Rating:  Summary: It's OK! Review: I just bought one yesterday and I think it's good. Action, action and action.... if you are for it then just buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Jar Jar is cool Review: I just don't understand it. Hasn't ANYONE known someone JUST like Jar-Jar? Come on! Is it his klutzness or are people just not ready for CG character yet? I donno. But I thought he was great, the script was great, and the plot was good.
Rating:  Summary: we waited for a good movie and we got one Review: i just don't understand the huge bashing this film and george lucas has taken from so-called fans for the past 2 years. sure this film was hyped more than any other film in movie history and sure everyone was looking for it to be the same as the other 3 (even though some have bashed jedi which is the funnest of the original 3)but when they didn't get the same kind of film they decided to take their anger out on george and jar jar. george lucas has given us the greatest movie sage ever and you bash the guy for it but will still shell out the money to see the next one many times (like you did with episode 1). the star wars saga wasn't ment to be a serious sc-fi saga (we have the boring star trek for that kinda crap)star wars was ment to be a fantasy saga ment for the whole family (that's why we have out ewoks/jar-jar)i'm a diehard star wars fan and have been ever since i say jedi in the theaters back when it 1st came out and when they re-released it a year later)and have yet to be letdown with anything lucas has done! people get so mad when he releases so many versions of the videos (he just re-releases the original trilogy because they were out of print and not being sold so he didn't do it to take all of your money again-plus he knows collectors out there want more and they got more!)he's not going to put out the dvd's because he doesn't have time (he's spending 2 years right now devoted to episode 2 and doesn't have time now and won't until 2005 because he heads right into episode 3 next summer)he wants the dvd's to be done right and not get rushed and done by someone else because he has tons of bonus footage to give us (episode 1 is rumored to be released on dvd this fall though!)it's funny when i hear all of these people call george greedy but then you whine about not getting the film you wanted or it wasn't this way or that way or you want the dvds now! TELL ME...IS IT GEORGE THAT'S THE GREEDY ONE OR IT'S ALL OF YOU WHO LIKE TO CRITICIZE THE GUY THAT GAVE YOU ALL OF THIS!? let's also remeber that george is telling a story here and he's had the phantom menace story in his head since he did the 1st 3 so it's not like he just made it up in 1998 and threw it together! ep. 1 came from the same time period as the other 3 classics and the next two films. ep. 1 is the begining of this whole 6 part saga and like george and many people have said it will be better when you can sit down and watch all six together and i personally think that will be true. i love ep.1 the same way i love the other 3 because in my mind george can't do any wrong with this saga and will continue to amaze and dazzle the true belivers and fans with the next two films! enjoy what you got because we're lucky that he came back to give us what we wanted!
Rating:  Summary: Why do some people hate this? Review: I just don't understand? How could anyone hate this? This movie was great, and I definitly think it lived up to the hype. I know that Jar-Jar was in the movie for the younger audience, but I thought he was funny. He also by far did not ruin the movie. Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor did an excellent job on acting. They both had to act like they were talking to Jar-Jar when he wasn't even really there. That just shows you how good of actors they are, though Ewan didn't do as good as Liam. Natilie Portman did a good job and so did Jake Lyold, but he can't act as good as the boy in The Sixth Sense, but he still did a good job. The guy who played Darth Maul( I think his name is Ray Park) was so cool. Instead of just standing there and fighting like Darth Vader in the previous Star Wars, Darth Maul is doing all these moves with his lightsaber and doing flips in the air that are amazing. I bet it took a lot of practice for Liam, Ewan, and Ray to do the lightsaber duel at the end of the movie, since Ray had to teach the two first. I just wish Darth Maul was in the movie more. The special effects are just about the best I've ever seen in a movie, with great character and landscape detail. The critics don't know what there talking about, and you people complaining need to just sit down and enjoy it. If you don't like this movie, your either not a true Star Wars fan, or you just plain don't like movies. May the Force be with you.
Rating:  Summary: Great and entertaining! Review: I just loved being able to rediscover all the characters of this all-time best science fiction film. Without a doubt, lucas has brought forth an awsome addition to the trilogy. Visual effects are impressive ank keep you strapped in your seat 'til the last minute. Would definatly recommend this one to all audiences.
