Rating:  Summary: Fix this film up!! Please! Review: I would rather have fungus grow on me rather than this movie. I can't believe this is the first chapter in the great Star Wars trilogy. The first one we're supposed to watch. It actually would have been good if they cut Jar Jar down and maybe had him speak in a foreign language, like when the Jedi first enter Otoh Gunga, it pans to a Gungan saying something in Gunganese or whatever. IT was aweful to hear, "Exsqueeze me" and "How wude" and "Mesa luv you". The Anakin character was corny and bascially cheesier than anything I've seen before. "This is intense" and "Now this is podracing" as he "maneuvers" into the control ship and accidentally blows it up. Man, the other pilots [stink]. I felt like I was in a bad slapstick movie for kids, with Jar Jar stepping in crap and having an animal fart in his face, and with all the Bugs Bunny sound effects. I can't believe this actaully made it out. Couldn't anyone tell Lucas that it made you feel dumbed down. I think, actually I know that if he fixed those weak points and actually made it stronger and a stand alone film, it really would be at the top, first, where it should be.
Rating:  Summary: Jaba the hut my friend Review: I would say come on jaba you can do better than this but still his performance was ok but i think its an insult to him if i called him john hartson or the notorious hammy from cambuskenneth. but over all i think the film went incredibaly well as it was succes every where but i still dont call it the best film of all time. scott hamilton was reported missing for a few days and the school dollar acadamy were incredibaly worried for the upcoming star of movies today i think he was away in the auditions for episode 2 . but i shouldnt be talkin about shamoos son and more about the film, this was a hit in my houshold and also for young children all the other star wars films were mostly watched by the older people and eposode 1 was attracted by every one but motly young ones but i say come on jaba keep greased up for eposode 2. i rate this film a 4 star
Rating:  Summary: Episode 1 Review: I wouldn't call myself a Die-Hard Star Wars fan, however I do enjoy the Star Wars movies. Episode 1 was to me an entertaining and well-placed addition to the Star Wars saga. I'm sure we all know the plot by now, so I will get right to my thoughts on the film. I thought the way the movie gave clues to Anakin's future was well done. Darth Maul was by far in my opinion the best part of this film. Where have you see Episode 1 merchandice without his menacing face plastered on it? The effects were specatuclar as usual. The fight scenes were very complex and well done. My only complaint is the too much may happen in the last 1/4 of the movie. It's a bit overwhelming. Death of a hero, the planet of Naboo is reclaimed,a huge battle, and the death of Darth Maul.
Rating:  Summary: Episode 1 vs. Episode 2 Review: I wouls have say, I enjoyed Episode 1 better than Epsiode 2. In the first one, it was basically all action. Episode 2 is more of a love story, less action. Plus, the new Anakin Skywalker looks too evil. Heh. Anyway, this DVD was awesome. Its totally my favorite movie.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie....if it's not taken personally Review: I wrote this review because I just couldn't take it anymore. So many folks are giving this movie bad ratings, and there is simply no basis for it. It seems like there is some kind of bad-review bandwagon out there and people are hopping aboard without putting any thought into what this film was actually about. I am a massive Star Wars fan, and I will admit that this movie made me sneer at first. Then I realized a couple of things, such as 1) This movie was not made to personally entertain me or anyone else from the original Star Wars generation; it was made for today's generation (our children) and 2) It is easy to forget that this movie is a PRE-quel to a film made over 20 years ago! The original SW was criticized the exact same way this film was (too many effects, bad story, weak script, blah blah blah). This is also the beginning of a TRILOGY. People are saying that they miss Darth Vader without realizing that we are watching that character's creation, as well as the other events leading up to the older films. How could any SW fan be disappointed by that?No other film in history had as much to live up to as this movie did, and no other film has been scrutinized more. If the other Star Wars films didn't exist and this movie was a fresh idea, it would have been an overwhelming success. The amount of work and detail that went into this picture is a stunning achievement. If you take away the amazing computer-generated effects, you are still left with massive, intricate sets the size of small towns as well as costumes and props that are so commonplace, it becomes easy to overlook the fact that every last bit of it was taken from one man's imagination and brought to life with exquisite detail. He did not wave a magic wand; he spent years and years of his life working with hundreds of amazing people in order to give folks like you and me a two hour escape from reality. Bottom Line: If you want the same experience that the original Star Wars films gave you, then watch THOSE. If you want to experience an amazing thrill ride of what today's special effects have to offer, then watch Episode 1 (at least shut up and get it for your Pokemon-drugged kids). Or, if story and plot is ALL you care about (you boring snit), don't worry. Just stay put in front of your 1977 classic - this new series will eventually catch up to the old one. Before the re-makes come out, hopefully.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Beginning Review: I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could, the minuses being Jar Jar Binks and the acting of Jake Loyd. Otherwise, this was a terrific start to the saga. Perhaps the most exciting movie of all time, Lucas did a very good job in introducting us to the major players and where they came from. He didn't stoop to cheap sex, graphic violence, or shocking language to entertain. The pod race and the final duel stood out particularly.
