Rating:  Summary: Star Wars: Episode 1-The Phantom Menace Review: After making the 3 best films of all time Lucas has returned to bring Star Wars back to a whole new generation with, The Phantom Menace. Not only does this films surpass Episode 4- A New Hope , But it lives up to the other 2 , The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. It is one of the best films of all time. Many critics have bashed the film, They're all wrong! Some people who dare to call themselves fans have even bashed it, They're not worthy of the title. Star Wars will always be the #1 movies series of all time. And it's only gotten better. :) May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: One par with the originals Review: First off, Star Wars is the best movie saga ever made. Nothing captures the adventure and excitement like these movies. With that said, on to my review. Now to all those people saying, "oh its too digital and computerized" well i have something to say: Movies start to look better as time progresses. Cameras get better picture, effects become more realistic, etc. You can't blame George Lucas for making the movie try to look good. I mean, he has enough money and the old way of effects are over, so why would he go back to making it like they did in the 70's and 80's? So onto the movie it self. its awesome. The sense of adventure is great. The podracing scenes and the light saber fights are amazing. And it sets up the story for the next ones perfectly. The only problem in the movie is jar-jar. IF YOU ARE READING THIS GEORGE, MAKE IT A TOP PRIORITY TO TAKE HIM OUT OF THE NEXT 2! other than that....its great.
Rating:  Summary: Sit back and enjoy America's mythology Review: The Phantom Menace is the best movie of all time, period. The script is interesting and entertaining, there actors are well-known, and the special FX are breathtaking. I've heard several people complain about some of the actors performances, saying that they don't show emotion. Come on, guys. Do you REALLY want to face an emotional Jedi? Do you know what they call an emotional Jedi? A Sith Lord! The people who played Jedi played their characters the way they should be played. As for the complaints that it is not as good as the others, name one thing that isn't better. It has better-known actors, better special effects, and the Jedi are way cooler! For those who miss Han Solo, I have to say that I hate his character like some hate Jar-Jar Binks. The only good thing he did was father Jacen and Jaina, and in the meantime he was busy being an arrogant idiot! Another complaint I read was about Queen Amidala liking Anakin Skywalker. Why not? She's only five years older than he is, and my Father is five years older than my Mother. In some cultures, an age difference of ten years is common in married couples. I don't tell me that in the future that there are class systems people can't marry out of. Give me a break. In conclusion, watch it with a mind to enjoy it. All the thrills of a breathtaking action movie with none of the blood, language, and immorality.
Rating:  Summary: It's the best movie yet George Review: This is the best movie yet with all the special effect, computerized characters, and the story. I just thought it was the best. It had some funny parts and alot of action. I can't believe Qui-Gon Jinn died. I hope the next movies are just as good or even better.
Rating:  Summary: Expansion on a Universe Review: This movie expands on the Univers of the Old, but yet to come, Star Wars Episodes. As it was meant to. It was part of a whole..a whole that is not yet whole. It starts out well...with introductions, with the meeting of new and old characters. Yet even the old characters are new to us in this film.
The settings are wonderful..the graphics could use some work in meshing and melding with the real characters..but otherwise they were very well done.
The plot is there...if you are of a mind to see it. It appears that a lot cannot..or are blind to it..or wish to see one to their liking.
I enjoyed the plot..and the base it set for this film, and the films that will come because of The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode 1.
Overall..it had a few annoying, perhaps offensive parts in the movie..yet it was a wonderfully done story. With rich history, future and body.
See it, and make up your own mind. -Jeff, Giving Star Wars Episode 1, 5 Stars
Rating:  Summary: If you see only one video game this year, see this one! Review: But if you want a compelling story, interesting characters and those other things good movies are known to have, rewatch the original Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. Even John Williams seems to have lost his knack for scoring. The original trilogy, terrific as it was, would have been so much less without his great contribution. But then again, who wouldn't lose their knack after almost two decades layoff. Lucas should have at least written the prequel trilogy during his prime, even if he was going to wait until now to film them. His prime is gone now, but there's still a chance to save the prequel trilogy. Episodes 2 & 3 could make up for this letdown.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars underwent a major metamorphesis Review: Ever since I saw Star Wars for the first time, I was impressed and immediately was taken to a distinct and varied universe that spawned a new franchise in my life. Unfortunately, hype has repeated itself and Lucas gave anticipating audiences a dramatic decline in what anyone could call an epic. Maybe the most anticipated cinematic event in the history of filmmaking, but far from the great film. The pod race is worth the admission alone, but as for an unoriginal story and horrible use of the Star Wars license, this movie just doesn't cut it, and you'll find yourself surprisingly sleeping through half of it.
