun. The simulate has Anakin racing at 600 miles hour through the barren bad lands and among some hostile opponents. Dirty tricks, crafty drivers, near escapes, and great graphics make this portion of the movie excellent. Why did Lucas protray Anakin as the chosen one, the savior of the Jedi and the rebel? It all comes down to something in Anakins cells. Did Lucas mean, Mitochondria? Ok, Anakin has something in his cells producing, Jedi level energy. In fact, Anakin has more, of this stuff, than any being alive. This gives him the ability, to see the future, and display remarkable Jedi skills. This also explains his superfast reflexes in the pod race, and the only human to race. Stranger yet, is Anakin's mother's explanation, Anakin has no biological Father. This is a very difficult information to shallow and bridge. I believe Lucas has chosen this approach, as a foundation to be used later. So don't take it too seriously. The Jedi Council sense much fear in little Anakin and reject his request to become a Jedi. Gui-Gon is certain that Anakin is the chosen one; deciding to train him, as a Jedi, against the councils will. Ewan MacGregor as Obi Won Kenobi was good and he played his role well. MacGregor created a very likable character and the fight scenes were masterfully assembled. The death of Gui-Gon at the hand of Darth Maul was very dramatic. I was surprised as the cunning character of Darth Maul. It was obvious the Sith were stronger than the Jedi. However, equally, as cunning, was Obi Won Kenobi victory over Darth Maul. Showing that good will prevail over evil. Ankins love of Queen Amadala was misplaced but may have been designed to appealed, to the younger audience, infatuated with her beauty. Queen Amadala character was believable, but she seem very serious and made complex political speechs with lots of jargon. However, the costumes were excellent. Dispite the political jargon, one thing everyone understood was that an "Invasion" occurred. The movie goes through alot of twists and turns, but in the end, Anakin save the alliance by accidently blowing up the main orbiting power source, forcing all the invading force robots, to shutdown. Finally, the Jedi Council agrees to allow Obi Won Kenobi to train Anakin, as a Jedi. The story of the rise to glory is easier to tell than the story of the fall from grace. The theme is clear: war is coming to the the alliance.
Rating:  Summary: George lucas was clueless for this one Review: this one was not good as the others incuding attack of clones .it's clear to see that poeple don't like it and put there disapoment in thier epoisde 2 reviews which was wrong .the poilt was cold comped to epiosde 2 .epsiode 1 is just as good as a nomal moive .many poeple thought this don't diser the hype it got .george lucas did a much better job on episode 2 and now it's get pouned by bad reviews by the poeple when it was out theaters .for the video poeple thought it througth and now they better reveiws for epoisde 2 this rare happens for most moives I think .
Rating:  Summary: Wasn't happy with the sound Review: This is about the DVD only not the movie. The picture quality was terrific on the Home Theater System and the DVD special features are great. I was very disappointed with the sound. I expected a lot more for a THX movie. The explosions and other action scenes sounded dampened and not crisp and clear. Certainly did not have my speakers rocking like Independence Day does. I purchased this with Lord of the Rings (which has outstanding sound) and after comparing the two, Star Wars let me down .
Rating:  Summary: Ok movie...Near Perfect DVD! Review: Star Wars Episode 1 maybe a disappointment ,but George Lucas always keeps something special in store, waiting to the perfect moment. When DVD's were expanding he released Episode 1 on DVD with a 2 disc set and tons of special features including totally redone deleted scenes how can we be mad at the guy that his life is build apon Star Wars(and Indiana Jones, but thats another story). I saw episode 1 again after the Attack of the Clones(bore) and I gave it a thought that truly it wasn't a bad movie(,but it was the Willow of the Star Wars Trilogy). It needed connections to the IV, V, and VI episodes or else this was a totally differant movie. So if you liked this one you my like episode 2 better!
