Rating:  Summary: George Lucas has lost his touch... Review: With the release of Episode I, a new and old generation of Star Wars "buffs" gathered...the reactions were very mixed. The biggest of the flaws to this movie was the fact that Lucas had diverted from an audience of older, more mature thinkers of the original trilogy, to a more child-like movie for the younger viewers (especially the dreaded Jar Jar Binks)...the actors and actresses in this movie did not do as well as the such-which for the trilogy. The way that Jake Lloyd acted out this movie is in comparison to the way that most children would act out movies in the early 1940s...also the movie was made to be more "Americanized" than a real distant, and unknown culture. Yes, Lucas has lost his dark, spiritual, and intellectual touch...
Rating:  Summary: I waited 16 years for this? Review: Being a lifelong Star Wars fan, I was bitterly disappointed with this film. I had hoped that Lucas would not make the same mistakes with this one that he made with Return of the Jedi, but he made them all, and more. But it won't matter, ultimately; there are too many fans who seem to enjoy childish nonsense, and this film made a fortune, and so will the next two. I had several problems with this movie, namely, the childishness of it, the stupid "virgin birth" gimmick, and the insipid dialogue. To be fair, I went into this one with low expectations. I was surprised to find, however, that I really liked it...the first 10 minutes anyway. This actually made it worse. My hopes were lifted, then shot down. Those first ten minutes (before Jar Jar showed up) had intrigue and great Jedi action. If only the whole movie had been that way. As soon as Jar Jar appears, the entire production takes on an overwhelming feeling of stupidity. Lucas obviously went way out of his way to attract the kiddies in this film. What he apparently fails to realize, or has simply forgotten, more likely, is that kids will like it no matter what. Lasers, lightsabers and spaceships will make the kids love it. That's what made me, as a kid, love Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. The kiddie stuff just took a potentially great movie and dragged it down to the level of a Saturday morning cartoon, and a bad one at that. The "mitichlorians" and the subsequent attempt to explain the Force added to the stupidity. And the "Anakin had no father" bit was just plain insulting. I was actually humiliated at that point, humiliated to be a Star Wars fan, humiliated to be watching this garbage, humiliated to have been at the first showing, especially. The often stupid dialogue was also low-level kid stuff. "We're in trouble, R2! " No kidding. On the plus side, I think that that whole rap about racial stereotypes in this film was the result of a bunch of people who go looking for things to complain about. Overall, the film made me feel as if my entire childhood had been a lie. But I've gotten over that..I can still enjoy the first films, regardless of how much this one stunk.
Rating:  Summary: A very, very good movie... Review: But its easy to see why some people were disappointed with it. After sixteen years, a lot of fans and critics were expecting the end-all of all summer action movies. And by that standard, the movie does come up a little short. The bad guys are shadowy at best and their motives are unclear; the good guys never really seem to be in any great danger. But evaluated on its own terms, the Phantom Menace is a very good movie. Subtle, understated, sometimes a little slow, the movie sets up the characters and relationships that will drive the next five films. Storywise, the film is apparently simple - the resolution of a trade dispute between a peaceful planet and a greedy trade federation. But many fans will recognize this conflict for what it is - the end of the Republic, the beginning of the Empire, and the prelude to the Rebellion of the first three Star Wars movies. In a lot of ways the movie plays like the Hobbit, a childrens story which sets the groundwork for a much larger and darker tale. The films visuals help to contribute to its storybook feel. Brighter and more colorful, with more creatures, ships and planets than ever before, this is easily the best looking Star Wars film ever. Unlike a lot of films, with a sprinkling of effects,- a cool alien, a cool shot, here and there - the Phantom Menace washes the viewer in another galazy. At times it can feel overwhelming, a little distracting from the story, but by the end, you really feel you had visited a much different place. Dont listen to the people complaining about corny dialogue and flat characters. Star Wars tells its story with visuals and the Phantom Menace delivers.
Rating:  Summary: TOTALLY AWSOME! Review: I am a Star Wars freak and even if a wasn't a Star Wars freak I would LOVE this Movie! I give it five stars because it has really cool music,affects,and charactars.
Rating:  Summary: The Force of the New Generation Review: I am crazy about all things Star Wars, and even back in third grade when I din't like it there were rumors flying around about Episode One. When I went to see the movie I was the only one in my family who new what was going on. I was extremely impressed by the graphics and artistic value of this movie. I liked how it focused on the Jedi a lot more than the original trilogy. Not to say this movie is better than the originals! I watch'em all and read all the books and manga comics I can get my hands on. Episode One is special to me because someday, when I'm like, 40 or something, I'll be able to say "I grew up when the Phantom Menace came out." I'll admit that the commercialization of this movie was a bit much, but I still think this is the greatest movie of the Twenty First century!
