Rating:  Summary: No matter what ANYONE else says... Review: This is one of the best movies of the year. Sure it's not the best SW movie, but it sure is better than the first one or Return of the Jedi. Of course, all are classics that should be worshipped in the future as movie GENIUS!BTW, you've got to love Coruscant. Beautiful planet.
Rating:  Summary: Bringing back fun to the big screen! Review: First, I hate it when I read reviews that attempt to evaluate a movie to see if it has some wonderful moral or social message to send. I say HOGWASH. I choose to evalute a movie for what it is, and in the case of The Phantom Menace, it is a Science Fiction movie that precedes the original StarWars Trilogy. First, as the movie open with the famous: "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....", then the thundering Star Wars score I instantly reverted back to a 13 boy {I am now 36} with chills moving up my spine as I emerge myself into this wonderful Science Fiction movie. Some of the things that I bring back from the move is how good I felt when I left the theater. I particularly like the way certain things were assumed that you already knew like the Jedi-Knights. They never had to explain who they were because we already knew. I really enjoyed the continuity from that aspect. I thought that the charaters interacted with each other very well which helped to move the story along smoothly. I found the FX outstanding. It really kept me on the edge of my seat with the pod race and the light-saber battles. The villians were extremely well done and I was particularly please to see the original emperor from revenge of the Jedi return to the Phantom Menace. In a nutshell Was it a great Sci-Fi Movie?...Yes! Did I feel good after it was over?....Yes.. Would I go see it again?...yep (3 times in fact) Should you buy the tape?....yes (but only because Lucas is being a weenie about releasing it to DVD}
Rating:  Summary: Same awesome Star Wars, but not as awesome. Review: Star Wars Episode 1 is an awesome display of special affects. Especially during the pod race. However, it seems that Lucasfilm took more time making it groundbreaking graphically, but didn't spend enough time directing it like the others. The trilogy was awesome when it was made and the Special Edition is awesome now. Episode 1 is still really cool, but not as well done as the original trilogy, as far as directing goes. Also, by adding Jar Jar, who is a part comical/part stupid character, they are aiming Episode 1 toward younger viewers, making it a little boring for older viewers. It am glad that it does not have any bad content, but I wish it wasn't quite as "cute". The original didn't have much bad content, and it was still very enjoyable to people of all ages. Episode 1's Jar Jar can get pretty annoying to the older viewers, and the comic relief provided by Jar Jar is pathetic compared to that of Han Solo. However, I still give Episode 1 five stars because it is true Star Wars material and a must own for any Star Wars enthusiast.
Rating:  Summary: Should have been MUCH better Review: Ok, Ok, before you hate me for my review. Ask yourself, 'Did I feel disappointed when the end credits began to roll?' Well, their ya go! 'Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Remember, its for the child in all of us Review: As a teenager I remember being disappointed at the 'corny' Ewoks from return of the Jedi and dismissed it as the weakest of the films. A few years ago as a fourth grade teacher, I was fed up with the kids thinking that Independance Day was the greatest Sci Fi they had ever seen, so I showed them the original trilogy. They were slightly bored with the beginning of Star Wars but were totally mesmerized by the battle for the Death Star and the revelations in Empire. They literally stood up and cheered when the horn blew and the Ewoks began to attack the Stormtroopers.That is when I realized who these stories were for.Adults love the mythology and effects but this is all a fantastic Fairy tale, in the tradition of all the great epics. This is why I enjoyed The Phantom Menace so much.Mr. Lucas did not suddenly change his story to an Aliens Starship Troopers carnage fest. He continues with a solid story with enough action,humor and yes silly comedy for all of us.The final 25 minutes where he deftly handles FOUR action scenes at the same time puts this movie up there with the first one. You'll want to see it again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars by way of the Muppet Show Review: Phantom Menace is yet another example of Hollywood trying to create drama, suspense, and entertainment through the use of special effects without any real essence of well crafted storytelling. The movie is chock full of banal dialogue, along with ridiculously silly characters. Here you have human characters that are so one dimensional that you find yourself actually drawn in to the Muppets that appear in the film (Muppets you would expect in a Barney children's show). However, as is the trend in Hollywood, it seems that this sort of sophomoric movie-making is respected (i.e. "Titanic's" sweep of the Oscars a few years ago.) And I will state that Jar-Jar Binks is so grossly annoying and stupid a character, that his appearance would hugely diminish a great film, of which Phantom Menace is NOT. So here, the damage was unestimable. Stick with the original three, or rent it for your early gradeschoolers. Oh, by the way, the special effects were great.