Rating:  Summary: Lucas needs a director/screenwriter... Review: I am a huge Star Wars fan from way back, and I was amazed at how slow and uninteresting this film was. The pacing was just plain uneven. I sat in the theatre, stone-faced, waiting for something... ANYTHING!... to happen. Once the podrace sequence got started, I could finally feel the hairs on my arm stand up. There it was, the STAR WARS MAGIC! I looked at my watch, and an hour had already passed before a real moment of excitement had been achieved. Admittedly, the film does pick up a bit after that. The Coruscant scenes are pretty interesting, and the lightsaber duel is technically amazing, albeit emotionally uninvolving. C'mon, this is supposed to be SPACE OPERA! You want to root for the good guys and boo and hiss the bad guys! All the characters are so undeveloped (DARTH MAUL ISN'T BAD ENOUGH! ) and gray that they just look like action figures. Mr. Lucas, please... you have given the world a great universe that has enchanted generations. Please DO NOT feel the need to prove yourself as a director/screenwriter. It's been over 20 years, and it shows. Let someone else drive the car for a stretch. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode 1 Review: I must admit that while most people are big Star Wars fans, I am a huge Star Wars fan. I knew that no film could live up to the hype Phantom Menace had received, and with that in mind I went in without any expectations. Is Phantom Menace 'Star Wars'? Yes, but it doesn't live up to the previous three story-wise, special effects notwithstanding. Phantom Menace suffers mostly from poor writing, the introduction of midi-chlorians as a way to explain one's connection to the Force was a catastrophic mistake. In a few sentences Lucas stripped away all of the mystery and majesty from the Force and summed it up with a Treknobabble explanation that space here doesn't allow me to explain. There were other gripes, but nothing quite as glaring as the midi-chlorian nonsense. On the up side, Ewen McGreggor and Liam Neesan do more than enough to hold one's interest, and when the Jedi are on screen you captivated by the specticle of flashing lightsaber blades and the awesome power of Jedi Knights. Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker is cloying in squeaky-clean cuteness. Natalie Portman was a joy to see on the screen, but the character was too stiff, let's hope Queen Amidala losens up in the second film. And, as sure as I was that I wanted to see Jar Jar Binks hewn in lightsaber pate, he actually didn't annoy me as much as I thought he would. Visually, the film scores big with people who like the best special effects ILM can produce, but as with the end battle of Return of the Jedi, the end battle in the Phantom Menace suffers from the 'too much too fast and not enough time to enjoy it', too many zipping vehicles on the screen at one time, and lacked the graceful elegance of the end battle of A New Hope. The centerpiece of the Phantom Menace is the epic lightsaber duel between Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul, and is the best part of the film with its heart pounding kinetics. When I see better spaceship designs in computer games like Starcraft than in a Star Wars film, I'm given to wonder. Doug Chiang is an excellent artist, but his conservative vehicle designs fell flat. It also lacked the humor and sense of fun had by the other three films and its tone more serious than it really needed to be. Bring back Joe Johnston, Bill Berg and Phill Tippet to the design team and see what happens.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo George Lucas! Review: Gracias, George por transportarme al 1977 cuando tenia tan solo 10 años. Jamás olvidaré aquel día y las otras 12 veces que vi la película en el cine. Phantom Menace es diferente, lo sé. Sin embargo, tiene la misma habilidad de dejar al cineasta pidiendo más y deseoso de ver la segunda película. La inocencia del joven Anakin. El misticismo de Quai-Gon y Obi-wan. La belleza de la princesa Amidala. La maldad de la federación. Los efectos especiales son impresionantes. El combate final de los Jedis y Darth Maul fue excelente. La batalla espacial fue fenomenal y la carrera en Tattoine fabulosa. ¿Que pasará en el segundo episodio? ¿Cómo y por qué Anakin se entrega al lado oscuro de la Fuerza? Estas son preguntas fascinantes. Apúrate George y termínala ya de una vez (jajaja).