Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: I am a huge Star Wars fan, and I can tell you this one was as good as Return of the Jedi! nuff said
Rating:  Summary: A REAL TERRIBLE LETDOWN Review: I am a huge Star Wars fan, but found TPM totally, unbeliveably disgusting. I hate it. The plot is weak, and there is too much of technology without a 'human' element which so beautifully adored all the three films of the trilogy. The movie feels completely mechanical. The appearance of the Queen is repelling, and Darth Maul, far from looking dangerous, appears more like a painted clown (oh - can any one match the personality of Darth Vader?) Jar Jar Binks is absolutely out of place, and Lucas screwed this movie for Jar Jar, if not for anything else. He does not even look real (compare with Chewbacca from the trilogy who looked remarkably real) - all a curse of too much technology and little heart or substance. And his comedy is all irritating. I am really surprised how Lucas could have made such a disgusting movie. Probably it's no surprise; everyone goes the same way - after you reach a plateau there's a straight fall down to an abyss. Spielberg and his The Lost World are a good example. There is absolutely no comparison of the beauty, the message, the story, the human element, in the Trilogy, with this one. A HUGE LETDOWN, AND A TOTAL DISGRACE.
Rating:  Summary: disappointing Review: I am a huge Star Wars fan, but I found this movie very disappointing. The movie didn't make any sense to me, until I read some of the preliminary writing for the movie (which I read after seeing it). When I think of some of the great writing that has been done in the Star Wars universe, it makes this movie even more depressing. The effects are beautiful, but who cares if the story doesn't work?
Rating:  Summary: Please let the next movie be better! Review: I am a major fan of Star Wars 4, 5, and even 6. Episode I just didn't work. When "A New Hope" came out, it was a brilliant piece of state-of-the-art movie technology. Episode I doesn't really have exciting new technology, so it relies heavily on computer graphics. But Computer Graphics does not a story make. It takes good writing that goes beyond, "Hey, look at R2-D2." or "He built C-3PO?" It takes characters that are deep and complex and villians that keep you on the edge of your seat. To be honest, the first time I saw Darth Maul, I laughed. It just looked like a guy wearing a Halloween mask "trying" to be scary. Remember Darth Vader? He wasn't even on the screen, but remember when you could hear his breathing and his slowly approaching footsteps? I still get chills. THAT is a villian! The music in the previous Star Wars films was fantastic. Remember when the movies first started and the Opening Theme came on and shook the theater and pumped you up? Remember Han and Leia's love theme or the music from the final fight scene between Luke and Vader? Unforgettable! But with Episode I, I can not recall one memorable piece of music. Probably because there was simply not one unforgetable scene. I know, I know. This is a prelude of better things to come. (At least I hope so.) Let's fact it. As a Star Wars fan I will see Episode 2. But will it be good enough to make me see it multiple times?I gave the movie itself 1 star. The DVD with all of its many extras brought the rating up a couple of notches.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, but.... Review: I am a Star Wars fan and will always be a fan. I absolutely loved the first three films and had high expectations for the fourth, "Phantom Menace". It did'nt live up to all my expectations but it lived up to most of them. The character Jar Jar Binks was annoying at first but he kind of grew on me after a while. The actors were sort of wooden and stiff but even that became bearable. The 'star' of "Phantom Menace" was the incredibly beautiful special effects. George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic have created another special effects masterpiece. I hope the next installment of the 'prequel' will be better.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: I am a Star Wars fan as well as a movie fan. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, it had very great ideals, and an involved inner plot involving political intrigue and wonder. I loved every minute as did all other 18(!) people I saw it with for the first (but not last) time on May 19, 1999. I cant wait to view it again and then again and again!
Rating:  Summary: TOTALLY AWSOME! Review: I am a Star Wars freak and even if a wasn't a Star Wars freak I would LOVE this Movie! I give it five stars because it has really cool music,affects,and charactars.
Rating:  Summary: thoroughly dissapointed Review: I am a strong Star Wars fan, who was looking forward to this episode. This was very predictable with no edge or excitement. After watching 4,5, and 6, you already had the idea of what took place. But to see it come together, it should be even more exciting. Yet, it was boring and predictable. Episode 1 lacked the action and intensity of 4,5,and 6. And I was greatly dissapointed with how little Darth Maul was used.
Rating:  Summary: Take it for what it is Review: I am always at a loss when I hear people talking about Star Wars as if it is great literature or something. It's not, and it's not meant to be. If you have ever seen an interview with George Lucas you will have most likely heard that his effort in making these movies was to emulate the sci-fi cliffhanger serials that he used to watch as a boy. To use a specific example, he wanted to originally make a Buck Rogers movie, but the movie rights were already bought. All you have to do is take a quick glance at Lucas's filmography to see that he makes his movies in an nostalgic world, hoping they will make money, which they do most of the time, but ultimately to satisfy himself. He is making movies he wished he could have seen as a boy. Look a little longer and you will remember Indiana Jones. Watch the bonus interviews on the video of Raiders and you will hear Steven Spielberg saying that they were consciously making a B movie. A term for action packed movies such as saturday matinees back in hollywood's hayday. Again you have an example of cliffhanger serials, such as Lucas watched as a kid. These movies are just what Lucas intended them to be. Action packed, and fun. Of course the writing is kind of corny, and the story formulaic, what do you expect, it's a modern day matinee movie. Unfortunately we have to pay $9.50 to get in the door. Personally, I am greatful he dropped the social commentary type of movie that he made as his debut (THX-1138). What was his next movie? American Graffiti...a nostalgic look at the early sixties...and guess what, people loved it and it made him a millionaire. You know what, nostalgia has been kind to him. I think he'll stick with it. I look forward to his next project when Star Wars is completed. I hope he takes on a western. His previous movies such as A New Hope and Attack of the Clones both have homages to The Searchers in them, so I know he can do it. When you look at the fun movies Lucas has given us and the critically acclaimed stinkers that Francis Ford Coppola has given us, it's hard to imagine those two being onetime business partners, or even friends for that matter. Suffice it to say, in a time when we have tons of rated R cuss fests with convoluted stories (Pulp Fiction, Snatch) and strange phenomenon such as Lost in Translation (another Coppola following in the critically acclaimed stinker tradition)I hope Lucas keeps cranking out the old fashioned adventures. You can never have too many cliffhangers.
Rating:  Summary: The "magic" is gone. Review: I am amazed at all the 5 star reviews on this board. Are we talking about the same movie? I saw the original STAR WARS in the theatre almost 50 times and I even enjoyed the cheesy-ness of ROTJ. I feel like STAR WARS was the biggest influece on my childhood and it holds a special place in my heart. That being said, Episode 1 was a HUGE disappointment for me. I don't care what they do with this "boxed-set", the movie is still going to disappoint whether it's DTS, Widescreen, etc. I didn't expect it to live up to all the hype, but I didn't expect that the plot and charcters would be as one-dimensional as a Power Rangers episode. I am well aware of the flaws of the first three movies. But Epsiode 1 lacked all the charm, enthusiasm, characters, and emotion of the first three. Yes, the CGI, Podrace, and light sabre duel were great, but THAT'S IT. Darth Maul could have been an icredible villian had he been given half a chance. What a waste of great actors and some of the best talent ever assembled on a movie. Special Effects are nice, but without enjoyable characters and a coherent plot, you have yourself another Wing Commander movie. I just hope Lucas can redeem himself in Episode 2 and find some time to give us the DVD versions in some form before the next millenium.