Rating:  Summary: Please George, remake this movie with a different kid! Review: I wasn't expecting Star Wars, so I wasn't disappointed by this film. And while if it stood alone, it wouldn't have caused the kind of following, love and devotion the originals did, it was still a fine movie with a lot to recommend it. Star Wars: A New Hope was the meat of its trilogy. Lucas didn't know if he would ever be making sequels to it, therefore it contains all the emotional punch it needs to stand alone. The Phantom Menace was never intended to stand alone, and Attack of the Clones was so good I forgive PM for some of it's lacks in light of viewing it as The Introduction. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Except. For. That. Horrible. Kid. Of all the incredible young actors out there, and all the thousands of kids they auditioned, how could they have made such a terrible mistake? Or at the least, once they got started, how could George not have seen how stilted and awful Jake Lloyd was and recast the part? In my opinion he could have saved the movie in one fell swoop by doing so. I have to watch it despite Jake Lloyd's performance. As much time and money as Lucas spent revamping the original trilogy with new CG effects, I'm hoping at some point down the line he'll reshoot Anakin's role in The Phantom Menace with a different actor and use his digital wizardry to edit it in. Then you could get absorbed into the movie without being jolted back to reality every time Anakin walks onscreen. Then, it would truly be a Great Movie.
Rating:  Summary: Give Ed Wood Millions of dollars... Review: and a huge ego, backed by millions of people telling you how amazing you are, and you get The Phantom Menace, one of the worst films ever put onto celluloid. Everything about this movie is pure garbage, from the 3rd grade reading-level script, the ludicrous plot lines, flat cardboard characters, everything. Phantom Menace isn't about not living up to the hype, it's about being pure cinematic tripe. Hmmm, Lord of the Rings certainly had a lot of hype behind it, and Peter Jackson is a real director, who can actually make real movies. George Lucas has spent the last 25 years hiding from the fact he is incapable of recreating Star Wars, and now he finally believes the hype, that he has some talent. What a shame. Here's an idea, hire REAL directors with skill and talent to direct your big-budget movies. It worked in ESB, why not here. Oh that's right, Mr. Lucas' ego! Don't waste your money on the DVD version of this, want something pretty to look at with zero substance, look at a fashion magazine. You'll get more out of it.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't live up to the hype Review: I know that I'll probably end up catching {stuff} from various people that Star Wars is not in the Top Ten of 1999, but tough! I don't think that it deserves to belong there. Yeah, the special effects were great and yes, we've all been waiting years for it, but that doesn't earn it the right to jump to the top. There are several weak story points (I won't spoil it in case you haven't yet seen the film) that take away from the movie. Plus George seems to have been more in love with the CGI characters than he was in the story. For a true story, I think that it is lacking. But I will definitely concede the point that Phantom Menace gets you hyped up for the others. I've had hours of conversations on what can and should happen next, plus what is the best way to pull it off. And I expect to have many more hours. So from an energy point of view, I will have put more energy in to Phantom Menace this year than any other film in a long while.
Rating:  Summary: The POD Racing scene,alone,is worth the price of the DVD! Review: Hey, what can I say, I'm a huge Star Wars fan. While I'd love to praise all the moves George Lucas has made in regards to Star Wars, that's just not possible. Star Wars is more like a feeling, a cult movement, instead of the actual content of the movie itself. It's almost a spiritual feeling...so embraced that it allows oneself to(or try really hard to) ignore the bad acting and silly one liners. I suppose that is because of the story and what the story represents(you know...the battle between good and evil or maybe it's because it's childish and most of us were kids when we seen it for the first time). However, I do NOT understand why George had to pick 2 terrible actors to portray Anakin(both the actors in episodes 1 and 2). Perhaps the part is so original that it's too difficult for basic acting? Nonetheless, I still love the movies, but I can't help wanting to smack the 2 actors that play Anakin Skywalker. It's really George's fault. He should have said, "Get someone in here that can act!" and then told the cute little kid to go home. It couldn't have been a budget issue, do you think? Star Wars is a comical sci-fi that wants to be taken seriously. No problem there George. Just do a better job on the casting for the 3rd and final episode...PLEASE? PS. Great special effects...'nuff said on that issue. Special effects can't carry the movie though. It still has to be enjoyable with good acting all around. *NOTE* acting counts...WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL THAT TO GEORGE?