Rating:  Summary: Good overall Review: I'd probably give it 5 stars if Jar Jar Binks wasn't around so much. But it's still an integral part of the Star Wars sage.
Rating:  Summary: A Force Is Strong With This One Review: I'll admit it, STAR WARS Episode I: The Phantom Menace was not perfect; but I do give it four and a half stars. Anyone who hates is movie DOES NOT understand STAR WARS. Look, Episode I was slow, but it had to be. Lucas had to set up the entire STAR WARS saga. Episode IV did not start off as slow because it had less to set up. Anyway, the reason Episode I had a different look and feel to it is simple, the galaxy at the time a much different place then it is by the time of Episode IV. The Galactic Republic is still in power and the galaxy is still a place of relative peace. Therefore, our hero's will react differently in dangerous situations than the heros of the Second Trilogy. The reason for this is that the galaxy of Episodes IV, V, and VI is a more hostile place than the galaxy of Episode I, which I said before is peaceful. In Episode I, our heros don't expect danger like the heros of the Second Trilogy do. Anyway, I can't wait for Episode II, which I have a strong feeling will turn out to my favorite of the entire STAR WARS saga.
Rating:  Summary: The Power of Dark Side Review: I'll be brief: this movie had no acting, plot, romance or humor. Special effects alone are not enough to make a movie interesting, especially a film with as much potential as Star Wars. As the initial installment in the series, this movie could have done a MUCH better job of introducting the main characters. I still think a real prologue to the series is necessary, that details the reasons WHY Palpatine moves to the Dark Side and a good story behind Anakin's mother. The plot was very weak: the conflict between Naboo and the Federation was obviously contrived and was only of marginal importance to the real issues of Anakin's early days and Palpatine's move for power. Many people have said that all of the Star Wars movies are really kids' movies, and that Jar Jar was consistent with episodes IV, V and VI. If so, why does this CG anamoly come across as excessive juvenile and irrelevant to the plot? Lucas should hire a new director and some real writers to help with Episode II. It's a shame to mar the spectacular story of the first three films.
Rating:  Summary: Like good alcoholic beverages, it improves with age... Review: I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't too impressed with The Phantom Menace upon first release. The plot seemed to have no relation to Episodes IV-VI, Jar Jar was annoying, and Obi-Wan didn't look or sound like, well, Obi-Wan. Well, Episode II changed most of that. Looking back at The Phantom Menace, it truely is not that different from Episodes IV-VI. Sure, the technology is better, and the budget is bigger, but it's in the same vein as IV-VI. This DVD has set a high bar for the five following it to reach. The video and sound quality is excellent. The extras are par none. The commentaries provide interesting information, unlike many others. And the deleted scenes allow us to see what the Special Edition of Episode I will probably look like if Lucas is alive in 2019. I only have one minor complaint: there were some other deleted scenes, even very small trims that would have required little/no effort to finish, that were left out, one of which (the "swamp + active lightsaber = dead lightsaber" snippet) is needed to make the Obi-Wan-chased-by-STAPs scene make sense. All in all, definately worth the money.