Rating:  Summary: good lookin' dvd Review: all i can say is that this dvd is looking pretty darn good! keep it going lucas, three others still need to come out on dvd, and we are all waiting, patiently if not frustratedly (a new word i just made up).PS: oh and we are still waiting for indiana jones on dvd, lucas, when are you gonna release those?
Rating:  Summary: perfection Review: All I have to say about this movie is that it was SUPERB! My wife and I enjoyed it so much. It was enjoyable and full of exciting scenes. We can not wait to get the collection in our home. This movie can be described in one word: AWESOME!
Rating:  Summary: Episode II: Electric Boogaloo Review: All I know after watching this film five dozen times is that Jar Jar is a clumsy Gungan with a knack for finding troubles...or do troubles find him? Truly, Jar Jar is the existential everygungan, whose bumbling and occasional stumbling irritated and offended audiences everywhere. Especially given the "Clones" title for Episode II, I am forced to conclude that Lucas has totally lost it and that his time would be better spent adding CGI footage to "Howard the Duck." Nice one, George. ...
Rating:  Summary: JUNK - A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME! Review: All in all a great shame. I think LUCAS musta flipped and I say this as a MAJOR fan of the "Holy Trilogy"... To quote Stone and Parker the creators of South Park from their Playboy interview - an "atrocity"... The depth of the earlier films only makes this one feel even worse! No development of character, fights without reason or logic. You know when you come down to it - the actors looked pretty bored. And after everything and I mean everything, it all came down to unfair TAXES? I just cannot believe the whole thing looked like it did and I am truly sad for the whole catastrophe. I hope the next one is better...
Rating:  Summary: Great movie!! Smooth Action , fast paced!! Review: All in All its a great movie. I just got it on release date and I surely say this movie was fun and enjoyable. Its like the new beginning of Star Wars. Luke Skywalker in Phantom Menance is a child and is gonna be the next Jedi Knight!! I had no problems understanding the movie at all. The only reason why I had 4-stars is b/c it seems there are 2 parts in the picture that the screen flickerd and messed up in video (no its not my dvd player). But its a hype movie but sure can back it up!!
Rating:  Summary: Some people need imagination in their lives... Review: All of teh hardcore-Star Wars fans love to pick out the bad details in this movie and then give it a bad review saying that it "doesn't follow classic star wars." Well frankly, I don't care! This was a gtreat movie, fan or not. Of course, the graphics and special effects were great but I also thought it was a very good storyline and plot that had great action-packed sequences that kept you on the edge of your seat. People of all ages can enjoy this movie even if they haven't seen the original Star Wars yet. Saying that it is just a bunch of special effects with no plot is trash. Can't you people just sit back and enjoy a movie for once without picking out every bad detail (as I said above)?
Rating:  Summary: best DVD Review: all of you people who hate Jar Jar are bigots because he was played by a black man and also the viceroys were played by foreign people also and your bigots for hating them too
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars fans may have been a little dissapointed, but... Review: All real Star Wars fans saw this in the theater. Not everyone loved it as much as the trilogy. This is because these Episodes are like one big movie, cut into 6. The beginning of movies isn’t always the most exciting, but it is very important to set-up the story line. . . . . I will be the first to admit that Lucas' added humor (jar jar, singing number in ROTJ, ewoks, etc.) isn't always Steve Martin material, but hey it adds culture to the movie. I think Episode one was very important in the story line and set-up for Episode II "Attack of the Clones". This movie is like a computers 101 class. You mainly learn the basics and Key Terms so you can excel in the next class. Examples are the scenes of the Jedi Council, the Senate meeting, Darth Maul and beginning of the Emperor, etc. Also mentions of Mediclorians, the gambling nature of Jabba and most species on Tatooine, introducing R2-D2 and C-3PO for the "first time". There are so many of these things, it seems imperative that everyone buys this DVD. I am sure it will have plenty of "Making of the Movie" and maybe even sneak peaks at Episode II. Which I hear is a big possibility, hence the reason for the delay. Because if the DVD comes out in October, everyone will have it by Christmas and 3 or 4 months later Episode II will be out and have 3-4 months of Hype behind it. It is standard marketing not a cheap ploy to get you to buy both VHS and DVD versions. I personally can't wait and have this on pre-order already. I also own the VHS. But like everyone else will buy the DVD for the extra features and better quality of Video.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the DVD Review: All right, here's the deal. I love Star Wars and i have already pre-ordered it but... I want it to come out on DVD. Come on the graphics would be soooo sweet. And I can't even imagine the special features.
Rating:  Summary: A must-own DVD for Star Wars fans Review: All right, I agree - Star Wars Episode I has many unforgivable flaws. If you pay close attention to the plot, you will notice many flaws that I can't belive George Lucas allowed to happen. I am not going to list all of the movie's shortcomings since any Star Wars fan knows them anyway (Jar Jar Binks anyone?). However, despite all of its flaws, the movie simply is amazing. With todays technology this is arguably the best visual spectacle ever created. Everyone will agree that the lightsabre fights are out of this world - a reason enough to own the DVD. Liam Neeson and Ewan McGreggor make great jedis, and young Anakin handled his role very well, despite some "Yippie" comments - but this is the fault of the script, not the actor. Even Jar Jar Binks, while painfully annoying at the start, grew on me and is much more tolerable now.