Rating:  Summary: Opening Moves Review: A lot of people don't think much of this film. To be frank, I was pleased with the resulting product. In fact, the only thing I did not think appropriate was the film's TITLE!The whole point of this film was esentually to show how Anikin was admited to the Jedi order and would eventually be fated to bring down the galaxy. The story is told almost in a child like way. Though serious, it has a light-hearted nature at it's core that is almost like A NEW HOPE. But it is not a out-and-out war film like the 3 original films. No, this is a different genre altogether -- politics. It shows what would eventually lead to the Republic's fall. The End of the Begining. It's told with a light-heart -- because it's all down hiil from here. Lucas clearly knew what he was doing. The next 2 films clearly will get darker. I enjoyed this episode much and eagerly await the next 2. I am only saddened that Lucas canceled episodes 7 through 9.
Rating:  Summary: A slow start Review: A lot of people give this movie way too much ... complaining that the characters were flat or thrown at us too fast, or Episode I should have totally set up the grounds for episodes 2-6. Look at it reasonably! You can't expect George to give us EVERYTHING in one movie, what would be the purpose of Episodes II and III? I think a lot of people are missing the main purpose of this story: Anakin's first meeting with Obi-Wan, Palpatine's beginning's, and Anakin meeting his future wife and mother of Luke and Leia. A lot of things point to the fact that there won't be a huge span of years between Episode III and Episode IV, that's why there wasn't a huge amount of development in the first one. So come on, give the movie a chance, yeah Jar-Jar may be annoying and I can say I preferred Queen Amidala's pre-release voice (heard in the teaser trailer) as opposed to her present voice in the movie, but hey, Episode II takes place a decade after Episode I and since Jar Jar isn't in the original trilogy we can trust the fact that he's going to die at some point, hopefully sooner than later, and that's my two cents.
Rating:  Summary: Great start Review: A lot of people hated this movie. What is there to hate, besides Jar Jar? Actually, I didn't think Jar Jar was that bad. He was kind of annoying for the first ten minutes, but then he grew on me. I just hope in Episode 2 he goes through puberty and his voice changes and gets hooked on phonics, because that did bug me. Everything else was great. Everytime there was a lightsabre on screen, the movie ruled. I've heard people say it was boring. If you think this movie is boring, you are not allowed to watch a movie ever again. To a non Star Wars buff, the movie won't have the full impact, being that certain clues to the other trilogy won't make any sense. The pod racing sequence is truly amazing and I just love the sound that Sebulba's pod makes. Anyhow, this movie is a lot of fun, and remember it's supposed to be a children's movie, as were the first three and don't judge this until Episode 2 and 3 are out so you can watch all 6 on tape (hopefully on DVD by then). May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to what others tell you, just watch this Review: A lot of people told me that this movie was not all that good, but I watched it anyway. I have to say that I think that the dissenters are wrong, this is a good movie. Besides just being a great DVD because of the great scenes, music, and special effects, this movie really has a good story in my opinion. And if you have a kickin' home theatre set up (subwoofer required) then this movie is a must-have. Crank up the volume and this one will blow the roof off your house! This movie is not like the last 3 in the series, and I think that is why some die-hard fans did not like it, but it is still a winner. I know that some people said that they did not like the movie because of Jar-Jar Binks, and that is just silly. He is only one little bit of the movie- get over it! This is a winner, buy it today.
Rating:  Summary: Weak script was the real menace Review: A lot of sound and fury... signifying NOTHING. The first clue that Lucas didn't have a compelling idea for this film was the mind-numbing "crawl" at the beginning of the film. The Pod Race: nothing more than a vapid video game on the big screen. J.J. Binks? More annoying than the Ewoks. Let's get back to the great storytelling and human dimension of the first two films!
Rating:  Summary: It's space opera, not religion. Get over it! Review: A lot of the negative hype over this movie appear to be based on overblown expectations from "growing up on the star wars mythos"; promoting that series into something much more than it really was. Viewed in it's own lights, and compared to other stories of the space opera genre of the 30s and 40s, we see a movie that actually holds up pretty well, has great special effects, and is a nice interesting "flashback" into the prehistory of the main star wars trilogy. While there are some inconsistancies, few of the serials published in the 30s-50s didn't have their own sets of inconsistancies as well (I can't think of any offhand), so arguing about them is truely a task for hobgoblins. If what you are looking for is pure entertainment, you enjoy state of the art CGI, (note the interesting and realistic gait on Jar Jar) and you're not too worried about having realistic physics (noise in a vaccum?) or have put the previous trilogy on an unobtainable pedastle (which with careful viewing, one might find it doesn't obtain either!), you'll enjoy Episode I. No, it's not "hard" SF, but it is fun. Go into it without preconceptions, and you'll find it's worth the price of admission.
Rating:  Summary: Not another cent from me Georgie boy! Review: A Lousy film designed as the Ultimate toy and merchandising Commercial hence the bad Acting and woeful Script.
Rating:  Summary: No DVD, don't buy it. Review: A major disappointment for all movie lovers and Star Wars fans. Granted, the movie it self is 3 stars or more, but the VHS tape is not worth buying at all and disgraces the movie even further (having Jar-Jar contribute the most to it's shame). George Lucas, why are you wasting everyone's time with such substandard media? Trying to sell us the VHS tape of SW:PM makes yourself and all of LUCAS INDUSTRIES look like penny pinchers. Money isn't everything, especially when you've got fans that have lasted 20 and more years with you. Sheesh.
Rating:  Summary: Wipe them out. All of them... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Review: A maximum of 5 stars... You gotta be kiddin me. I would rate this as 99999 repeated%. In othe rwords, the best possible anything. From diverse plot to the surprise ending to even the wonderful (and cute) actors, this movie beats all that is possible. Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson make stnning performances, as well as Ray Park and Natalie Portman. All the other actors did great too. I won't give away the surprise ending, but it had me in tears. I also liked the surprise identity thing too, although I knew from the moment the chage occured that something was amiss. Anyways, this movie is what caused me to meet my future husband... Obi-Wan! Thnx bunches Ewan and Lucas! and everyone else too! From Obi-Wan's faithful wife, Aur Revoir
Rating:  Summary: More from a galaxy far far away. . . Review: A maximum of 5 stars... You gotta be kiddin me. I would rate this as 99999 repeated%. In other words, the best possible anything. From diverse plot to the surprise ending to even the wonderful actors, this movie beats all that is possible. Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson make stnning performances, as well as Ray Park and Natalie Portman. All the other actors did great too. I won't give away the surprise ending, but it had me in tears. I also liked the surprise identity thing too, although I knew from the moment the chage occured that something was amiss. The saga really begins with a blockade on the peacful planet of Naboo. Jeid ambassadors Qui-Gon Jinn and apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi venture undercover to negotiate with the evil nemodians of the Trade Fedaration. They find much ammiss, and barely escape with their lives. They venture to meet a wily Gungan name d Jar Jar binks on the surface. Being a swamp dweller, Jar Jar can take them to safety in the underwater cities. The trio makes it to Naboo in time to rescue the queen and escape. Forced to make an emegency landing for parts on the remote planet of Tattooine, Qui-Gon discovers Aniken Skywalker, a nine year old boy with emence powers in the force. He is, however, untrained. This is just a glimpse of the begining of the Saga we all like to call Star Wars.