Rating:  Summary: Pod Racing Review: I love the star wars series. This is one of my favorites because of the pod racing. It also has great sound and makes it feel like your there watching the race. This is a great movie!
Rating:  Summary: Despite the criticism, still a fabulous movie Review: Despite constant debate about the subject of the prequels, once you lay all that aside and look at the movie itself, you realize that The Phantom Menace is indeed a very good movie. There were some very big shoes to fill when Phantom was released and for the most part, people felt like there was something missing. As this movie ages however, I feel that it will begin to grow into those shoes.Set many years before the first trilogy, Phantom Menace introduces the viewer to many new characters along with introducing us to younger versions of some of the classics such as C-3P0 and Obi Wan. The story becomes very interesting once the viewer sees the movie for a second time, after the initial shock has set in and settled down. The movie does a nice job of setting the groundwork for the next two and begins to answer some of the questions about Darth Vader's past. There are dazzling special effects, a very intelligent storyline and great action sequences. The light saber battles are incredible and leave even the most disgruntled viewer feeling pleased. Most people would rather complain about something instead of enjoy it, eventually people will forget about their petty quarrels with the movie and settle down to enjoy the movie as well as the other two prequels. This is a must see for any Star Wars fan young or old.
Rating:  Summary: give me a break Review: I don't see why all these people are so obsessed with the original 3 Star Wars films. Episode 1 and 2 as the Empire Strikes Back. You know, Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and Luke vs. Palpetine and Vader, the romance of Han and Leia, and Padme and Anikan. All in all these movies aren't any better than the other. I don't see why these 70's geezers are so ticked off about the new Star Wars Movies. If you like Star Wars, except the new movies. Thank you Lucas.
Rating:  Summary: Could it of ever lived up to the anticipation???? Review: It's funny, in this day and age that a movie like this could come out and be "snubbed" the way it is.... It is perplexing to me!! This is a great movie, period, for many reasons and yet I read bad review after bad review, people calling it a "B" movie with A+ special affects. It's Star Wars for Pete Sake!!! Not one of the original movies was a literary masterpiece!! 'Com on folks, lighten up and enjoy it for what it is... A Sci-Fi adventure, and it's supposed to be fun, light, "un-real" and have great special affects. This movie has those very qualities; squared!! Though I have to agree on some level that Jar Jar can get to be a little much. Also, I feel you never warm up to Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn. The only thing that I can come up with that is Jinn is a little "mechanical" in his demeanor and though he doesn't do anything to keep you FROM connecting with him, he doesn't do anything to win you over either. This could also be a direct result of Liam Neeson though. I've seen quite a few of his pictures and this is a common occurrence with the characters that he plays. Also, as a side note, I'm hoping that one of the films will delve more into the mystique of the Jedi night and the "Force". Now back to the movie... What made the first 3 so great was the "newness" that the films had! We, John Q public, had never experienced anything like it and the affects were so mind blowing that the whole experience was phenomenal!! But now, there has been so many of these types of movies; The Star Treks, Starship troopers, lost in space, etc (never mind the bombardment of space shows on TV)... That we never thought the new Star Wars would be another one in the pack; we expected it to be as ground breaking as the originals! This was an impossible feat and that's why it "failed" on some level. Also, the time between Return of the Jedi and the release of Phantom Menace probably caused the "larger than life" anticipation. It's a shame really, a good movie lost to it's own promise... The DVD is quite spectacular and one of the best as far as extras go. I'm not big on extras though; I just like the great Audio and Video. I'm a Home Theater owner and this is the very movie that fits HT!! The pod race is demo material and the luscious landscapes and horizons on the different planets are total eye candy! This is one to buy and watch over and over! Just remember, you need to keep your mind in the same genre that the movie is in and you will fully enjoy it... I promise!!
