Rating:  Summary: A+ Entertainment Great Performance By Liam Neeson Review: When Star Wars Episode 1 opened in theaters Summer 1999 No one knew what to expect they knew that it was going to be a Prequel to the original Star Wars Films but they werent sure how it was going to be Storyline and Character Developements After hearing Both sides of the Story of Episode 1 being bad or good i went and saw it for myself and boy was i Surprised This Movie Is Top Notch Entertainment And Liam Neeson Knows exactly what he's doing he may be Bland but thats his characters Portryal he supposed to be wise smart and calm thats what makes him the Jedi Master...as for the rest of the cast Ewan Mcgregor Stood A Good Performance Portraying the young Curious Obi-Wan Natalie Portman Did A Decnet Job And Jake Lloyd who played Anakin Put in a Few Good Lines that are Critical Of How he will in the future Transform into the Evil Darth Vader The Light Saber Battles are Outstanding and worth watching over and over the Pod Race is a thrill ride this movie is wonders to behold...No one Should Bag on this movie if only they could see for one moment how good this film really was then they wouldnt even dare talk Trash about it i am a Critcal Critic when it comes to films i judge only the best such as Titanic,Gladiator,Gangs of New York,Catch Me If You can, and many other A+ Films..anyways this is the ultimate Sci-Fi Adventure Enjoy
Rating:  Summary: The Force is still here. Review: When Star Wars was released I was in first grade, I didn't care about the plot or the acting or the many other things that people are complaining about with Episode 1. All I cared about was the fact that I was magically taken away to a world that let my imagination soar. We mimicked the characters and reenacted the movies story over and over for most of our childhood. When Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi appeared they refueled this wonderful universe for me and my brothers play in. Now that I am "grown up" I get to see my nephews and daughters enjoy this magical world that had once captured me as a child. Episode 1 is incredible, beautiful and captivating. This movie was everything that I had expected and more. I am very thankful that George Lucas created this magical world for the next generation to enjoy. I fully recommend this movie for everyone to watch and to enjoy. For those that didn't like Episode 1 perhaps they should try watching it through the eyes that they had when Star Wars was first released.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie of all time Review: When the movie first came out, I skipped school just to go watch the movie. The movie was worth skipping school. My pulse went up as soon as the theme song came. You get everything in one movie: action,comedy,a bit of romance,and etc. You certainly don't want to miss a second of this awesome, hype movie.
Rating:  Summary: A FORCE to be reconed with. Review: When the world ran out of Fairy Tales, one man set forth to create a legend that would never be forgotten. In a time when a world needed heroes, he showed us to look within ourselves and use the force to overcome the menacing evil. From the people that shaped an entire culture, George Lucas and the team of Industrial Light and Magic, a new chapter emerges from the shadows of the past. The beginning to the most famous movie series worldwide, unlocks the secrets of the events leading up to that moment when Darth Vader appears on screen for the first time in '78. ILM pushes the envelope once more to tell the tale of the Boy Who Would Be Vader. In an attempt to protect the young Queen Amidala from the attacking Trade Federation, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Queen and her crew make an emergency stop on Tatooine. While trying to find replacement parts, they stumble upon this boy genius who is extremely strong with the Force. After proving his abilities in the Pod Race, Qui-Gon Jinn believes him to be the chosen one and takes him back to Corruscant before the Jedi Counsel so the boy can be taught. The council rejects Qui-Gon's request so he takes Anikin under his wing in spite. When the Sith, thought long extinct, return to the universe, they pose a menace to all who oppose them. The Trade Federation is ordered by the Sith to take over the Planet of Naboo. To save her people, Queen Amidala and Jar Jar Binks pursuede the Gungan Warriors to fight along side them and save their homeworld. The 2 Jedi engage a Sith Lord in the bowels of the city for a Lightsaber battle like noneother has seen. Obi-Wan graduates from student to master and Takes the Boy to train as his student. This chapter leaves questions in your head and leaves you craving for the Next Epic Film in the Series. Awesome Visuals, believable CG characters, and City shots that can't be matched.
Rating:  Summary: Shockingly Very Good! Review: When this movie came out, my best friend said that it was horrible. So after it came out to rent I rented it for my brother with the intention of letting him watch it alone. Well it didn't work. I got roped into watching it with him and to my total surprise it was really good. Now I'm dying to see the sequel!
