Rating:  Summary: The Star Wars that was not to be. Review: Ooh, look, there plummets my helpfulness rating.Anyway, this film is pitiful. Several reviewers below remarked that this is the best Star Wars film because it had the action the other three did not. If half ofthe nation takes Star Wars (the originals) as a very slow action film, I will shoot myself. SW:PM would be a smash action hit were it released under the title of "Super Galaxy Battle Delux". The plot is near non-existent. Here is the plot: taxes are killing planet Naboo. The queen of the planet takes off to the Galactic Senate to lobby for tax drops. She travels back and destroys the invading armies. Happy ending sequence. Visuals in this film are the best yet. They are dimensional, atmospheric, and they perfectly portray whatever you are currently watching. To be exact, they perfectly underline the fact that there is no substance to this film. Instead of good acting, mysticism, numerous planets, romance, adventure in otherworldly environs, and some sort of inspiring lesson, we get: a) Jar Jar - I believe that he plays the role of Yoda in this film. He has a similar accent and his role is played for gags and slapstick jokes. I'm not saying that Yoda was all-humor, but, agree, how many of us DIDN'T smile at Yoda's incessant backwards talk? b) storyline - a brave queen battles taxes! A worse story could have spewed from the PowerBook of Hollywood's stupidest hack! c) insight into the Star Wars universe - we get lots of names for their stupid devices. No legends, no tales, just useless factoids. Oh, yes, we learn that the Force is the collective action of microbes. [cough, cough] I am a Jedi! [ cough, cough] Bow down before me! d) action - well, this is the touchy area where the Star Wars pseudo-fans went nuts. How about this - the action was horrid! The Scarab Droids looked menacing, but I have seen the exactly same creatures - guess where - the Dark Crystal! They look exactly the same, only here they represent no threat whatsoever! The Great Final Battle? That was so off-the-wall! I believe that some other characters were more proficient in the use of the Force than Obi Wan, but even they did not perform such ludicrous feats! The super-merchandised pod race? The part when Sebulba crashes is the only fun part, and even that because of the spectacularity with which the thing explodes! This is not Star Wars. This is bad action coupled with no substance. Were George Lucas dead, he would be turning over in his grave.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: But I was expecting it to be. What could live up to Star Wars and Empire after all? Those first two movies were so perfect, even Return of the Jedi was disappointing, which is superior to Phantom Menace. Still, Lucas pulled a 2 for 3 with the original series, and if he can make the next two movies about ten times better than Menace, he can pull another 2 for 3 and save the 6-film set. Right now the score is 2 good to 2 bad. If Lucas fails with these next two, I guess Star Wars and Empire will just be flukes. But outstanding flukes, nevertheless....
Rating:  Summary: Worth the wait! Review: I hear a lot of people dogging this movie because of the lack of a story compared to the first movies. Well if you haven't noticed yet the first trilogy didn't have all that spetacular of writting. The movies fall into a classic fairy tale setting except that it's out in space instead of in Camelot. People you got to remeber that these are kids stories and you have to take them for what they are intended. Most of you all were introduced to the story when you were a kid, and I'm sure that most of you know that it doesn't take much to entertain a child. So to enjoy this movie you have to remember what it's like to be a kid agian.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular special effects... and not much else. Review: I've never been what one would call a Star Wars fan. Even so, I thoroughly enjoyed Episodes 4, 5 and 6. However, I didn't garner much enjoyment from Episode 1. I was definitely wowed by the cutting-edge special effects, but special effects can't make up for poorly-crafted story and boring characters. The story mostly centered around politics and things of that nature. If I want to watch politics, I'll turn on the news. One word can be used to describe the majority of the characters in Episode 1: wooden. Most of the characters were so rigid and monotone that I wouldn't have been surprised if by the end of the movie they had all been revealed to be robots. Jar Jar Binks was the only lively character in the whole bunch, and it's a pity that such a lively personality was wasted on such an annoying character. Jar Jar was obviously made to appeal to the kids, and that's probably the only widespread audience he appeals to. Unfortunately, there was no Han Solo-ish character to breathe some much-needed life into Episode 1. Without characters that the audience can care about and without even a vaguely interesting plot, Episode 1 is, in my opinion, the worst of the Star Wars films to date. The only reason I gave it 2 stars is that it has awesome special effects and some fairly good action. Hopefully, Mr. Lucas will learn from his mistakes in Episode 1 and will make Episodes 2 and 3 into films which will have significantly more substance.