Rating:  Summary: outstanding! Review: i just read that the dvd edition of this movie is sceduled to be released october 16,2001 in a 2 disc special edition....and the rest of the films are to be done in a 2 disc editon also and released one per year until they are all out....i don't know how firm this announcement is,but i hope that it's true!
Rating:  Summary: Just another thing Review: I just wanted to add to my previous review the fact that I did not buy into the hype at all about this film. I expected something less than the original Star Wars films. I didn't expect this piece of Saturday morning action cartoon surgary fluff. This movies reminds me of The Mummy: All action and no plot. I enjoyed the Mummy a lot, though. I didn't enjoy SW:Ep1 as much since it has so many "deus ex machina" device saves. What's that, you ask? It's where there's no way out for a character to get out of a situation naturally. Something unlikely has to happen to save the character. One or two for a movie is good. It makes for a good sense of suspense. But this movie is chock full of that and other unbelievable things. To all of you that think that this movie is great, I think you've bought into the new generation of wanting flashy pictures and sounds and don't care about a real story. Personally, I want a story that will carry me away, like the first two SW films, the Indiana Jones movies, The Matrix, etc. If you want eye candy, this is a great movie. If you want a story, look elsewhere. (You know, Lucas USED to be known as the great storyteller.) Sigh.
Rating:  Summary: Dazzling Special Effects but..... Review: I just wanted to start out saying that I am a big Star Wars fan, owning the orginal trilogy and a few cheesy pieces of Star Wars merchandise. I went to the theatre the 2nd day of its long awaited release. In one word: disappointed! I know the special effects were awesome. With the great pod racing scene and lightsaber dual against Darth Maul. Thats what made it get three stars. The acting was nothing respectable and rather corny. Anakin's "Yippe" had less enthusiasm then my keyboard does. I would buy this but only settled for a viewing in the theatre and a rental because no DVD! Which is very upsetting. George Lucas, you are losing sales with a no dvd decision, including mine!
Rating:  Summary: A (VERY ) Long Time Ago... Review: I just watched the Episode I DVD with the commentary feature on and got some insight as to what might be wrong with the Phantom Menace. When George Lucas made the original movies in the late 70's/early 80's, he was a serious filmmaker. He approached movie making the same way someone like Francis Ford Coppola or other serious directors did. The only difference was that the subject matter of Lucas' films(outer space adventures) was usually the fare of lousy B movies. In the DVD, Lucas continually reminds of special effects shots that were impossible to do in the originals. It seems almost as if these technological constraints forced Lucas to focus on such things as plot, character development and witty, sharp dialogue.During the commentary,one of the F/X guys chimed in about how much CG scenery was packed into each frame. Maybe thats the problem. In the originals, the focus was narrowed on the characters. We got a real sense of who Han Solo and Luke Skywalker were and what they were about. In the Phantom Menace, they were so concerned about making fake things look real they forgot what was really important to movie fans. It really makes you realize how long ago it was since the original trilogy came out. I almost wish Lucas didn't wait 16 years to make this movie. If he waited maybe 5 or 10 years, we may have seen the REAL episode I.
Rating:  Summary: A Few Thoughts Upon Seeing It A Second Time Review: I just watched the The Phantom Menace again on video, not having seen it since it was out in theaters, and had a few thoughts to share with my fellow Amazon.com customers.- The first hour or so is WAY too fast-paced. I realize Lucas is making what is basically an action-adventure film here, and that he doesn't want to lose the attention of the adolescent and pre-adolescent males that are his target audience, but JEEZ! It's really hard to follow what's going on without liberal use of the "Rewind" button - an option I didn't have upon first viewing. It's also a shame in that Lucas has assembled such a fine cast (Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, etc.) and allows them so little breathing room. - As a screenwriter, Lucas makes a wonderful director. Watching TPM, I was reminded of Harrison Ford's remark during the filming of the first SW film: "George, you can type this stuff, but you sure as hell can't say it". If I heard one more person shout "Yippie!", I was gonna strangle somebody. - I noticed that the very last thing you hear on the soundtrack (at the end of the credits) is Darth Vader's breathing. Nice touch. I WOULD recommend this to all my fellow SW fans out there, but y'all have probably seen it a couple dozen times anyway. Let me just say, then, that despite its flaws, TPM was still one of the best SF films of the 90s. I can't wait for the next two films to come out. Let's just hope Lucas slows things down a bit for them.