Rating:  Summary: What's in a name. Review: Attack of the Clones is no different from that of Return of the Jedi, or the Empire Strikes Back. And although I admit to being a huge Star Wars fan and a fan of George Lucas I think that raving about a title of a movie you haven't even seen is cause for those people to relax. Although Star Wars is thought provoking it is also mainly made for entertainment. I can't wait until the movie comes out and I hope people will enjoy it.tings, plots, etc. that are present throughout the entire trilogy. It is the perfect introductory movie to the Star Wars Saga. Plus, Jar Jar Binks and other comic relief are there to make this movie fun and enjoyable, since the next movies are going to be probably the darkest in the whole series. Star Wars Episode II is probably coming out on May 22, 2002. All the movies came out one Wednesdays in that week, so this is the probably date. Good luck on getting tickets, and hope all the die-hard Star Wars fans can wait till the trailers and the movie arrives. Were almost there.... MTFBWY (May The Force Be With You)
Rating:  Summary: It's a part of the Star Wars saga! Review: The real question is, "How does this CHAPTER fit in the context of the entire Star Wars saga?" From what I know about the movie (bits & pieces), it's a pivotal chapter in why Anakin becomes Darth Vader, not "how". That will be covered in Episode III. As Lucas has stated on many occasions, "When we see Return of the Jedi, we are witnessing the father's (Anakin's) vindication through Luke, his son, without really understanding what is being vindicated. That is what the prequels are about." As far as the context of the whole Star Wars saga goes,I believe that this chapter will fit like a glove. The Phantom Menace, Episode I, was merely an introduction of sorts and shouldn't be used in prejudging any of the other two prequel installments. As far as the title goes, "Attack of the Clones", it should be viewed as a chapter heading in the saga. It's liken to the Lord of the Rings trilogy; one of the movies is called, "The Twin Towers". If that were the only movie in the series, it might be seen as a lame title, but it's not. It's merely a chapter heading and " Attack of the Clones" should be seen in the same light. Whether you like the Phantom Menace or not, Attack of the Clones, I believe will fit in a lot better with the mythological tones of the original Star Wars trilogy. Look for the teaser in your local theater this November! I can't wait!!!
Rating:  Summary: Episode II Review: e II anakin and padme fall in love and get married and horror legend christopher lee is playing a bad guy named count dooku and if you liked boba fett your gonna love his father jango fett and I know much more than that but I can't tell you but I can tell you that it will be much better than episode I because it's more like the oringinal trilogy and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be there the first day it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Enough is Enough! Review: Seriously, I'm only giving this movies 3 stars because I don't think it will be that great. Episode I was dissapointing enough because of it's lack of plot and originality. Sure, George Lucas is a top-notch director, but wasn't Episodes IV, V and VI enough. They were better than great, they were superbly excellent, but that's enough. Episode I has taken long enough to come out on DVD, so Episode II will probably come out on DVD when Episode III comes out. I will go see "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones" because it is Star Wars and I love the whole Clone Wars plot which was already previously mentioned in other Star Wars films. I hope George Lucas will work very hard on this because I'm going to see it opening day on May 22nd, 2002. Hopefully, it won't be as dissapointing as the first was because it does feature Ewan MacGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi, "Eye Of The Beholder", "Moulin Rouge"), Natalie Portman (Queen Amidala, "Where The Heart Is", "Anywhere But Here"), Samuel L. Jackson (Mace Windu, "Pulp Fiction, "Die Hard 3", "Unbreakable", "Eves' Bayou") and newcomer Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker. I greatly anticpate seeing Samuel L. Jackson with a lightsaber so I'll have my cash for the release of this prequel!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars - Generation Lost Review: Quite simply, the new movies are not nearly as good as the originals - in quality (see Episode I - Phantom Menace) and especially in Titles. The basis of the Star Wars Galaxy is rooted in Epic tradition and Mythology. Episode I not only lacked all of the characteristics of being EPIC, but it also was not designed for the intelligent audience. Mysticism, creative thinking and interpretation were lost on todays audience, as the plot, story and characters were trivial and immature at best - as well as obvious and driven to a point. While Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill we able to act as young adults, our new cast are "children" by comparison. Maybe less technology and graphics and an actual story would bring back the quality. For those who think that my review is based on "I hate SW" you ar mistaken. I grew up on it, wrote my college thesis on it, have read every book and played every video game. I stand by my assessment
Rating:  Summary: GREAT MOVIE!! Review: George Lucas has done it again! He's fantastic and so is Attack of the Clones! A MUST-SEE for any Star Wars fan young and old alike. Everyone, go see it! Don't miss the opportunity of what is to be a part of the 21st century history in movies!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars:Episode 2:Attack Of The Clones Review: I think most people(from what I've heard)think the title is stupid,but since I am a BIG Star Wars fan,I think it makes since. I think the graphics will be great and the plot of the movie as well.George Lucas has yet to disapoint me.This movie should be spectacular.There should also be some interesting new characters.
Rating:  Summary: "Attack of the Clones"....Did I read that right? Review: Okay, I've got to admit, the title caught me off guard at first - sounded like a total scam (like the Episode II trailer I ended up with). Then I thought about it some more and the more I thought about it, I realized the title is going for that 1930's serial movies feeling... sorta Buck Rogers-ish. Anyways, obviously it will have to do with the Clone Wars that were listed in the Star Wars backstory/history... Regardless, I know I will see it when it comes out, but I can't say I'm enough of a hardcore fan to go stand in line for the opening weekend. Will there be more Jar-Jar? One wonders...
Rating:  Summary: Attack of the Clones Review: Yes that is the title of the episode 2. Attack of the Clones, I think they could of done a lot better on the title but they may change it. Just like they changed the third movie of the origanal trioligy The Jedi's Revenge to Return of the Jedi. To me it sounds like Send in the Clones-A xena episode lol. But i have seen the trailor and it looks very good. Especially when a girl (dont' want to ruin anything) has a lightsaber and an army of jedi's run up a hill all with their lightsabers on.
Rating:  Summary: It's Going To Be Even Better Than Episode 1! Review: "Star Wars Episode II" will be even better than "The Phantom Menace." The storyline will be much darker than "TPM" and will be similar to "The Empire Strikes Back." Jar Jar has a very brief role- Yay! I don't even have to recommend this movie, since everyone is going to see it anyway. I know the story line for "Episode 2" and "Episode 3" but I dare not say it here.