Rating:  Summary: this is the bast movie to date Review: Well, what can i say, this was absolutly the best film i have ever seen, and it is hard to wait another month to get it. But, i think that the people who say they don't like it have no idea what they're talking about. the only thing they can do is pick apart a well done movie, and point out all the things wrong with it. I think (just like TITANIC) it is becoming "cool" to say you don't like the movie. I also think even after waiting 16 years for antoher movie, people think Lucas owes them a lot. He OWES YOU NOTHING, and i take pity on the people who think he does.
Rating:  Summary: Remember, this is the set-up movie for the rest of the Saga. Review: When I first heard about these prequel stories back in 1980, I have waited since for this movie to come out. And now...here it is-here it is, indeed... Well, I must confess this Star Wars installment dose not have that same "edge" if you will, that the Classical Trilogy has. The acting by Jake LLoyd and Natalie Portman was not up to par-hardly. I think much more screen time should have been given to the evil Darth Sidious and Darth Maul- and less screen time given to Jar Jar Binks. Truth be told, this movie has more of a Disney look (shudder) than being a Lucasfilm. Now, with that said, there are redeeming factors to this motion picture as well. Clearly, the Pod Race scene was fantastic, cut straight from the grandiose cloth of Ben-Hur. The Lightsaber scenes-Federation Trade battle droids, Tatoonie desert, and finally Darth Maul on Naboo-were Magnificent. Also, the underlying plot with Senator Palpatine subtly manipulating the circumstnaces so he can position himself to become Chancellor was also impressive-an area which Mr. Lucas should of have greatly focused on. Finally, the scenes with Jedi Master Yoda(Frank Oz returning as Yoda's voice) were very welcoming. With those redeeming characteristics, I give The Phantom Menace 4 stars in the overall sense. And it must also be kept in mind that this movie is the set-up movie for the rest of the Star Wars Saga. Now as we go into Episode II, everything is now in place: Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious, if you ask me)is Chancellor. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are starting a friendship while the seedlings of romance with Anakin and Amidala have been planted. Just as the trailer pitch said "Every Saga Has a Beginning..." That is exactly how one should look at this movie-A beginning; a set-up story for something larger to come. Yes, Episode I dosen't own up to the substantial quality of the Classical Trilogy, that is certain. However, with everything taken into account, it does serve it's foundational purpose for those movies and the coming Episodes. Watch it as it is-the opening story to a larger saga-and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE GEORGE? Review: The exhilarating, adrenaline rush of virtually all three of the first STAR WARS films has been replaced here by a mechanical special-effects-driven script that has all but lost the emotional core that made the saga such a rare, gorgeous feast. Only a few moments between young Anakin and his mother have the heart evident in the first few films. While the effects are breathtaking, it is hard to rev yourself up for a movie when you care little about the people/characters in it. Jar Jar was a misfire, to be sure, but the only new or old characters that are compelling are Anakin's mom and Darth Maul, who has way too little to do. And I also felt that this movie was much more of a commercial for merchandising, in other words built for a very young audience, whereas the first three appealed to all ages because of their mythic themes. Virtually all of the name stars here are wasted, though I believe that Ewan McGregor could have been powerful if he had something to do. Of course I cannot wait for the next installment, and hope against hope that the creative genius behind this saga, Mr. Lucas, can once again locate his fertile imagination and set our hearts on fire again.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars returns: And man, what a ride Review: First off, way to go george. This is simply the most eagerly awaited event in the history of film making. There will never be another Star Wars and this saga deserves its place as the foremost example of american culture there is. These films should go into a time capsule and be burried for 1000 years as our decendants will undoubetly want to relieve this fun fantasy. This episode does well to capture the feeling and grandeur of the originals in such a way as to suggest that merely months have gone by since "A new hope" was on the big screen for the first time. The story is captivating, and the characters are interesting, yes, even Jar Jar. Although I too did not really appreciate him until I read the book. My only complaint, it went too fast, both in story telling speed and time. 2 hours was hardly enough to satisfy this die hard SW fan who has been waiting for 17 years to see how it all started. And the story telling, while true to Lucas' passion for speed, went too quickly from one scene to another. IMHO All in all, a masterful return to the saga that holds such a special place in our hearts. Bravo. PS. Its a shoo in for the Oscar in all the same categories that Star Wars won for.