Rating:  Summary: It's just not a good movie Review: I have watched this movie 2 and a half times (couldnt make it throught the 3rd time), and as much as I loved Star Wars, the sadfact is that this is a bad movie. Why? 1.) Bad acting: especially the kid who plays Annakin. He expresses no emotion and most of the time it sounds like he's reading off cue cards. The other actors were equally as bad, with the exception of Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor who did a fine job. 2.) Jar Jar. Annoying. I'll say no more. 3.)Too much digital animation. I agree with a previous review, what happened to honest to god costumes and actors? The animated characters look fake. Its looks a little better on video than in the theater, but not much. 4.) Bad VHS transfer. Refusing to pay 30 for the widescreen vhs tape, i purchased the pan and scan version. This is the worst pan and scan job ever done. sometimes the camera is focused on blank space between the action. Instead of focusing on one character, they chose to do a half of two characters. If youve seen it then you know what i mean. The tape quality looked like something expected from a bootleg or homemade VHS copy made on SLP. Bad stuff, honestly. Very dull picture quality, thogh admittedly the sound wasnt that bad. 5.) A little confusing. Does the average person really know what a Sith Lord is? Too much politics also, not enought fun like the orginals. 6.) Boring, unimaginative plot. I was watching my VCR, counting down the minutes until it ended. Thats not how Star Wars should be watched. Time was never a factor in the originals. Those seemed like they werent long ENOUGH! So : All in all, very dissapointing. Seemed like a 2 hour commercial for video games and action figures. If you havent seen this film yet, dont taint your memory of this series by watching this film. Let your imagination decide the events leading up to the trilogy, you'll be better off. What a letdown.
Rating:  Summary: okay Review: i have writin a review before but know that i saw the dvd i will review again i dont think this is all that bad. i mean now that were use to special effects and big budget movies we wont be as impressed as we were with the origanl star wars 20 years ago. the two most attacked points of this movie are jake lloyd and jar jar binks. first of all jakes not that bad if in the frist wars fl9ms the acting was all that great. i think jake is good in wha tlittle he was given i mean anakin just akid so jake played akid. a jar jar is supposed to be annoiing.
Rating:  Summary: A Long,long,long, time ago... Review: I haven't gotten Episode 1 yet, but I will. I saw it the movietheater and I knew I had to have it. It's just really convenient thatit comes out this month, cause it's my birthday. I'll be watching it over and over. Description: A long,long,long time ago in a Galaxy far, far, far away, there lived a Queen, the Jedi Masters prospered, serving the "peace keepers". But, it was not last. There is a threat to the Republic on two fronts: the Trade Federation and the appearance of a Sith Lord... END
Rating:  Summary: A Real Dud. Review: I haven't seen the original Star Wars in awhile when I saw this train wreck of a movie. Having seen the original Star Wars Trilogy a few hundred times, I can truly admit that the movies get worse and worse with each viewing. What puzzles me is the lack of good acting in all of these movies. In Episode One, truly the worst is that annoying kid portraying Anakin Skywalker. Hopefully, he will be banned from film making and find himself a real job. The script is so bad and so unoriginal, even a good actor like Ewan Mcgregor had trouble making his part believable. Which brings me to the worst part of this movie: the incredibily racist sterotypes. Don't believe me? In the opening scene we have the rat looking, broken english speaking, conniving Chinese aliens. Then we are introduced to a unintelligent, ebonics speaking, minstrel Jamaican. Of course there's also the flying, cheap Jewish Alien shopkeeper, with the giant nose included. George Lucas and Company may have created the most expensive piece of trash in American film history. While the special effects were stunning, the ignorance portrayed in this movie was what truly amazed me. The sad saga of commercial America continues...
Rating:  Summary: Worth the wait! Review: I hear a lot of people dogging this movie because of the lack of a story compared to the first movies. Well if you haven't noticed yet the first trilogy didn't have all that spetacular of writting. The movies fall into a classic fairy tale setting except that it's out in space instead of in Camelot. People you got to remeber that these are kids stories and you have to take them for what they are intended. Most of you all were introduced to the story when you were a kid, and I'm sure that most of you know that it doesn't take much to entertain a child. So to enjoy this movie you have to remember what it's like to be a kid agian.
Rating:  Summary: shame on you people, this is suppose to be Star Wars. Review: i heard a lot of bad remarks over the acting and Jar Jar Binks. personally i love this Movie, no matter what bad reviews there are.
Rating:  Summary: More Good than Bad Review: I honestly don't see why everyone complains about Episode 1 so much. When it comes down to it, this is one of the finest Sci-Fi films to be released in years. The problem is that everyone wants to stand TPM next to it's big brothers, which it simply can't compete with. Complaints? Sure, I've got'em. Even with their age-old special effects, the original trio of SW films were written and executed with pure plot in mind. Lucas himself said that TPM was written for children, hence the relative simplicity in story and the lack of any profanity or "adult themes." I still don't understand how it didn't earn a 'G' rating. The events revolving around Pod Racing (which make up half the movie) and the Power Ranger-like Jedi/Sith fight scenes are all designed to make the kiddies say "Whoa cool!" Did it bother anyone else that Jar Jar recieved more character development than Darth Maul? And was I the only person who heard the name "Senator Palpatine" and said "Oh gee, I wonder what part HE'S going to play here? " But all things considered, when you stop saying "Hey, where's the swanky Han Solo character, and why isn't the Sith guy breathing really deeply?" and stand Episode 1 next to the piles of Sci-Fi garbage that make it to theaters every year, things don't look so bad. TPM towers in many ways over the last few Star Trek films and blows away such trash as "Supernova", the Alien clone, "Pitch Black," as well as other child-oriented sci-fi/fantacy films such as Pokemon. This is all, of course, my opinion. I could be wrong. PS: Leonardo is NOT staring in Episode II. That rumor was out the door months ago. Lucas prefers casting no-name talents over big stars in the first place, and I don't think he wants a flood of horny teenage girls that have never even heard the Skywalker name crowding the theaters full of true SW fans. Comments?
Rating:  Summary: George please read this Review: I hope George Lucas reads some of these reviews because many valid points are made. George has lost touch with making a film story and only can make the visuals. At many points during the filming of Phantom Menace he had actors talking to blue screens or to a cardboard cutout, and it shows. George, make a film not just a loosely connected series of effects. You are making the same mistake as was made 20+ years ago with Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They thought Star Wars could be imitated by just putting in a bunch of effects, but people want a story too. You are making better and better effects, but less and less story. Please listen to your fans, they are after all the people whom you should be making the film for.
Rating:  Summary: This movie was okay. Review: I hope the next one is better.
Rating:  Summary: Not great Review: I in reality give it ***1/2 stars, even though it was good, it had really good acting, a great plot, great FX and it was very thrilling, i didn't enjoy it as much as the original triology, also i didn't like that the technology of the spaceships is a lot more advanced than in the original one, i didn't hate Jar Jar Binks, i sort of liked him and disliked him, but anyways is a good movie, and i hope that the DVD comes with a DTS track, i have an amplifier with that purpouse and of course i buyed my DVD Player, not only to buy this one, but the original triology.