Rating:  Summary: Good Film Review: I originally went to see this film because I am big fan of Ewan McGregor but after just a few minutes I was sucked into the realm of Star Wars and loved nearly every minute of it! I believe it had a well setup plot, good characters, and amazing special effects. At times though it seemed as if the characters were too distant in emotion. Mainly in Jake Lloyd's sometimes stiff representation of young Anikin. Overall you should enjoy enjoy this film. After I saw it, I rented the original trillogy and it brought back memories of watching Star Wars every Christmas with Dad and my brothers. If you're not sure about buying this yet, rent it (when it comes out) and decide then. I personally will buy it because I enjoyed the film and it is worth paying for just to watch the pod race again. Hope I was helpful!
Rating:  Summary: A non-bias review by a hardcore Star Wars fan Review: 2 1/2 stars to be exact. This movie was not 100% horrible, it had it's moments, seeing it constantly fluctuated from o.k. to spectacular to pointless. When I first saw the three opening paragraphs, I instantly had a bad feeling about the movie, it seemed empty and shallow, and I wondered how George Lucas could possibly deliver an awesome story from that synopses, but I said to myself this is Star Wars and I trusted George Lucas that everything would be fine. However I realize that I have seen the originals innumerable times, and I have only seen the Phantom Menace three times, twice on the first day and once on the last. I even wonder if I saw it this much just to say that I'm a true Star Wars buff. This movie laid aside the original principles and when it tried to follow them, it over killed them or did it badly. And example of this would be Queen Amidala's hair styles compared to Princess Leia's, Queen Amidala's hair was a little too much, and she changed her clothes every ten minutes (this struck me as an attempt to pick up a Best Costume Nomination). Jar Jar was obviously inserted to replace Chewwy, and could have been a little more likable if he was more serious and not so much a joker, I suggest that he matures before Episode II. I think most people would also agree, computer generated characters don't cut it, they look too fake, the puppets in the originals were a lot more believable like Sy Snootles and the Bounty Hunters. Computer generated stuff only looks good for non-organic things like buildings. Star Wars also thrived on characters like Boba Fett, Lando and Yoda, and the only new respectable characters were those on the Jedi council and they were not explored at all, neither do they say much, actually the majority don't say anything. I am tempted to even say, George Lucas has in a way betrayed Star Wars fans by being too commercially minded, concentrating more on licensing and franchising, and then says "it was meant for kids", which is a cop out. Finally the Death Star battle in ROTJ and ANH was a very intense and serious moment for the rebellion making you sit to the edge of your seat, but on the other hand Anakin saves the day all by an accident and it's supposed to be funny. Well enough of the cons, to keep away from being bias, I have to admit it did not lack visually the scenery was stunning and well depicting, my favorite is the senate chamber, the worst is the Naboo grass landscape (it's computer generated by the way). The Jedi battles were very exciting and it was nice to see how they really should be (not to say the originals weren't). All the pros are action and visual elements, the things that make commercial movies commercial. Movies however need not these things to make them good, it's all about the story and it's characters, when you think about it, most movies that win Best Picture or get nominated don't make that much money at the box office but they are undeniably great movies. I understand that Star Wars has to have some commercial element, but films such as Aliens and all the other Star Wars managed to do both and didn't sacrifice story. Star Wars wasn't intended for kids, kids' (like me) loving it was just a by-product. The Empire Strikes Back was the darkest of the old trilogy and the best (it didn't even have a Death Star), if any of them, this would be the one not for kids, I hope George Lucas follows that template.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Biggest Disappointments of the 90's Review: I went into this movie with very low expectations and it could not even fulfill those. The acting was wooden and amateurish; particularly Jake Lloyd as Anakin who was insufferable to look at on screen (sorry kid!). The rest of the cast obviously found it very difficult to rise above a mediocre script with childish dialogue. The directing and pacing were uneven and showed Lucas' long time away from the chair. The vaunted computer special effects looked as if they were computer special effects, which did nothing to suspend my disbelief. Lucas' hackneyed use of cliches have become extremely tiring, as well as his elitism. And, yes, Jar Jar was especially annoying. The only cool thing was the three-way fight scene but even that cannot pick the movie up from one star. I guess Jedi Knights do not bleed after being hit in the gut with a light saber... how convenient indeed! Finally, the lack of a DVD release until 2005 just shows Lucas' contempt for his audience and his worship of money. This is one video to avoid.
