Rating:  Summary: Wither Jake Lloyd . . . Please Review: I have rated this DVD based upon what I would think of it IF I saw it. I had high hopes that when Lucas put out the DVD, he would finally find somebody who could act and take him to the studio to dub his voice over Jake Lloyd's. No such luck. So, I won't be buying this DVD, because if I can't stand to watch the movie again -- and Lloyd makes it absolutely unbearable to watch -- there's no sense owning the DVD, special features or not. (And, yes, I used "wither" in my title because that is what I wished Lloyd had done in the Libyan desert.)
Rating:  Summary: A valuable addition to the saga Review: I have read several rants and raves about this movie, and, quite frankly, everyone is entitled to a point of view. However, it's sad to express those opinions with such a lack of objectiveness. I went to see this movie on opening night and it certainly surpassed my expectations; I highly recommend it. I have to be honest, though, my favorite from the whole series it's Return of The Jedi.Many who call themselves "fans" complain about the lack of character development; but, doesn't the preview start with the line: "Every saga has a beginning..."? Yes people, this is the FIRST INSTALLMENT of a series of SIX! It's true it's not a whole story in its own, but at the same time it's not supposed to be. This movie sets the ground for the entire saga. You need to see it in order to make sense of the story in episodes IV, V, and VI. Usually those who are disappointed are the same fans that were expecting an Episode I to fit THEIR taste, instead of looking for an addition to an amazing plot. Now, you may ask why didn't I give it 5 stars. Well, after you see this movie you'll notice that there's too much political conversation and a story that branches often. Although some of the side stories and political issues are useful (the latter defined the origins of the Empire), too much of these elements might darken the original plot: the Jedi who brings balance to the force. And that's what the viewer will find often, a plot with too many details added. I recommend watching Episode I more than once to relate it to the trilogy. As far as the "debut" of Jar Jar Binks, I admit it was somewhat of an annoyance. But, if George Lucas put him there,it must have been for a reason (guess what? Jar Jar will also appear on Episode II!) I specially liked Lucas's explanation of the Force - most people complained that it should have remained a mystery; ironically, those are the same people that complained about lack of character development. In conlusion, set up your home system and enjoy this stunning-special-effects-packed film. Afterwards, watch the rest of the trilogy and immerse yourself into the rich story of the Star Wars saga.
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace Review: I have seen all of the Star Wars movies and this was my favorite. It is definitely a movie worth seeing. There is a really good scene with podracers in it, and Jar Jar Binks (a Gungan)is really funny. This movie is two thumbs up!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, See it! Review: I have seen many movies but this one definetly takes the cake. The graphics are amazing, Lucas definetly has wonderful full detail ideas. The story kept me interested through-out although I am not a Staw Wars fan I did have to ask a few questions of who are these people supposed to be in the triology? I have seen it several times now and the story is still interesting it leaves me still wanting to know who is going to win the pod race as well as thinking I wonder what happens in the next episode. Just two more things I have to say just see it if you've ever liked Star Wars and where is the DVD?
Rating:  Summary: The End of the Magic! Others think it's the best???? Review: I Have seen many reviews written for this movie, 43 to be exact. Some I agree with, some I don't. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I know that expectations have been a little high and people have said that if you put the expectations aside it was a good movie. I have to disagree on that. Expectations aside, it was a computerized show! It confuses me that people say that only the true star wars fans appreciate episode 1. How can I appreciate a movie that HAS a story that's put in poorly? What I mean is that the story was there, but it was put in really bad in my opinion. Jar Jar Binks is especially annoying. Having him make stupid jokes, having all these special effects run the movie, and having all these weird aliens, you would think that George Lucas was directing this film towards little kids to "WOWWW" or "Ahhhh" about the neat fly by ships, neat planets, and a billion aliens overrun the movie. Characters is a big complaint in the movie. The casting was awful in my opinion. Let's characterize some characters. Queen Amidala- well dressed, looks like a goddess, no personality, acting 3 out of 5 stars. Princess Leia- great personality, has an interesting story esp. with her and han, acting 4 1/2 out of 5 stars (no one can beat Harrison Ford) Jar Jar Binks- annoying, annoying, weird, obnoxious,looks completely animated, no importance to the movie, acting 1 out of 5 stars C-3PO- (different version of jar jar) funny, annoying I will admit, though plays a much more interesting part in the trilogy, warm character, acting 5 out of 5 stars Anakin in Episode 1- nothing interesting, all around not interesting, acting 2 out of 5 stars Darth Vader VS. Darth Maul (hard to rate) Darth Maul- scary in a good way, very quiet (reserved), dark dark character, acting job 4 out of 5 stars, not of much importance though. Darth Vader- scary, dark character. has the classic breathing sound, unlike Darth Maul who just is remembered for the neat designs on his face. Huge importance to the story, neatest character out of all of star wars, acting 5 out of 5 stars! Overall I wouldn't say episode 1 is a horrible movie or really bad. It is poorly done out. The things that need to happen is less aliens, more of a story, a good sense of a relationship with the characters, and much less special effects. In polls that I have seen, The Empire Strikes Back is rated top. It has the best story, everything from romance, evil, drama, powerful parts. It also has the least amount of weird places and least amount of weird aliens. Episode 6 almost always followed in the polls. And Episode 1 and episode 4 kinda go back and forth, although I don't know why episode 4 is rated so low. Maybe since it was the oldest. Anyways, that's all I have to say!