Rating:  Summary: A great movie! (that just doesn't compare to the original) Review: When this movie first came out, i bought my tickets a week in advance and showed up at the theater 2 hours before the movie began. 2 hours and 13 minutes later, i walked out, amazed. My eyes never left the screen the entire time, and my hands were still shaking with excitement from it. My brain was numb, and I came out of their completely satisfied. Then, a week later, the numbness wore off, and I began to compare it to the previous Star Wars movies. This movie is a great movie, one with amazing special effects and interesting (yet predictable) plot twists. Still, the originals still stand in a class of their own, that this one does not reach. This is definately a movie I encourage you to see, however don't watch with expectations of the original trilogy. This movie loses alot of it's glamor on the small screen, but is still one that should be bought, watched, and put on a shelf, but do not stack it with your older collection of the original trilogy, because this doesn't even come close.
Rating:  Summary: Splendid Review: When watching this movie, it was obvious that George Lucas was a man after my own heart. The podracing scene revealed the obvious truth that Lucas has seen "Ben Hur" ten times as a lad! This movie harkens back to ancient Rome in many ways and the demise of its Republic. However, I do believe that, in the main, Lucas is warning us about the peril of our own Republic. Which Senator is Darth Sidious? Is it Palpatine or "Puff" Daschle? Hehe. I eagerly await the release of Episode II. I wanted to see it immediately after Episode I!
Rating:  Summary: The second coming? No. A great film? Absolutely. Review: When word came out that George Lucas would be making the three prequels to his STAR WARS trilogy, word-of-mouth was roused, and so was the hype and advertising. The year 1999 saw the release of the first of the prequels, STAR WARS: EPISODE I -- THE PHANTOM MENACE. But even though it was the biggest moneymaker of its year, the film has split STAR WARS fans and critics of every kind alike. While some critics and fans jumped out in favor, a majority of others attacked it savagely and condemned it as a disgrace to the franchise. Even to this day, THE PHANTOM MENACE is mentioned with growls of disgust and/or disappointment. Almost everywhere I go there are many who take turns slamdunking this movie and badmouthing George Lucas. This may be hard to believe, but I am among the few who believes that the negative atmosphere surrounding THE PHANTOM MENACE is undeserved. Sure, it's not the Second Coming like many expected it to be, less lively than the other three films (in other words, more slowgoing), and heavily reliant upon state-of-the-art CG effects for much of its shots. And the characters are not as appealing as their predecessors, and, yes, I COULD have done without the digital flatulence gag. But do I think STAR WARS: EPISODE I -- THE PHANTOM MENACE is everything the disgruntled folks say it is? Do I think George Lucas has gone greedy and decided to squeeze every last ounce of cash from the franchise? No on both counts. The truth of the matter is that STAR WARS: EPISODE I -- THE PHANTOM MENACE is a visually amazing movie. Every time I watch it, I am just in awe at the computer-generated setbacks, designs, and bizarre alien characters -- something that the previous STAR WARS movies could accomplish by miniatures, animatronics, and/or pyrotechnics. This was exactly the kind of technology Lucas would have wanted to use in order to make STAR WARS more than 25 years ago, but of course that was not possible. (This is why he made those "SPECIAL EDITIONS" of the films incorporating new footage and/or special effects shots.) Seeing this movie is almost like watching Lucas letting his imagination run wild, and a lot of the sequences are both spectacular and invigorating, particularly the underwater journey through Naboo's core and the Pod Race on Tatooine. Moving onto the plot analysis, yeah, I can understand why some would think the characters (including a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Queen Amidala) may not be what viewers best remember them as, but I don't think Lucas was going for snappy dialogue with the prequels (although there ARE some great one-liners, though spoken in a somewhat campy manner). Especially since the first three movies (I'm told) involve Anakin's descent into Darth Vader. This first movie features him as a young kid, played by Jack Lloyd. This may have irritated fans, but I didn't have a problem with him. He does display appropriate gloominess and has a somewhat distant look in his eyes, something that is ominous enough to remind us about what will happen later on. Plus, it's not like there's NO characters who are likable here. I loved Liam Neeson's performance as Qui-Gon Jinn, and Ewan McGregor is a great younger Obi-Wan. The rest of the characters are, shall we say, somewhat underdeveloped. However, this