Rating:  Summary: A film critic you are, yesss. A jedi crave not these people Review: To start, 1 word, AMAZING. Perfect? Of course not, but neither were the other 3 by themselve. See them all at once, and you have a compelling, complete story. Much like Episode 1, it is part of a trilogy. For those who say they are "TRUE" Star Wars fans, and disliked Ep1, they are full of Bantha Poodoo, fans you are not. I believe if you see ths film as what it is, groundwork for the next 2 movies, it sets the stage perfectly. What is the event that makes Anikin turn to the dark side? What are the motives of Palpatine? Where did all the Jedi go? And on, and on. I think people go into this film wanting to hate it. Wanting to disect it, and dislike it for petty reasons. "Darth Maul wasn't in it enough", niether was vader in Ep4. "Jar Jar is just comic relief", so was C3-P0 in all the other films. "The plot is terrible and incomplete", watch Empire Strikes Back, by itself, very, VERY, incomplete. It will never replace the original 3, only complement them. Ask yourself this, if I never seen Ep4 - Ep6. Would I hate Ep1 as much? I think not, sure it had flaws. And yes, it was far from perfect. But worst film of the year? No. And if it was sooo horrible, why is it the 4th highest grossing film of all time? If you are looking for high quality acting, sorry, it isn't in the spirt of Star Wars to be polished. Visually stunning? Very. Cheezy? At times. Should you see/buy this film? Definately. Just too bad we have 4 years to wait to see how it all ends....
Rating:  Summary: Let down By Money Review: This film is just not as good as it could have been indeed SHOULD have been. The Reson:LUCAS should not have directed, Apart from the wonderfull light saber duel it was stale and slow. Let Tim Burton do episode 2!
Rating:  Summary: Too many characters....little plot Review: Ok, I gave it 3 stars because I was thrilled with the Pod Racing section. Other than that, it is completely empty. If anyone ever heard people complain about Mortal Kombat: the movie, then you got the picture. It seems like them tried to add too many characters into the movie and it turns out, they didn't have enought time to developed the characters into the story itself. This is the first time watching SW and I wish that the darkside should win.
Rating:  Summary: Decent entertainment but short on plot Review: While this movie certaintly provided entertainment in the form of cutting-edge computer generated graphics, it sorely lacked a strong, convincing plot to give the movie PURPOSE. While some may correctly point out that it is intended to be a prequel, this does not mean that it should be devoid of a plot with substance. Overall, the movie certainly has merits (graphics, cast selection), it is riddled with too many flaws to overlook. This, combined with an anemic plot, reduces its rewatchability and renders it sub-par when compared with the original Star Wars series.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is an abysmal failure Review: There are many, many flaws in this movie. Its first and most overbearing flaw is that it was obviously intended to be a 'kiddy flick'. The computer-generated characters are practically cartoons. Some computer graphics in movies can be good, but adding in CG characters to a movie is completely idiotic. You can tell that the actors did not see them, and it is obvious that the actors were just pretending that the CG characters were there. This does not come off too well in the final presentation. Furthermore, the acting is extremely bland. This is not necessarily the fault of the actors, but rather a meaningless and boring script with no redeeming qualities to it. I am sure that 'pretending' that invisible CG characters were actually there took away from the actors' enthusiasm as well. They just seemed to recite their lines without any emotion whatsoever. The presentation of the film seems rushed. Making a good film is like making a good piece of music; there needs to be rests, and periods of stress and release. The scenes in this movie jump from one to the next without any time to let what the audience just saw to sink in. This is kind of a moot point however, as there was nothing worthwhile to sink in in the first place. What is also annoying about this film is that Lucas obviously intended it to be very politically correct; that's why almost 0 people die, just robots and jar-jar binks characters. I believe there were 3 people that died in the entire movie (I could be wrong on this) You can't make a movie about large-scale warfare without having people die; it is ridiculous. One would expect this from a kiddy flick of course. I was very much looking forward to this movie when it came out. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is one of my favorite movies of all time. Unfortunately, Phantom Menace does not exhibit any of the qualities that made Empire such a phenomenal film. The only people who like Phantom Menace are a) dogmatic fans who think that Star Wars can do no wrong, b) idiots who like it because it is the latest 'fad' and c) philistines who have no appreciation for a good plot or character development in a movie, and like anything that has good special effects in it. Flashy effects do not make a good movie however, as Lucas seems to think. Hopefully he will not direct the next film, and the CG characters will be scrapped.