Rating:  Summary: Episode 1 - DVD Special Editon Review: I have seen most of this 2 DVD set, and find that the added scenes in the Pod Race and the Air Taxi scene on Coruscont make it a lot better and closer to the novel. The behind the scenes extras on Disc 2 are well worth the price I paid for it at my local BJ's Whole Sale Club (about the same price as listed for this DVD (used) on Amazon.com) I had rented this DVD set before buying it and saw most of the special features on Disc 2, my only problem was with the version selected to view as for some reason the names of the Directors involved in making the film,(George Lucas & company) would come up on screen as though I had selected the audio commentery feature of the Disc. Those who put this down and call it a ploy for marketing Toys and Action Fiqures are out of thier minds and just don't get it, though I have to admit that the discrepency between Episodes I & IV in relation to Obi-Wan's memory of meeting and knowing R2D2 & C3PO when Luke Skywalker first meets him can be explained, as: 1.)C3PO did not have his outer shell on him when they first met, and that Obi-Wan was correct in saying "I don't seem to remember ever owning an Astro Droid" because he never did own one. 2.)The Droids were never introduced to him after he rescued Luke Skywalker from the Sand People in Episode IV. 3.) The R2 series of Astro Droids look a lot a like with only differences in shapes and colors of the units, and how would Obi-Wan know that this R2 unit was the same one from long ago when he was still an apprentice to Qui-Gon as was shown in Episode I. All in all I say that this is a good Disc to own, rent it for yourself and see, if you like it by it it's worth the price for any True Star Wars fan.
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Misfire Review: I have seen the original trilogy a countless number of times; but I have no intention of ever watching "The Phantom Menace" again. Once was enough! Why? It wasn't much fun to watch with its convoluted storyline and parade of CGI creatures. (I thought the puppets in RETURN OF THE JEDI were bad; but Episode I was 10X worse!) This movie just DRAGGED. Also one would think that a director with all that talent and money would do something original rather than ripping-off other films- the Pod Race is a pathetic attempt to re-create the legendary chariot race from BEN-HUR. (I'm sorry, but that phony CGI scene cannot hold a candle to BEN-HUR's which was done with real, flesh and blood, stunt men and horses.) The only decent parts of this film were Liam Neeson's and Ewan McGregor's performances, and the final light saber duel between the Jedis and Darth Maul. Yet Lucas even screwed that up by constantly interupting the best light saber duel in the entire series with a lame CGI land battle and little Ani's adventure in space. Speaking of Annakin, why didn't Lucas just make that character a teenager? It would have made the scenes of Natalie Portman's Queen warming up to Annakin a little less cringe inducing. And if Lucas really did have to portray the future Darth Vader as a child, why couldn't he have found someone other than Jake Lloyd whose acting ability wouldn't pass in a sitcom let alone in the most highly anticipated film of the decade? I found Lloyd more irritating than Jar-Jar, and I HATED Jar-Jar! Right now I have serious reservations about ever paying to see Episode II. Lucus really dropped the ball with this turkey!
Rating:  Summary: Starwars Episode 1 Review: I have seen this movie two times and each time I was on the end of my seat. This movie is very exciting but not very funny.I liked Darth Maul,Obi and Qui-gon Jinn. My mother went to go and see this movie with me because she knew that my Dad had gone to see it the first day it was out,and my Mom even liked the movie a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic film. Review: i have seen this several times since buying it. True Star Wars fan will really appreciate this DVD. There are several hours worth of special footage and if you have a DVD-ROM in your computer , check it out. It takes you to a specail website. Nice.
Rating:  Summary: my pick for the *least enjoyable* film ever made Review: I have seen thousands and thousands of movies and this is the worst. Even bad movies have something redeemable about them: perhaps a plot line, or a character, or a performance by an actor. But not in this one. There is NOTHING of any value in this flick. Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker gives probably the worst performance of any actor in the history of motion pictures. It's unbelievable how he was cast. The Phantom Menace does not have any recognizable plot. The special effects are laughable. The computer-generated characters are terrible. The Phantom Menace just drags on and on and on . . . ...This movie better than the previous Star Wars films? Please, see the originals. Then throw the Phantom Menace away.