is best to be expected, since this is supposed to be the beginning of it all. This also could explain why there are some plot points left unresolved by the film's end (Who's Darth Sidious? Where did Darth Maul come from? What's the deal with those Trade Federation guys?). However, I think Lucas had the story in mind all along, and as such, I think he'll wrap up the story just fine. Probably one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people hate this movie is the inclusion of the CG-created comic-relief Jar Jar Binks, played by Ahmed Best. Yeah, sometimes his speech is a little annoying and at times he seems unnecessary, but the same could have been said about Chewbacca in the other STAR WARS films. Even Ahmed Best didn't think the criticisms were fair. Honestly, I found him funny, and I really don't see what it was about him that infuriated so many critics and fans alike. I think most of these criticisms come from jealousy over Lucas and purist views. Also, given that the STAR WARS films were never critic's favorites (although some Movie Guides rate them very highly), it can probably be best to assume that such naysayers were prepared to tackle the movie for whatever reason. I, on the other hand, view the movie as a remarkable achievement. If the story does leave one with more questions than answers and some elements about it are not as appealing, the visuals are worth the price of admission. True, other sci-fi blockbuster series featured some even more amazing special effects (like HARRY POTTER and, of course, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, both of which are great movies, too), but THE PHANTOM MENACE was one of the first movies to demonstrate this kind of visceral experience through CG effects. Plus, I have faith Lucas will wrap it up decently. And for that, EPISODE I is a much underrated movie which, I'm hoping, should get a better light in years to come. THE PHANTOM MENACE, incidentally, was the first STAR WARS movie to be released to DVD, and as far as I'm concerned, they did an absolutely fantastic job. The 2.35:1 video presentation is pristine and gorgeous, the audio rocks through the speakers, and there is a whole slew of extras (from deleted scenes to behind-the-scenes featurettes) to please film buffs and collectors alike. I look forward to seeing future Lucasfilm productions receive a similarly fabulous treatment.
Rating:  Summary: Not up to the original but still really good. Review: Where as the original trilogy were some of the best movies ever the new one while it lacks in several areas is still an excellent movie. I feel that the movie probably deserves 4 and 1/2 stars but I could only give it a 4 or 5. While Jar Jar Binks is annoying he isn't anywhere as bad as the press made him out to be. I feel that the character development definetly could have mused some work and that the miniclorians midiclarians Oh whatever they're called takes away from the story but considering how few good movies there are I still give it five stars. Also if you have the originals you should definetly buy this one to complete the set, and expect that the next 2 will be better.
Rating:  Summary: Don't believe the hype. Review: Where do I start. I seen Episode 1 at the movie theather the day it came out with a friend of mine who is a big time Star Wars fan. I myself enjoyed the first three, I used to have pretty much all the figures and ships when I was a little younger. (Currently in storage). To make a long story short, I didn't think this movie was that good. Sure it was one of the most hyped movie ever, but it didn't even come close to matching that hype. What don't I like about this movie? Lucas tries to add more humor to it than the other movies. How many times is Jar Jar Blinks going to trip over something, knock something over and fall on his face? If I wanted to see type of humor, I would watch Comedy Central SNL and Chris Farley doing Matt Foley. I don't know what was more annoying Jar Jar Binks or Anakin. I don't blame the kid 100%, I think the writing was weak. He had too many speaking parts, plain and simple. I mean come on, he's out in space flying around. Ships are getting shot down everywhere and he tells R2 Hey let's do barrel rolls. Also what I really thought took away from the movie was all the "dumb luck" that happens. Jar Jar Binks screws up and takes out a dozen droids. Jar Jar screws up again, he takes out a few more. Anakin, flys into the control ship, just happens to fire the droids, hit's the control function for the droids. Also was it me or was the light saber fight very weak, especially how Darth Maul died. I give this DVD 1 star for the movie and 2 for the DVD. The DVD sounds pretty good, but IMHO there are other movies out there that sound just as good if not better. I personally think the only reason Lucas released this DVD was to build some hype for his next movie. He knew that his next one wouldn't get the same hype as Phantom after so many people walked away disapointed.