Rating:  Summary: Mediocre at best Review: It disgusts me that George Lucas could make such fantastic movies as episodes 4, 5, and 6 with such small budgets, and such abysmal spectacles as episodes 1 and 2 with limitless ones. Long story short, instead of good moviemaking (plot, acting, etc.) Lucas has turned to goofy effects that make this a cheap show of CGI flamboyance that makes me want to hide my head in shame for being a fan of the series. I wouldn't mind if the effects were kept under control, but they went way too far. I like to see actors from time to time, but most of the characters are animated and have goofy voices. Jar Jar Binks? Give me a break. Not to mention that, due to the seemingly limitless options of CGI, the Star Wars universe seems quite farther advanced technologically in ep. 1 and 2 than in 4, 5, and 6, which is stupid. With all these battle droids and whatnot, why did the empire bother using stormtroopers? It makes no sense. The only things that saved this atrocity from a one-star rating (I have rated 4, 5, and 6 each five stars by the way - I am not prejudiced against the series) are the presence of Yoda, excellent lightsaber scenes, and a handful of good actors (mainly here I am speaking of Neeson, MacGregor and Jackson). Above all this movie is depressing.
Rating:  Summary: A great story to begin them all. Review: This movie is great, ecspecially the action scenes (The podrace, lightsaber fight, etc...) Liam Nelson and Ewan Mgweger were extrimly good, and i ecspecially like the relationship the shared. The young Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) was performed extrimly well, we can all expect him to show up in many later movies which I am excited about.
Rating:  Summary: The weakest link but still good. Review: First of all I am an avid Star Wars fan and I really loved the orinigal trilogy. Me and my older sister an brother grew up with them (I was only 2 when Return of the Jedi came out). Anyway now to the review. The story is not that bad. But it was formulatic.But however the REAL story actually involves the Sith, Dark Jedis who after a thousand years of absence are now making the plot to take over the galaxy. He makes an alliance with the greedy trade federations who invades a planet called Naboo. You all know the story So I will stop here. The acting was not bad at all but its not oscar calibre. Liam Neeson does a fine job as Qui Gon Jin. He is my favoriat charector in the movie. He is probably the most interesting person in he movie. He as a Jedi even questions his superiors judgement when it comes to Anakin's fate which is dangerous. Qui Gon (WARNING SPOILERS COMING) when he was a learner (Much like Obi Wan in this film) had a very dangerous Mentor (You will find out who he is later)SPOILERS END The Special effects are outstanding, but they relied on it too much and that is not good for people can still tell what is fake and what is real. Also I did not like the battle between the Gungans and the droid army it was too static and not chaotic (Watch episode 2 and you will see what I mean). But the DVD is Aweson it has a lot of cool special features like trailers and documentaries. My final thought. Unlike the orinigal Star Wars this movie cannot stand on its two feet. It needs the following two episodes to be "complete". Enjoy the film if you don't mind an irritating Gungan. (P.S. Make sure you get the Widescreen Verion an not the fullscreen. The Same applies for episode 2)
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like it more Review: I have been a fan of George Lucas and Star Wars Episodes 4-6. The production quality is fantastic as expected but the story did leave me disappointed. It looked like they were trying for special effects more than character development, so lacked much of the charm and humanity that I came to enjoy in the "original" episodes. (I would have been happy if they cut some time out of that way-too-long pod race scene and had the characters talk to each other more. If you check out the supplementary material, you see that there was even MORE of the pod race that had been cut out!)
Rating:  Summary: Has Lucas gone soft? Yeah, but its okay. Review: Okay, it's true. I do believe that Lucas has lost a bit of his edge, but you can see that even in Return of the Jedi. Really I would normally have given this movie three stars, but in this case this movie is tied into a wonderful series, so though it wouldn't hold up alone being part of the series brings it up. Yes, Jar Jar is annoying. No this movie doesn't have the darker edge that made the original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back so good. The major fault with this story, though, is that the characters aren't as enduring. There is no character as edgy as Han Solo. Anakin is cute, but you never doubt that he will pull off what needs to be done like you may have sometimes doubted the whiney Luke. Amadala does a good job, but doesn't have the snap back fiery wit of Leia, or her love-hate relationship like Leia did with Han. R2D2 is great and shows his heroic side, but we only got a short taste of the interplay between the heroic R2D2 and his cowardly counterpart C3PO. So, obviously the movie has its faults, but it does succeed where it is important. In the end it is a thoroughly entertaining space opera. Isn't that what Lucas's goal was originally when making Star Wars? Perhaps this movie alone is no classic, but it is part of a series that is.
Rating:  Summary: George Lucas does it again! Review: A must have in your dvd collection! This movie does exactly what it was intended to. And that was to set up the story for the entire Star Wars legacy. The sound and picture on this dvd are superb. It is loaded with many special features that make it worth the price alone. If only Lucas had the technology back then to make the special effects for 4-6...