Rating:  Summary: the force is with........ Review: I thouht Episode 1 could of use more acting in it then all that effects. but otherwise it was a good movie and i cant wait to see Episode 2 with more of Sam L. Jackson. I give it 3 star because of the effects. Oh yea and also Darth Maul.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas should NOT direct Episode 2... Review: ... because this film makes it quite obvious that he isn't really cut out to direct. It had been 20 years, right? and it shows. There seem to be a lot of racial stereotypes, even though Lucas has denied this. And to make up for it, the next film is going to be more culturally diverse. There will be an Asian character who specializes in martial arts. Good way to avoid stereotypes. There are good action scenes in TPM, bu the billions of special effects actually detract from the film. Jar-Jar needs to die, yet it has been confirmed that he will return for the next one. The first 3 Star Wars films are absolute masterpieces; this one, though enjoyable, most definitely is not.
Rating:  Summary: Could Have Been Better Review: Back in 1980, I fell in love with Princess Leia and The Empire Strikes Back. When Return of the Jedi came out in 1983, I was disappointed because my expectations were set too high. In 1999 I looked forward to The Phantom Menace with renewed expectation. Yet in the back of my mind, I feared a similar let-down to 1983. That was exactly the case. My first viewing of the movie, at midnight of course, was a tremendous let-down. I didn't think I even wanted to see the movie again, after seeing the first three movies at least 20 times each in the theater alone. Eventually I did see it again, and the movie got better with each viewing. I think everyone agrees that the visual effects are spectacular. John Williams did yet another excellent job with the film score. But even though all of the main actors are very good actors, they seem to have been limited by the script and the director in their ability to act in this movie. Better direction, even with the same script, would have significantly improved the movie.(Hopefully, that will not be the case in the next two.) I'm not going to harp on how terrible Jar-Jar Binks was, or how stupid the whole midi-chlorian thing was. I'm not even going to mention that Anakin was a character I just didn't care about. Let's move on to things that were good about the movie. Some of the best acting in this movie is left to very small characters. Shmi Skywalker, Anakin's mother, is performed wonderfully. Samuel L. Jackson, as Mace Windu, did an excellent job with a limited amount of camera time. As previously mentioned, the visual and sound effects were excellent, as was the film score. The movie keeps a good pace and has several interesting plot twists, including dual identities. The many flaws should not be over-looked, but they should not over-shadow an otherwise enjoyable movie. One thing that should be remembered when viewing a movie is not how good it is compared to some other movie(because it's not as good as the other three), but how does the movie stand by itself. This is an enjoyable movie to sit back and watch, plain and simple. Does is stray from the original plot from time to time . . . definitely! But this is an enjoyable movie experience which should not be missed because of a few problems. It's not Shakespeare, and there are certainly better movies out there, but this is an enjoyable film to watch with a bucket of popcorn and a large pop!