Rating:  Summary: Big, long and uncut. Review: I can honestly say that SW episodes IV and V are good movies. I can honestly say that episode I is not. I'm not a fan, I just like good movies. Past glamour is not all, but a fine movie will live forever. You feel it in your heart when you watch one. Do you feel it when watching episode I? My God, there's nothing there; nothing to relate to, nothing to touch you, nothing deeply amusing. Don't buy this.
Rating:  Summary: Misunderstood.... Review: Well, my confidence in the "critics" has gone downhill since this came out. They have been panning and trashing this movie since it came out . . . and they're totally wrong! Am I a little biased? Maybe. I was 12 when Episode IV (the original Star Wars) came out and it had a profound influence on my future interests. The problem with the "critics" out there is that they seem to put up blinders when they see this movie, totally forgetting that it is 1/6th of a huge epic. In doing so, they will miss many of the subtleties in this movie. So many things are set up in The Phantom Menace that half the time I found myself scanning Episodes IV-VI through my head trying to fit the pieces together...I have already been postulating events in the next two installments. George Lucas is a master world builder! I was afraid that he wouldn't be able to capture the look and feel of the originals. Boy was I wrong. When John Williams' music kicks in, the the familiar scrolling intro rolled by, I was transported back to 1977 all over again. This is definitely Star Wars! The lightsaber duel at the end was phenomenal, and the pod racing scene is incredible. The next three years waiting for Episode II is going to be grueling. GREAT FUN! Just remember that this is 1/6th of an epic, the Trade Federation ISN'T the enemy in this film...and Yoda pretty much says exactly what's going to happen to Anakin and his mom in a later movie while talking to Anakin in the Jedi Council Chamber. There's more at work here than meets the eye.
Rating:  Summary: good introduction to the series. Review: This movie was a good starting plot for the six films. We have some old characters, some that were alluded to in 4, 5, and 6 and alos ones that we are sure to see in the next two. I, like many other viewers had a big problem with Jar Jar but hey, be optimistic. He isn't in the last three so he could be on the casualty list. Maybe Anakin gets tired of his antics, embraces the dark side and slaughters him. Otherwise, we should ratethis film not in relation to the other three, but as a seperate film altogether. It was a good kids film, accessible to hardcore fans and casual viewers. The problem that I think most people had was that their anticipation was held too high after over 15 years wait and they didn't get what they expected.
Rating:  Summary: By George! It sold out! Review: Well, as excited as one was at the premiere of Episode One, one could not help but feel a little uneasy. As the premier drew closer, the feelings were mixed. For one thing its star wars! It has to be good, on the other hand there is no way this new Episode, what's it called..uh..The Phantom Menace? could ever measure up to the old star wars, we have come cheerish. Well in thinking so, we were right. It seemed as if George Lucas had a bunch of cool toys to play with for this movie, and some where along the line he lost sight of what the original episodes portrayed. In this new installment, the audience is swept from underwater chases to dog fights in outer space, and never allowed to sit back and familiarize themselves with these awsome settings. I can look back at the old trilogy and say, man I really love that cantina scene, or Jabba's palace is the coolest! Looking back at episode one, all that seems to come into view is Jarjar Binks's annoying slapsticky (un)comic relief. Mr.Binks is an entire character which has all the appeal of Chewbacca's blood chilling Tarzan scream in RotJ. Moving along, Anakin Skywalker...man I don't know who that kid actor was, but I do know he needs acting lessons and a good kick in the behind. He almost ruined the whole damn thing! But lets be fair. Take away, JarJar and pretend that Anakin is mute, and we have a great prequel. The plot is good, the bad guys are excellent, the fighting scenes are fregin beautiful. And it all builds up nicely for an exciting grand finale. All and all it's an enjoyable fun-ride for the whole family and certainly worth the money. Until episode 2....lets just hope Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't get the part of Anakin Skywalker...because if he does, I'll be skywalking out of the theatre. good night ps. Not releasing E1 on DVD is either the smartest thing G L has done or the cruelest, most sadistical act of stupidity this world has ever seen...
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Review: When seeing the original Star Wars Trilogy for the first time, I along with most (True) Star Wars fans were at the most impressionable time of our lives - we were kids. Since then, we have all become more cynical. And with the release of the Phantom Menace, expectations were so unachievable, that not even a Lucas/Spielberg/Cameron/Coppola pairing could meet them. For me, it was back to basics: Not only setting the platform for the following five prequels, but getting the buy in from the younger viewers (as we once did). Can you imagine if he had seen this for the first time in 1977? I also don't see the extreme necessity in loading the Phantom Menace with major character development - it would have been better, but it leaves us gasping for more info. Now that's an opera! Either you are a Star Wars fan or not. As for me, I loved every minute.