Rating:  Summary: Only for the fans... Review: I think that Star Wars: Episode I is a movie exclusively for the fans, with the logical emotion to see Anakin's childhood, Obi-Wan youthfulness...but no more than this!. I've seen 5 times the movie, because i'm a big fan of the saga, but i think that the movie will disapoint to a "regular" audience. Anyway, in a rainy day, is a good idea see this video...
Rating:  Summary: Better than expected Review: For those of you that though that this movie was "A failure... Not as good as the first three... or was just plain a bad movie with a lousy plot" I just have a few words for you, YOU HAVE NO IMAGINATION this was in fact what it was a PREQUEL not the a similar movie or a remake to the Orignal. George made an excellent movie setting up what is sure to be the best installment of the franchise. This film is justing setup the ground work for the rest (and this is what most people that don't like it don't understand, it even sets up the orginal trilogy). Remember Star Wars was a story that stated in the middle. And we are FINALY experiancing the begining...
Rating:  Summary: WHY WAS THIS MADE? Review: I waisted 2 hours of my life on this movie simply by watching it. I feel bad for the people who waited in line for days to see it. There were a lot of good actors in this movie, but they were a waste. I think Ewan McGregor is a great actor, but for some reason or another, he was bad in this. Liam Neeson is also very talented, but it didn't show in this movie. Jake Loid couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag. The movie relied on the it's digital effects 100%. They were good, but not 2 hours. Hey, I'm not wasting extra time on this movie for my sake. I want to help you. I want to enlighten you. THIS IS BAD, DON'T BUY IT!
Rating:  Summary: NEWS FLASH: LUCAS KILLED STAR WARS Review: Okay, so maybe killed is a bit to harsh, but then again, you have to pay me to see the next one. I mean, pay me alot. First off and formost, I felt that this filmed used computor animation as an excuse so people will look over the bad side of things. Apparently the script was so bad that it seemed like Jar Jar was added in so people would be more concern about the how annoying he was than how bad the film was. George apparently forgot how old most Star Wars fans were, the first film came out in 77, that means like late 20's mid 30's. Even for a 12-13 year old, it seems more like a film for kids who still watch Barney. Then lets look at all the problems between the first film and this film. This film would've been so much better if it at least stay true to its sequal. Problem between 1 and 4 #1: HOW COULD ANIKAN BUILD C3P0 IF THEIR WERE OTHER TYPES OF THE C3 robots. #2: IF THE FORCE IS EVERYWHERE HOW CAN THEY MEASURE IT. What can I say, how many films are there that seems like the living things on the set were filler. To complete the headline, Lucas, don't think you are all that great, you killed your own series, and now, all we have is 2 hours of wasted time. Why don't you go back to making films that work with the original, heck, let's burn this thing. Make a new one, one that is not so kiddy. In the end, Lucas forgot that it's not only kids going to the movies, it's everyone. Perhaps people could forgive Jar JAr, if this film was any good, but instead, you get a film that's like Tresspasser {a computor game}. They both look beautiful, but all you get is an empty experiance. Well Georgey boy, you killed one of the greats.
Rating:  Summary: A pleasing watch, but not THE movie. Review: This was a good movie, (I saw it three times) but it wasnt as good as was expected, or as it was hyped up to be. It was a cool movie, the special effects were awesome, and the story line was decent, but it failed in a few areas. The story line was decent, but not great. As others have mentioned, the story did have a lot of paralells between various earth wars and conflicts. I also do not like the way the Force is explained in this movie, a biological entity rather than a mental or spiritual force. I think the part that dissappointed me the most was the similarity to religious subjects, such as Anakin's "immaculate conception." Also, Jar Jar must die. I loved the fight scene between Darth Maul, Qui Gon, and Obi Wan, and the Podrace scene was the best part of the entire movie. I liked the movie, and will buy it when it comes out on tape, but it could have been much better.